Abbey Portland

Abbey Portland

Umborne Ug 10Km Trail Run

From Tim Willis: Two Yeovil runners, Richard Dodge and me, turned up in the Dorset countryside one of us in sheep's clothing (AVR shirt). It was cloudy with the occasional light shower which helped the run. 3 big hills but this did mean we had a long downhill to the finish. I was just under the hour, worn out, while Richard Dodge trotted in just over the hour cruising still chatting away. Great run and will probably do it again if I don't get into any others.

Pub Run

From Adam: Pub Run this Thursday - King William IV, Curry Rivel.

Orders please by Monday 9.00pm to guarantee food [no football that evening!!]
Menu for King William IV – Curry Rivel - Thursday 5th July


Pate, Breaded Mushrooms or Prawn Cocktail all £3.75


Steaks £15.95 or £25 for two
– Black rock grill – rump, sirloin or ribeye [Please say which one]
– Hot Seafood Rock [Salmon steak, scallops, prawns]
2 Sausages, 2 Eggs Chips £7.05
Ham Eggs Chips £7.05
Omelette [3 egg] chips and salad £7.25 + 50p per filling
Battered Cod, Chips and peas £8.05
Plaice, Chips and peas £7.05
Scampi, Chips and Peas £7.95
Tagliatelli Carbonara £6.50
Sweet and Sour Pork and Rice £6.50
Homemade Chilli and Rice £7.95
Curries £6.50
with rice and poppadums etc £8.05
Homemade Chicken Curry,
Mutton Curry
Tai Green Curry
Beef Madras

Please let me know what you would like by Monday 2nd July 9.00pm - Facebook, email or text

Quantock Beast 

From Lesley: Quantock Beast today. Just myself and Darrell from Yeovil Town RRC. A downhill start before climbing, undulating to begin then comes a 'beast' of a hill which was well worth the climb for the beautiful views on reaching the top, then a good long downhill to the finish. Well done to Darrell on finishing 4th overall and winning his age category - sorry I couldn't stay to see the presentation - Sunday carvery was waiting at Yeovil Golf Club.

Portland 10              Photographs 

From Steve Lye: Today saw a gathering of YTRCC runners at the Portland 10 miler. Motives ranged from "I need this for my hat" to "I'm here for the championship points". The weather was not oppressively hot but it was humid and zapping. The course starts with a fast downhill to the bill and it's easy to get sucked into a false sense of comfort but what goes down must go up and it is quite a drag on the way back (twice!) - not super steep but long and persistent. 1st YTRRC man Steve Lye, 1st lady Harriet Quast. Well done all today.


Forde Abbey 10k      Full Results    Photographs 

It was a glorious evening for the Forde Abbey 10k on Wednesday. The sun was shining, and Fez was smashing back the ice creams. A load of us charged off hoping to win the team prize but unfortunately Bridport (I think) beat us to it. However, Darrel and Steph both came home with shiny trophies for coming 1st in their age category. The race had 4 miles of uphill that pretty much made you feel like you were going to die; 1 million flying bugs that got in your eyes, ears and...elsewhere... and 2 heavenly river crossings. Richard, Rob and Darrell charged off with Steph and Yunmi chasing them. I think Sarah was still wetting her pants at the start about the possibility of being rammed by a cow... although she’d clearly chilled out by the river crossing where she managed a quick hair and makeup stop. Darrel was the first man home for Yeovil and Steph was the first Yeovil lady back. Everyone ran in smiling, happy with their times and looking forward to the race next year.

Park Runs

From Lindsay: Barnstaple Park run done and the first maiden voyage of my new 50 Park Run t-shirt. Lovely weather for it and quite a nice park run with a couple and a half laps around a park and lake. Struggled with breathing and hayfever, maybe cos of heat.


Marks Runs

Linda organised the pub, and I led the run tonight. On a hot sunny evening, we followed a route heading south west from the top of Cheap Street. For about a mile we followed streets and paths until reaching fields. The cows on Lenthay Common completely ignored us as we ran through. Several fields with varied crops including broad beans took us eventually to Wyke. We stopped at the large ancient Tithe Barn. Our bodies didn’t come out in the photo tonight, possibly because it was too hot. We turned and ran back along the same fields. On leaving Lenthay Common we took a different route following Lenthay Road and Horsecastles. In the excessive heat and sunshine, 6.2 miles felt sufficient. Thanks Linda and all.

Released On 30th Jun 2018

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