Its Bad
Released On 30th Apr 2018
Mad Cow Weekend Frolic Laps Solo Frolic Laps Fours Photographs
Marathon Half Marathon
So after some great planning and three Lodges, we hit Burnbake Forest Lodges. The first few hours entailed getting the Wine out of the Cars and into the Lodges. It was still daylight so we put the Club Kesebo up ready for the Bad Cow Frolic.
Friday night was Hot Tub and Wine night getting ready for the 3, 4, 6 or 7 laps around the Frolic route. Saturday morning came and with a sore head, we headed for the Race Brief.
The Frolic was a 12-hour event with Solo, Pairs, Three or Four Person teams, we had one four-person team and the rest Solo's. All had their plans to get the right Hat at the Awards night. 3 laps was a half, 6 marathon and 7 ultra (there was also a 10k version but ask Fez about that). At 8:30 am the race started and we were off. The weather was overcast and a bit cold but no rain and very good for building Sand Castles.
Completing four laps we had Lesley, June, Anita with Paula completing the Half along with Dave Gillard and Mel Dodge.
Sorry, can't find a phot of Dave.
Some of the Half runners and Ultra Runners taking a water break
Those completing the Marathon and 6 laps started to come in and a huge pat on the back to Caire Shucksmith and Denis Byrd for completing their first Marathons.
Others that completed the 6 laps were Liz Diamond, Richard Dodge, Steve and Lindsay.
Also Katie, Chris Woodham, and me.
We also had Sarah House and Louse Ward completing their first Ultra with 7 laps, a great achievement and well-done girls. then Kev Brittle, JC, Richard Howes and Steph Lara also completed the 7 laps.
The four-team had Daz Swithenbank, Emma Machen, Adam and Louise
Sooooo Happy
After the last YTRRC runner was in it was food and Hot Tub time with a few parties going on and of course Fez singing and dancing. The whole campsite seemed like the song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran and just by luck, I happened to have a version downloaded to my iPad.
It was a great night in Number 19.
Sunday soon came round and this meant Half and Marathon time with a few doing a double for the first time. It was colder than Saturday but still no rain and a change this year with a two lap course rather than another 6 laps.
The YTRRC runners got ready with Steve Lye on his second marathon in 20 odd years.
Steve was first over the line with Lynne our First Lady, the course was very mixed terrain with a lot of very wet bogs, mud, tracks and a very small bit of road. Just what the legs needed for day two.
Kirsty was the First Lady and also first over the line in the Half so well done Kirsty.
With all runners in it was back to the Hot Tub, food and wine. Thanks to Lindsay for the Brunch, it was about time she was in the kitchen as I had done enough cooking.
All in all a great weekend for the Club. great company and such a laugh, a big thanks to White Star Running with all the helpers and another great event. Cheers Andy, Also a big thanks you to Rob Hannam, some great photographs as always.
From Daz: What a club and what a weekend. Thank you to each and every one of you for an amazing weekend. Well done to everyone that ran, even Bungy who apparently doesn't run as well as Kev. Also, a massive well done to Steve on his first marathon in 20 years. Everyone should be proud.
Bristol 10k and Half
From Kev Doherty:
Great Bristol 10k 13th May 2 weeks to go ... Hope training is going well 🤔 ALL paid
ALL Redeemed voucher👍 Most of you have your race number. ( if not ... let me know asap)
Phil MacQuaid can you pm me Dave phone number ref coach ( as a contact).
Coach from Yeovil Town FC 0630 prompt.
Elizabeth Diamond
Dave Gillard
Kat Hurford
Claire Shucksmith
Claire Hatherell n/a ( living nearer Bristol )
Graham Still
Kevin Doherty
Bungy Williams
Angela Claire
Dave Stanfield
Deborah Stanfield
Denise Byrd
Michael Shead
Kevin Stenner
Magdalena Kusmierczyk
Steve Lye
Daz Swithenbank plus Emma Machen
Carl Chappelle-hedges
Sarah House
Stephen Warren
Trevor Strelley Pre planned transport
Podimore Group 0640 - 0645
Mel Dodge
Claire Church
James Day
Jeff Watson
Samantha Lloyd
Anita Garrett
From Anita:
Sunday 23rd September
YTRRC runners club day trip. £32 per paid up first claim YTRRC runner.
I will be collecting money (cash/cheque 'YTRRC') from this Tuesday night club run until Tuesday 5th June. Please put your money in an envelope with your name & email address on it. Sorry can't do PayPal/Bacs. Then I will email you the code to enter the race. There's a coach as usual ... and cake!
Sunday Runs
Nat Robins: Nice gentle morning group run, from Goldenstones to Mudford Sock to Marsh Lane up A37 with out stopping 😊 down to Goldcroft heading back to Goldenstones. Then for a nice Cuppa. That was our closest to Mad Cow
🐄 Frolic
Great Plastic Clean Up
From Kev Doherty:
11-13 May Daily Mail.
Just a thought 🤔 and Club promotion .
Daily Mail have been running a campaign for a number of years on groups getting together Nationwide to clean up rubbish ... my thought is ...
Saturday 12th May a group of Yeovil Town RRC members head down to Seaton Parkrun and following the parkrun we spend couple hours collecting rubbish along beach get some photos .. fish and chips then home🤔
Or if anybody knows an area locally that needs a good clean up... we do Montacute then collect rubbish locally.
Marks Runs
PUB RUN – CURRY RIVEL (26th April 2018)
This was Adam’s Pub Run tonight, and possibly our last from Curry Rivel, as it is thought the village may soon lose it’s the only pub. We ran west along the main road and hopped into a series of fields and tracks that took us to the Cider Monument. Photographs were taken, then we descended through a wooded valley reaching a field and stony track at the end. We turned right and headed towards Red Hill. Midges were out in their millions tonight. At the end of the track, it was decided to continue across fields. We passed through several hedges and came to the open entrance to a field occupied by large grey cows with their calves. While the group very slowly crossed the style and gate, the cows started running up and down the field. The cows did actually keep their distance. With everyone over the hedge, we split with a shorter group turning to climb back up to the village. The rest of us continued across fields to Wick, picking up a lane for Portfield on the edge of Langport. The final leg was one and a half miles back along a pavement on the side of the main road. The total distance was 6.5 miles. Thanks, Adam and all. I shall greatly miss the cook your own seafood on a hot rock. Thanks Alison for the photos.