A Sunny Weekend

A Sunny Weekend

Eastbourne Half Marathon

From Simon: Malcolm Maxted finished well ahead of me. There was a challenging hill around three miles in and the last mile was into a 30mph headwind. But well managed and marshalled.

Thames with a bit of Game of Thrones 

From Anita: Another great day up London way with Lynne and Tara, doing the Saturn running 'I run and I know things' marathon. Nice trail route along the Thames, although rather muddy, soggy and slippy under foot.

Marathon Training 

Once again Tim Hawkins delivered a great training session at Ninesprings that involved 4 x 4k laps with a 4 min break between each one, with a 10 min warm up I managed to get in 13 miles. Thanks to Tim and I would recommend doing this, you do not have to be running a marathon or even a half it's just good training and some great tips.

10k Training 

Another good turn out for Graham Sat morning for some Hill work in the Sun.


2020-21 Membership

You should have received an email ref your membership and it's renewal, you will get another two with a 15 day notice and then a final one saying overdue, the last two only if you have not paid. Also remember the London Marathon places you need to be a paid up member before the AGM.  

Sherborne sports Centre 10k

From Kev:  Sherborne sports Centre 10k today. Fantastically supported by large number of YTRRC . This is a 9am race start which means time for coffee and cake after and still home by lunchtime. The course is challenging and undulating from the start heading out of town and back along towards the Castle ... some ups and downs and then heading back across A30 before a steady Climb for a considerable distance ( it felt like). So it was on roads/Paths and Lanes .. some lanes were muddy due to recent wet weather ... drink station at about 4km .. once final accent was made .. it then seemed like steady decline to finish ... except after crossing back over A30 ... a short sharp shock of 50 metres vertical... I can say our whole Club presence was great ... some guys achieved beyond what they expected and other helped and ran with friends ... overall well marshalled and a great atmosphere.. great to see Lauren May Price who was 1st lady ( and course PB?) 40:?? I believe.... apologies no photos ... please add if you have some ...

Park Runs

Montacute / Goldenstones was cancelled so a few headed for Frome and Windsor.



Marks Runs


It was another of Ali’s Alley runs tonight with the main group (Rob, J.C. Matt, Myself, Louise, Mel C, and Linda) led by Rob. From the pub we ran west, turned right down Forest Hill, and then took paths and roads to Pine Tree Avenue. We ran along Lysander road, and into Ninesprings via the disused railway line. We ran paths up to Petters Way, and round the outside of the church. We ran down steps and made our way to Eastland Road, and Kiddles. Further running took us to Highfield road, and Milford road via paths. We ran through a park up to Folly Fields and along more streets to come out at the top of Mudford Road. We ran to Mudford Rec via Combe Street lane, and Sparrow Road via paths crossing Mudford road. We made our way to Princes Street passing the front of the Hospital. We continued down West Hendford, crossed Lysander road, and entered Rustywell Park. We climbed a steep path to Hendford Hill. The final leg was a climb to the pub at the top of the hill. The run was 6.4 miles with low and high points at 62 ft and 341 ft. Thanks to Rob and Alison for the alley runs.

Released On 1st Mar 2020

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