A Great Night

A Great Night

Club Diner Night

First of all a big thank you to Anita who has organised the last few years the Awards / Diner night at Haselbury, it was another great night, if anyone wants to step up and plan next years then get in touch. Lesley sorted the Hats so a big thanks to you as well. 

Sunday Runs

From Mags: Sunday morning trail run with @cronetmania Magdalena Golebiowska and a couple of the Sunday gang around the trails of Odcombe. Nice to get out even if its bloody cold and find new paths linking up with trails known. #running #runninglife #runningcommunity #runningcouple #polishgirlenglishboy #trailrunner #trailrunning #freetrain

From Jo: Lovely chilli but sunny Sunday morning run with Lesley Nesbitt Helen Nesbitt Malcolm Melanie Denham Linda Membury Martin & Helen.

Cyprus International Challenge

From Simon: First race of the 4 day Cyprus International Challenge done. 6 km time trial, Nikki did 26 mins 30 secs, I was a bit slower. Woke this morning to thunderstorm but 24° & sunny by the time we ran. Tomorrow is 11km, trail run uphill from sea level to 2,000ft. Enjoy!

4 day ( or in my case 3 day!) Challenge complete with Paphos 10km. Beautiful setting for finish on the harbour. Kept up with Nikki but at a respectful socially distant gap of 50 metres! We have our own awards dinner tonight, meanwhile it is time to sunbathe by the pool.

YTRRC London  Marathon Team



Released On 28th Nov 2021

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