A Race to the Water

A Race to the Water

Charmouth Challenge Race Report 2023.      Results

From Matt: Only one of a very few Southern Fell Races, so you know its going to be a tough 8 miles, so much so, some took an easier option today and ran Ham to Lyme!

Stonebarrow Hill is brutal so close to the start and keeps going upwards to Chardon Hill. Langdon Hill in between. You've then got Golden Cap itself. Broom Cliff adds to the height gain. And finally past Cain's Folly, which is the other end of Stonebarrow Hill.

All the lumps and bumps have valleys to drop down into, but typically the downs don't cancel out the ups!

Adam Switzer was far too fast being 28th overall in 1:13:37 and needs to be banned from the club for being too fast. Similarly, Harriet Munday was first YTRRC in 1:19:56 having overcome stomach cramps for which SHE needs banning. Yunmi Jang did 1:21:37 having said at the start how she was ready for the race - Ban her! And Stephen Warren pipped me in the last 100m, so he definitely needs banning!

Personally, I was amazing and had a wonderful race!

Those that are allowed to stay in the club then followed...such as Robert Adams, although he needs to slow down just to relieve the pressure on me.

Lindsay Saunders has a blistering pace, but needs to watch those twists and turns - they can be cracking!

Helen Nesbitt ran WITH Mum, and beat her by more than 4 minutes, although Lesley Nesbitt won her age group and a trophy!

Andy Hale is new to my reports, earning his place by belting round such a difficult course! Nice one Andy!

Joanna Samuel wasn't bothered if it was a points race or not, in fact she was so not bothered she even missed hubby Triss Samuel at the finish!

Anita Garrett needs to lose 5 seconds off the chip time next year, and also needs to stand at the front in team photos - you're just a head, my dear!

Then came the battle of the Claire's...Claire Shucksmith getting the chip time by one second over Claire Church!

Great race, with the school fete afterwards serving beer and burgers! Town Crier did the results, and the village brass band lent a musical accompaniment.

On a day not to be lost, Matt lost his car keys (left on the bar), Yunmi Jang lost her sunglasses (stolen by a wave). Everyone lost Yunmi Jang - she went to another part of the beach - but all in all everyone was a winner!

Helen Nesbitt's cakes were awesome, as always!

Beach fun afterwards, so thank you to Yunmi Jang and Joanna Samuel for a borrow of the paddle boards, and to Robert Adams and Claire Church for being swimming pals. Next time, don't get amongst the rocks - my feet hurt!

Ham to Lyme 50k

From Nat: Yesterday saw me do the Ham to Lyme 50k, yes it took me longer (which I did say in an email, belongs I was back before the 100k I would be fine). There was some points where I thought that was me done gonna have to pull out. Then got lost (well in the right field but not heading to the pole ). I was on my own all the way so my sat nav on my watch didn't let me down, well abit , found out that cows are OK had no choice but to go through. Finally made it 11 hr 8 mins yes I am proud of my time. Hubby was at the finish line with fish n chips of course.

From Eleanor: The Three Amigos strike again tackling Ham Hill to Lyme Regis Ultra with Taryn Monks and Gemma Murley

A bit stop and start at the beginning as so many runners trying to navigate the narrow paths but once we got to Smokey Hole Lane we were able to find our pace. Taryn flying down the hills.

Gemma had a bit of a fright at about 6miles in when she hopped over a gate for a wee and came across a chap just having a poo

The first check point at 9miles seemed to take ages to get to so we quickly filled our bottles up and grabbed some goodies and off we went. The start of the up and down hills and a mixture of grassy fields and cobble stone tracks.

We got a bit lost with many others doubling back in the cider orchard but managed to clamber through a small bog and back out onto the correct path.

Onto Haselbury Plucknett after crossing the A30 towards North Perrott where we saw and heard the Bovey brothers Jan Bovey Jody Bovey heading towards us. The first 100k runners looking very strong considering they’d already run 40k.

It was lovely to see so many support crews stopping at arranged points to help their club members out. I gratefully took a bottle of water off one of them as I had run out. It was getting hot and my hands were swelling up.

We saw Bill, Ben and little weed in Winsham and saw many other pot scarecrows. Took a rest on the “rest a while” bench and some photo opportunities. Check point 2 reached and saw other runners who had got lost through the farm coming down the road towards us. One runner looked like she was having a picnic sat in the churchyard.

