A Great Weekend in Berlin

A Great Weekend in Berlin

London Marathon 

Good luck to all those heading to London for the Virgin Money London Marathon, have a great time and enjoy, also those running it virtually.

Christmas Diner 

I have done a poll on Facebook to see how many are wishing to come and if bringing a guest, this is so we can gauge the cost and work out the discount for Club Members only. If you are not on Facebook you can send me an email or any of the Committee. Thanks

Berlin Marathon

A very well done to Rich and Jeff for the Berlin Marathon this morning, it looks like it was great weather. There were a couple of us tracking them on the BMW Berlin App. 

From Rich: YTRRC did Berlin marathon 2021 today with myself and Jeff Watson. Thanks for all the messages and to Bungy Williams for keeping our running buddies posted on progress. Unfortunately Jeff suffered from some dehydration issues in the last 10k but after a bit of medical assistance picked himself up to complete the event, well done Jeff it was hot out there happy to report he’s fine now and we shall be doing some proper rehydration this evening.

New Forrest Marathon

Saturday saw four club members travel down to St Giles House in Dorset for the New Forrest Marathon, Lynne, Anita, Dan and I. It was good running weather with a slight drizzle for a two lap of some wonderful countryside. A well run event with a Medal, T-Shirt and Buff.

Sunday Runs

From Lesley: Virtual Camelot challenge completed yesterday. A lovely, sociable morning spent in the company of Taryn, Katie and our navigator, Lisa Hallett who did an amazing job having to contend with loss of signal/GPS. I was told it was tough, but that was an understatement. However, now it's done and dusted I won't say never again as the views are amazing. Also, I believe the real thing includes lots of food so that will definitely be an incentive.

Winchester Half

From Malcomb: On Sunday 19th September I was back in my "Yeovil" vest running the Winchester half marathon. I last ran this event in 2019 and while remembering the long challenging hill in the first mile and half, I forgot the next three hills and the climb at seven miles! I finished in 1:59:26 and was second in my age group. I thoroughly enjoyed the run, which starts and finishes in the main street of Winchester outside the Guildhall, before setting out west and south through some lovely villages and countryside. The event was well organised and there was great support from the people of Winchester and the surrounding villages.

Corsham 10k

From Adam: Believe I was the sole representative here at Corsham 10k today. 18th place in 39:06, PB by over 2 mins. Well happy with that! Lovely peacock medal (with the wrong date on it, olympics-style), t-shirt and a beer. Thoroughly recommend this event for next year.

Park Runs

From Rachael: A bit of Parkrun tourism in Liverpool! 

From Adam: Slow Weymouth Park Run with buggy etc followed by sea swim.

From Dave: Great time at Crosby with the iconic statues… 100 of them apparently. As you can see, one of them doubles as a Marshal on parkrun day.


PUB RUN – PITNEY (23RD September 2021)

From Mark: Myself, Rob, JC, Nick, and Sue, left the pub and ran down the hill to the village of Pitney. We took the second left and ran through the village to the church and took the next right. We ran along Leazemoor lane and turned left at around the 2 mile point. This road became a very steep hill. At the top we stopped for a photoshoot near the windmill. At the edge of High Ham we turned left and ran down into Low Ham where there is a church set back in a large field. We climbed to hill to New Way and turned left to run down Culver Hill. We ran back through Pitney using to other route and climbed back up the hill to the pub. Pub and food was great. It was very busy and noisy. It was another great night out.

SWCP Update.

From Donna: Yippee we have another finisher Martin Alderman, well done I think all your miles were run. Others that are so close to finishing are

Sara Driver 4.75 miles left

Nichola Chesterton 9.05

Mel Cox 21.70

Natasha Turner 48.00

Shaun Powell 61.57

40 Halfs

From Yunmi: I set a goal on the New Year Eve( my 40th birthday) to run a 40 Half Marathon in 2021. As it was lockdown, dark and gloom, not much to look forward for each day. Hoping that I could run at least with one buddy each time. As the time went by lockdown has been eased and gone, and a little group became 6 and more. Our friendship grew and SLR( Sunday Long Run) became ritual. It seems taking forever but with endless banter, 13.1 miles wasn't enough so we started to run even longer many times. Many ups and downs for me and our friends. We stopped and cried and celebrated together. Thank you everyone for being part of my challenge. The challenge has completed!!

But for now, well done Richard Clayton and Jeff Watson for your Berlin Marathon and looking forward to celebrate your achievement when we next meet up and Good luck everyone for VLM and virtual VLM next week.


Released On 24th Sep 2021

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