A Great Day in Manchester

A Great Day in Manchester

Easter Bunny

From Me: We are now up to 340 runners and getting a few in every day, hopefully this will bring in some much needed dosh into the Club Funds. I am still looking for more marshals and as we will have to use a Field nearby for parking we will need some people to help with Parking. We will also be setting up the Club Gazebo and hopefully selling Tea/coffee/cakes but more on this nearer the time. I will up date the Marshal list this week and post it and will give out times needed. I have 500 medals that will need to get taken out and then hung up ready to give to the runners at the end.  

Manchester Marathon

From Richard: A great day for the YTRRC contingent at Manchester marathon today. A really good course and perfect weather conditions made for some great times, PB’s for Magdalena Golebiowska, Jeff Watson and myself not quite a PB for Leigh Parsons but still well inside 3:45 so a great run. Mark Pike led the way for Yeovil with a fantastic 3:22, can’t comment on how that sits in Marks best times.

Obviously a massive event so unfortunately we didn’t all manage to meet up for a team photo.

Taunton Marathon

From Dan: Taunton Marathon done. Great to have my little supporter at the finish line 3:26 definitely tough on the legs after last weekends ultra.

Marnhull 12k

From Anita: A beautiful day for the Marnhull 12k. Only 4 YTRRC runners as Janette turned up as a lonely goat! We managed to get an up close of butts close before we started. Sorry Sam we didn’t see you for the photo! They described it as undulating but that’s not quite the word I would use….Rach ran so fast to get her 10K PB that she had to have a little lie down whilst I just wanted food!

Well done all! #bestclubever

Yeovil Primary Schools Cross Country Event 5

From Adam: 

This Wednesday April 6th

Yeovil/Mudford Rec.

Any help any time between 2.00pm and 5.00pm gratefully received.

400 - 500 children expected!!

Testway 40

From Anita:  An early start for this point to point one, with Tara and Lynne, this had rolled over from pre Covid. Sadly (but sensibly - a rare thing in runners!) Lynne made the decision to stop at 18 miles as was unwell, leaving Tara and I to complete the course. Pleased to finish in daylight and as this is the furthest distance I have completed happy with the time considering the bonus miles. Roll on number 100 in a few weeks ...


From Mark: Only five for tonight’s pub run, and two (JC and me) in the not so fast group. The first pub run post clocks change so no head torches were needed but it was cool. It had tried to snow earlier. I varied the route from last time so we ran anti clockwise through Middle Chinnock, over Poop Hill bridge and up the lane towards Chiselborough. We ran up Pease Hill, and turned right at the top. We ran down Smokey Hole lane and turned right. This lane descended back down to Chiselborough. Pen Hill has a statue of a horse at it’s top which we passed. We then did a small loop passing the church and pub which at one point gave great views towards Norton Sub Hamdon and Ham Hill. The remainder of the run was back to the pub by the route we came up, at which point the sun was setting giving lots of atmosphere. After was good food and chat in the pub.


Released On 3rd Apr 2022

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