A Busy Weekend of Races

A Busy Weekend of Races

Camelot Challenge

From Matt:  Matt Driver, Mark Copping, and Nolan turned up for the Camelot Challenge - This year set up by Communifit, so hopefully better marked than some dubious previous years. See pre event photo.

Using Tim's track training techniques, when the horn was blown Matt shot off at 200metre pace and third place leaving Mac and Nolan eating dust! This pace was clearly stupid and led to his 2nd mile pace being 6:45 - absolute nuts and the wheels were bound to come off.

However the gap he'd created all came to nothing when the local farmer blocked the footpath with 100 head of cows - was it on purpose? Hmmm.

Anyway, a few minutes worth of John Wayne style herding (without the help of the farmer ) and the race was back on.

Even at 10:00am when the race started, the sun was lovely and warm, so after a few good hills, everyone was sweating good and proper. Nolan had heard about the hills at the beginning, he was now finding out the descriptions weren't lies!

Cadbury Castle has a huge bonfire at the top, ready for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, and most "runners" had time to admire it as they walked the mountainous slopes to the peak.

The marshalls kept everyone on the straight and narrow, and even with a few missing signs, it seems that no-one was getting lost, although there were plenty questioning their sanity!

Sherborne Golf Club Hill was the last test, and then the drop down Red Hole Lane to the finish sorted out whether the calves had made it safely through or whether cramp was going to be the killer.

Matt finished in something like 2:08 even with the cows (hopefully a top 10 finish), Mac soon after, and then Nolan the last of the YTRRC crew. See post event photo!

Surprisingly, no other YTRRC runners ona course that has been popular in previous years, so next time book early as its a corker of a run for its views (perhaps not so much for the hills).

We're awaiting the results, so look out for the update attachment.

AGM on Tuesday 

The AGM is on Tuesday so no Club Run, please book as soon as so we have numbers for food and let Phil know any dietary requirements.

We are looking for a new Lady Club Captain so if you wish to apply please send an email to Steve or a Committee member.

The Accounts can be seen Here

Dorchester RIOT 10K

Flying Start for Yeovil at the Dorchester RIOT 10K.

From Tim: Nice gun time of 10:30 gave Sharon, Tim and Honey a leisurely start to the morning but it did mean the day was hotting up. Tim was running with Honey from the back of the group with the other dogs and took off making it into the top 20 by the end of the first mile. After many dips in troughs completed in about an hour in 35th. Honey was 1st dog. Sharon went flying at 1 1/2 miles. A proper tumble grazing her knee and hands. The Paramedics were quick on the case offering Sharon a lift in their shiny ambulance. No said Sharon there is bling at the end of this and carried on. The medics did check on her at regular intervals. Sharon limped over the finish line in 1:21. Didn't recognise any other Yeovil Town runners.

Schools Cross Country

From Adam:  We are organising the Somerset Inter Area Primary Schools Cross Country event this Wednesday 25th at Yeovil/Mudford Rec. Any help any time between 3.00 and 6.00pm would be wonderful!!



10k Bosun

From Taryn: At the 10k Bosun run over Thornecombe beacon and golden cap.

Sunday Runs

From Mags: Sunday half, sunny, muddy, hilly, gorgeous.

Such great views on our door step, sadly the engagement is now off.

From Helen: Sunday Club Run Beat Box mission complete - 22 boxes tapped thanks all for joining me great company, great weather what better way to spend the morning.

The May 5

From Adam: The May 5 in Poole this morning. Starting and finishing at the track. It’s warm, that hurt. 30:29 (new 5M PB) and 35th/270 - some really quick guys there this morning


Manchester Half Marathon

From Jo:  Manchester Half Marathon - loved it but i have nothing left . Graham Still just to prove Yeovil wasn’t a fluke . All these thousands of people & I bumped into a friend from work both at the start & finish Kayleigh.

