A Weekend in Manchester

A Weekend in Manchester

Released On 15th Apr 2023

Boston Marathon

We had Richard Running the Boston Marathon tomorrow so will add this to the blog tomorrow.

Manchester Marathon.        Full Results

We had 6 runners in the Manchester Marathon with Graham first over the line in 3:08:28 for the Club and we had Sophie our First Lady in 3:36:51. Well done to you both and the others, great running. 

From Graham: Manchester marathon done 3hr 8mins 20sec. Over the moon to say the least.

Dorset Ooser.            Full Results

A good turn out for the Ooser by the Club, well done all.

From Ashley: Dorset Ooser complete.


From Mark: Considering the clash with running races, it was good to have 10 people turn up for this hike (Louise, Guy, Denise, June, Adam, Alison, Rob, Simon, Nikki, and myself). The rain stayed off, and it stayed grey and fairly cool. We left the car park shortly after 10 o clock and headed down the main road. Turning right we continued along Anning road, and South Avenue, then followed the riverside walk to the old mill. We took the track to Rhode lane, and climbed through Rhode Hill, and Harcombe. The bird song was loud along the way. At the top we turned left, and left again and walked past Rocombe to our right. Further on there were views over Uplyme church, the village, and the disused railway viaduct. Turning right we followed a path over fields taking us down to the church. There was light mud. Some further riverside walk, and Crogg lane took us up to Whalley lane. We climbed Whalley lane and took the path to our left, taking us over the top to Sidmouth road. We descended the main road to Ware lane. Crossing fields off Ware lane we reached the steps which took us down to Monmouth beach and the Cobb. We stopped at the Royal Standard for lunch. After lunch, the last leg took us along the sea front and back up to the car park. Thanks all for attending.

Lancaster 3 Bridges 10km

From Terry: Lancaster 3 Bridges 10km, including a large flight of steps up to the viaduct. Lovely run along the river on a fresh morning. Broke 55m, 54.29, very happy with that. 

Sunday Runs

From Kev: Joined Helen and her Sunday Gang for 10 miles this morning, couple people peeled off early to fit with training plans- but lovely morning and company- Thanks all.

Butleigh 10k MT

From Sue: Butleigh 10k MT race, a lovely scenic local race, described as undulating (hilly to some of us).The race brief indicated that the course was somewhat difficult to aquatic, in reality the course was mega muddy.First gnome for YTRRC was Paul Gilbie followed by Kelly Rowsell.The course was well marshalled and very friendly, there was a large supply of cakes for post race refreshment. Better quality photos by George not so good photos by me. Sorry no photo of Paul running as he was too fast.

Tuesday Club Night

From Phil: Tuesday 18th April All club runs from Goldenstones.

All members are requested to wear club colours "Green & White" as there will be a cheque presentation at 6;15pm and the press will be in attendance

Summer 5k Series 

After the success of the Easter Bunny we were straight into the first 5k, the weather was wet and very windy so setting up was not fun and not many signs went out. We had 89 runners which was good considering the weather and Adam had 5 kids for the Fun Run.

From Graham: A massive thank you to everyone who was able to help with our first 5k race of the series. None of this would of been possible without your support! Weather was horrendous to say the least. Hope to see you all again on the 10th May.

Track with Timothy Hawkins

From Matt: The usual crowd, minus some of the usual crowd. We did 5 mins at half marathon pace, then as part of a degree in higher maths we did 1K (2 1/2 laps) at 1/2 marathon pace, then 1/2 the distance in 1/2 the time at 1/2 the pace, minus a number you thought of, multiplied by your age, and add your credit card PIN number, for 40 minutes - or something like that...followed by a cool down as the rain started.Next week it'll be easier with Graham Richard Still,and we'll have a photo too! Thanks Tim.

Don't forget, Track is open to all club members for £2 and caters for everyone! Get there for 6:15 on Fridays.

Park Run

From Ali: Frogmary Green Farm parkrun this morning. A bit muddy in places but a lovely sunny morning. A few more YTRRC members not in photo.


From Mark: Probably the clubs first ever visit to the Britannia Inn for a Pub Run. There were 6 in the not so fast group (Kelly, Elie, Rob, Alison, JC, and myself). Also there were Guy and Dan running fast, and Phil. It was a nice evening, bright and sunny. Leaving the pub we ran north through the town passing the abbey, school, and hospital. Continuing through Coombe, we ran up the lane past the old kennels, and crossed the Marston road. We followed a muddy track and joined Trent path lane which is another track. We then headed northwest towards Trent. After a long climb we reached the top and turned right following the Monarchs Way along Checcombe lane which presented a series of large puddles. Crossing the Marston road again, we entered Coombe lane. To our left was a large pond of flood water, and to our right were views of Sherborne in the distance. It felt good to be up here. We continued eastwards and descended to the Sandford Orcas road. Turning right we headed down the narrow lane and took the track on the left (Quarr lane). Alison continued alone down the road, which surprisingly gave a slightly longer run. Continuing with initially a steep climb, it levelled off then descended. We ran through the quarry then down the Bristol road and Cheap street to finish. Thanks all for an enjoyable run. The food afterwards was very good value and good quality as well. We will be going back.

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