A Waddle in Exeter

A Waddle in Exeter

Liverpool Rock and Roll Marathon

I will add Lynne's detail on here when I get it. Another hot one I reckon.


From Graham: Great day for the Wessex Ridgeway, well done to team X, Gary Stickley, Nathan Gardiner, Tim Howes, Magdalena Kusmierczyk and myself, fantastic result....2nd overall!!

Exeter Marathon

Today saw the Exeter Marathon and also a 10, nor sure if it was k or mile. The Marathon starts at Exeter Football Club and finishes on the Quay. The Race started at 9 am but as Kev and I were sorting our Bag drop we noticed a Green and White shirt so went to investigate, Paula Odam who kept this on the hush. Naturally, I asked her if she had consumed the Marathon training juice aka Red Wine. Anyway, what a lovely hot day as we ran down to the River and quite a few out and backs and it just got hotter and hotter but they did have plenty of water at hand in fact nearly every 2 miles nearly.

With Kev Brittle first Club member over the line and then with a PB and first Club lady Paula Odam, Paula's first Marathon and a great effort. All runners got a Cotton T-Shirt, Medal and free Ice Cream 


Wambrook Waddle 10k Trail Race

From Lesley: Well that's got to be one of the toughest 10ks around. Lovely scenic route with views and bluebells despite the hills and very rutted dry ground. A very well done to our prize winners today - Paul 3rd male and Harriet her age category.

Judith Wilson: I did a multi-terrain race today - the Dilton Dash 10k - and can identify with the problem of the rutted hard ground. Won over by the sunshine and gorgeous scenery, though.

St Margaret’s Hospice Glitter 5K Run

From Mel Dodge: YTRRC & friends do Glitter Busting at St Margaret’s Hospice Glitter 5K run. Wincanton Racecourse.

Had a brilliant day out chucking pink glitter at the runners/walkers. We were given large ghost buster pack packs which were large garden sprays full of glitter mixed with water & some dry glitter. Although the ‘busters’ had been trialled, they couldn’t handle the task & broke, so we had to improvise & throw sludge. Was great fun. The big kids & the little kids enjoyed it!
We saved some especially for Kimberly so she didn’t miss out!!. There was another club member running but she must have been in disguise!
Going to be finding glitter for days!

Entering Races

Please can you ensure that when you enter Races and that the details are correct on your profile on FullonSport as a lot of Races are using them. The Club name needs to be "Yeovil Town RRC" not as YTRRC or Yeovil Town Road Running Club. This needs to be right for any Team Prizes.

Park Runs

Back to Montacute Saturday for some.

Message from the Chairman

Unfortunately, the Dave Richardson track handicap will not take place on 18th May but has been re-sited on Friday 22nd June.

This is a 3k track handicap. If you wish to take part please contact Tim Hawkins by email at runnerhasbeen@yahoo.co.uk  with a recent 5k time e.g. the Chairman's handicap or 10k race so that he can calculate your handicap.  It is an excellent event and I encourage as many of you as possible to take part.

Yeovil Marathon and Heron Half

It is just over three weeks to these events and Bryn Phillips has worked incredibly hard to organise what will be a fantastic day. However, he still requires more marshalls and helpers. We appreciate that marshalling for six to seven hours is a daunting prospect so we are exploring the possibility of a rota system so that individual marshalls will be relieved after a much shorter period.  There are nearly 200 Club members. 30 are running the events leaving 170 potential helpers! I would be grateful to any Club members who could find the time to help us out.  If you are able to help or wish to know more about it please contact Bryn directly at racedirector@yeovilmarathon.com

Malcolm Maxted, Chairman

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – MOSTERTON (17th May 2018)
Planned by Phil, this great route was led by myself and J.C. It was a repeat of a previous summer pub run. Leaving the pub in sunshine, we headed northeast across fields towards South Perrott. A track and muddy path took us into the village alongside a stream. We then ran northwards up a lane to Pipplepen farm. We turned left and came off the lane to head off across more fields. A group of highly curious small cows joined us as we reached the road. Crossing over, a path took us through the houses of Misterton. Further on we passed football fields and allotments. Steps took us down to the road where we split. The longer group continued right up the main road. Crossing over we ran up a lane to a chapel, then climbed up fields, basically guessing the route. We became lost and just headed towards pylons and the lane. Crossing private land we came to the road a few hundred yards east of the intended exit. We ran up the road and turned left to climb a muddy path through vegetation. At the top we joined a lane. From here we cruised along and downwards back to Mosterton. Just over 6 miles, much of it cross-country in warm sunshine, it was good running tonight. Thanks Phil and all. Thanks again Alison for the photos.


Released On 20th May 2018

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