Jurrassic Coast Challenge

From Linsey: So as some of you may know I may have took on the challenge of running/ walking 100k along the jurassic Coast this weekend. I started at 9 am from corfe Castle with my fab support crew Stephen Warren and Joey who were carrying all my gear round the route for me for whenever I need it. The weather was beautiful and I bumped into Andy Morgan and Paul who were running the marathon part. It was a great route with a few massive massive hills chucked in. I was joined at rest stop 1 (11k in) by joey, who ran/ walked with my to rest stop 2 (25k in). We laughed and took In the sites and then met my next support crew at stop 2, Joanna Henley and Linda Membury, together with their better halves lol Triss Samuel and Steve Membury who I'm sure were just there for the Ice cream lol. I also bumped into my bestie Vanessa Wiles who was having a well earned break before heading back out. It was a very hilly jog from this point with jo and Linda loved. This part got us to rest stop 3 at Lulworth Cove where I was greeted by more friends and family who cheered me in which was very emotional. Thanks Abi Saunders, Freya, Karyll, Terry, my sister Cheryl Parsons, joey and Casey for the big cheer. I then jogged the next part on my own which was about another 10 miles to Weymouth stop, this would be the 58k mark, so over half way. Just as I left Lulworth i saw some familiar faces, Denise Blackburn and John Blackburn, the reason i was doing this in the first place lol who gave me a hug and a cheer. Once we reached Weymouth I then had some grub here and was met by my next support crew members Graham Still , Yunmi Jang, Vicky and Jac and was also presented with a lovely fruit cider and mini prosecco from Natasha Smith and Shelley Lawrence who had been sending me lovely voice notes all day. At this point it was time to put warmer clothes on and get back out as it was tea time now and getting dark. Our next stop was Abbotsbury where we then had to switch on head torches and put on hi vi's plus a change of clothes and a waterproof coat cos it was piddling with rain which wasn't great. Still with the same support crew we headed back out with another 17k to go. We had one more stop which was just a short way on from hive cafe where I decided I only needed a wee and no stopping as I wanted to get the race done, especially after 2.5k of beach shingle I was having a humour failure. So with only 6k to go off we went. We were then met with medics in the dark on the top of the coast ridge checking we were okay And to warn us that the nice steep decent down the last cliff into West Bay was very slippery and their best advice was to go down on our bums, I was like 'yeah right'. Two mins into our descent I was on my arse with Yunmi finding it quietly funny lol. It was only 2k to the finish now and all road yay. We won't talk about the finish line, apart from I came at it from behind. I quickly rectified this and came at it the right way and was greeted by, wait for it...... about 5 people lol. 2 of them were joey and Steve lol. Well I shouldn't have expected much more at 4 am lol. After a quick leg massage in the tent, quick change, a free breakfast and sleep home in the car we got home, jumped into bed and had a few hours kip, then back down to West Bay to see my bestie Ness come Over the finish line. She smashed it and so proud of her. We have both rested and are a little sore with a few blisters but we did it. I even managed a game of rounders at the rec tonight with Carly Greenhorn, which was a laugh. I'm uncertain of my official time as I think it's wrong on the results so I've emailed them but I did it in 19 hours and was around 14th female in which is fab . Thanks everyone for their love, support and donations to MIND charity, I'm feeling overwhelmed and still can't believe what I have just achieved.. Goes to show if you put your mind to it, anything is possible xx   


From Mark: A great Pub Run tonight planned and led by JC. Parts of which were an adventure into the unknown. We started off with JC, Rob, Alison, Rachael, Paul, June, someone new, and myself, and we ran up the hill past Oil Moor. At the top we turned right, and right again. The path led to fields which we crossed taking all of us to Pen Cross where photos were taken. We continued southwards down the lane, and before reaching the railway line turned right at Kit Hill. We descended, crossing fields and passed a group of cute cows which were penned in outside of Bryant’s farm. At Pendomer the group split with Rob, Alison, and Rachael going off a different way. The rest of us entered a farm yard and continued westwards crossing fields at Pen Moor. The run got interesting at this point, as the first 3 fields had tall crops forcing us to make detours around the edges. We found our way and reached Grove farm before coming out on a lane. At Hardington Marsh we picked up the Monarch’s Way and crossed several fields heading north. In one field we attracted a group of cows who ran over to say hello. As we walked/ran you could hear the thunder of hooves behind as they followed. We then climbed passing Townsend farm before reaching the road at Hardington Mandeville. As time was getting on at this point, we ran through the village, passed the church, and continued down to Milcombe farm. Turning right, the path took us back to the pub. It was a great cross country run / ramble and a little unusual. Thanks JC and thanks Phil for organising. The pub and food was welcoming again.


Released On 17th May 2022

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