The new diversion around Ford Abbey was lovely and saw a very low reservoir which I didn’t know was there. My hubby and child found us at this point which was lovely to see. Through Thorncombe and started to climb up a hill that never seemed to stop up across the B3165 and the steep climb up towards Lamberts Castle which Taryn had seen saying for miles are we nearly there yet. We caught our first glimpse of the sea and a fantastic view point. Down the other side towards check point 3. The best goodies on offer. The watermelon was just what I needed.

I found some energy and took it steady. Gemma was start to hurt with her feet. We nearly got lost near Wotton Fitzpaine as we were following the tramped grass but Gemma spotted two red and white tape markers the opposite side of the field so we back tracked.

The climb across Penn farm up towards the A35 was horrendous and Gemma and I were struggling, it never seemed to stop. Taryn stomped up the hill and saw her hubby waiting for her. We got to check point 4 and refuelled and saw Jan Bovey the first 100k runner catch us up he still looked so strong. Crossing the road was difficult as it was so busy but the marshal got us across safely.

We got properly lost in the woods as there was no tape and no one in front of us. I saw an old blue trail sign but it didn’t register. People started to follow us. We went down the hill only to come to a dead end so rather than going back up the hill we clambered and clawed our way through moss, bogs, holly and tree branches until we were back on the right path. The others must have turned back and I noticed later by other runners pictures they put an arrow out of sticks to mark the correct way.

We knew we were close to the last stretch so Taryn and Gemma picked up the pace and I bimbled on behind. We got to the tarmac river walk and was so pleased to be nearly there. We got to the Brewery and then the chippy turned right towards the clock tower then past the marine theatre to the finish where we could hear people calling out names and taking photos. We had finished

31 hot and hilly miles with these two lovely ladies. Well done for Gemma popping her marathon and Ultra cherry in one go. well done to all the runners out there!

Exeter 10k River Run

From Margarita: So this weekend has been busy, consisted of two races this weekend. The first on Friday the Exeter 10k River Run which was an undulating run next to the river. And then today the Quantock Beast, a trail run with lots of hills and an uphill start and finish. Nice to see another Yeovilite in Rob Adams doing the race, even though he'd done charmouth the day before he still beat me.

Park Runs

From Terry: Frogmary Parkrun, not so many of us as there were some amazing challenges taking place today. Well Done to everyone.

From Charles: Cai…read 15 weeks old …and I, for his first ever park run. I have to say, he was pottentialy quicker than me! Long lay offs do not help but I WILL get back to something near to older times. I miss you guys and your inspiration…I very seriously, do.

PS. At least we weren’t last …..

From Kev: Parkrun tourism and Palermo, Capital of Sicily, There are 3 parkruns in Palermo, we did Uditore which has been established for 7 years and was Italys very first parkrun event. With a population of over 800K how can the event attract average of 28 people , 47 people attending this weekend, probably 10-12 being British, The parkrun organisers were absolutely fantastic, such a little community, some locals had parkrun milestones , Fantastic looking cake to celebrate and we were made to stay for food and drink.

Portland 10

From Jo: Portland 10 saw only three female green & whites today, but what a force we were . During our road trip to the island, Anita Farquhar Rufus & I were trying to ease Sharon Hardy in gently describing what is actually a brutal route as undulating with no silly hills, they just go on for a little bit!! Well, the look on her face as she crossed the line hand in hand with Anita suggested our description may not have been that accurate . We all put in very respectable times given the warm weather (& I was still had yesterdays Charmouth Challenge and Fun Run 2023 in my legs!!) & some of us may return next year while others may not.

Forde Abbey 10K 

YTRRC does Forde Abbey 10K well done too all.

PUB RUN – MOSTERTON (29TH June 2023)

From Mark: We had a good turn out tonight with 10 in the not so fast group (JC, Helen, Rachael, Lesley, Suzanne, Sue, Rob, Louise, Paul, and myself). At Mosterton, this group mostly uses one of two routes. Either all road, or mostly cross country. Being warm and sunny we opted for the mostly cross country route. Leaving the pub we headed off across fields towards South Perrott. The Langmore lane track has quite heavily over grown with vegetation. From the village we headed up the lane to Pipplepen farm and turned left. We crossed water by a wooden foot bridge then headed off across more fields, which took us to Misterton. We crossed the back of the village by a series of foot paths. The group stopped at the swings and slides for a photoshoot. Passing goats, the allotments, and descending steep stone steps we came down to the main road. We then turned right, then left, and picked up the Liberty Trail. We crossed fields of maize and wheat and came out on a road. A steep climb up a path took us to the top of Knowle hill. The last leg back to the pub was via Mosterton Down Lane. As always, the pie of your choice with help yourself vegetables was a very good meal.

Released On 30th Jun 2023

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