A Key Time in France

Argentan September 2017 by YTRRC


   The Full Photographs    The Full Results

So it started at 3:30am with a Key at the Fleet Air Arm Museum with 15 cars trying to get into the Car Park (more on this later). Dave our Coach Driver was as ever there on time and ready to go. We loaded up and did a head count, was it 32 or 31 sod knows let’s just go. We made our way to Portsmouth was out incident and all was good, got our tickets and off onto the boat, the technical term is get on Board, thanks Kev for this info. We were put in our group room (Cabin, cheers again Kev) and were told that Breakfast (Scran, cheers Kev) would be served at 8:30am. Up we went and the serious carp loading for the Race the next day started.

Just a note this is the best Wine with an English Fry Up.


After Breakfast the brains of the Club went up to the Bar for the Quiz, Team Two started great but soon fell down to earth when Kev given the Remote Control.


Once we finally got to our destination and the Hotel a recce was done on the nearest Bar / Pub, can’t remember much of this part of the day.

In the Evening we went up to the Hanger / Gym for the Pasta Party and more Red Wine. Once again our hosts looked after us with a Punch, Pasta and good company. I am not sure what else happened at this event but we eventually started walking back to the Hotel via the Irish Bar.




When I finally got back to the hotel I thought it was time to get my kit and gels ready for tomorrow race but no, I was then made to go to a Room Party so I guess the Sub 1:30 was out the window now. When we got up there was a panic as Andy Brown was AWOL (cheers Kev) Andy did not get back to his room and no one could find him. A search was done and finally Andy was found on the next floor in an empty room. His room was on the ground floor but after the said room party he thought he was at home so went up stairs and found a room. 

Saturday and Race day came with the Group photograph outside the Hotel followed by our normal trip to the large Supermarket for a top up and some breakfast / lunch.

Then back to the Hotel and the Pizza Hut next door for some pre-race energy.

With the Club runners now at the Race HQ it was time for more serous training and stretching.


The relay second runners set off for the Wood and the changeover point and the rest of us hit the start line ready for the Gun to go off. It was a hot start with hardly any wind or cloud, just right to get last nights Red out of the system.

With the race started we had Paul Bonner, Robbie Hawkins and Steve Lye chasing to be the first Club runner over the line, the next batch was the three drunks followed by Pete, Fez was the early drunk in the lead with Kev following and me keeping both in my sights. At the 5-6 mile point I was hanging out and dehydrated but was gaining on Kev and with his Mad Cow face on I passed him and then had Fez in my sights. I was still waiting for Pete to catch me up but couldn’t see him.

When I got to the Wood I passed Fez and Adam took a few photographs. Fez must of still been drunk as I passed him he did not see me. I can see why he didn't see me it's because I was in front of him. 

I asked Adam if he had any Pizza but sadly he did not so I cracked on down the straight through the wood at about the 7-8 mile point and Fez did a sprint to catch me up with “how did you get in front of me? Did you take a short cut?”  I just laughed and made my way up the hill and lost Fez.

I finally got to the finish line and then waited for Fez but Kev crossed the line, then Pete and Fez then decided to cross the line, his face was worse than Kevs at Mad Cow.

Robbie was first over for the Club followed by Paul then Steve, Jo Henley was our first lady with a Sub 2 and both Jo and Robbie would be drinking from their Cups / Award later that night.

Slowly all the Club runners made their way over the line and each lady was given their Rose as they crossed the line. Soon we were all back on the Coach and on our way back to the Hotel for sleep and get ready for the night time / morning activities.

Jo our first Lady over the line

The theme this year was smart casual as soon we started to appear at the Hotel Bar, we then had a phot taken while we could all stand.

It was then back up to the Hall for the grand entrance as the Club always do, this year we came in to the theme of James Bond. We marched in in pairs as our guest stood and cheered. We then had some great food and wine and then the music started. Carol's son had his laptop hooked up to some speakers and a database of songs, sadly not enough Ed but luckly I had some on my phone.

We then made him play all the 70's,80's, 90's and some upto date stuff that we thought we could dance to. It stared with YMCA and went down hill from there. A few of the Club did move faster on the Dance Floor than around the course lol.

Guess the Songs

 We then gave the organisers an Ash T-Shirt each which went down really well.

Carol in the middle

The Three Drunks Team

Fez just did his own thing to the amusement of Lousie 

The Frenchman were not that imprest with Fez

We then gave out the awards to our Club winners, Jo and Robbie

The Cups were later filled with Red Wine

We finally stopped about 3am, even when the young lad had put his laptop away we made him do one more song. All in all a great night and one that will stay in the memories of all that went. Well done all, the photographs are just part of the story and in all the phots there in nothing but smiles or laughter and a bit of wine.

The final day saw a visit to Carols house. 


Just a final note to say thank you to you all for making this a great weekend and one that the Club can be proud of. 

Even when we got back and could not get into the Car Park and had to get the MGS to turn up with the spare key because they had changed the padlock on us made me laugh.

Thanks to Phil and Pete for all their work and as you all know it is back on next year....we think



Released On 2nd Oct 2017

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