All Over the UK YTRRC

All Over the UK YTRRC

Chester Marathon

Sunday saw Tim Hawkins, Peter Jakeman and I compete in the Chester Marathon, this meant a drive up on Friday, getting hammered and recovering Saturday ready for Sundays run. It is the first time I have been to Chester and it is cetainly a lovely place.  At the start we noticed two other YTRRC runners Samantha Lloyd and Jeff Watson.

Tim was running in his new English Athletics kit as he qualfied at Manchester being in the top 5 of his age group. The route take you from the Race Course through the City then out to North Wales and back to Engalnd and the Race Course. There is a hill at mile 25 that kills you just at the wrong time and then you run for 500m on the Rcae Course to the finish. This was also hard work due to the rain.

Tim managed 2:59, me at 3:17, Pete 3:27, Jeff 4:27 and Samanatha 5:02, just to show it pay's having a Curry and Red the night before (other pre race diets are availble).


7 YTRRC members ( plus David Ferraby soon to join his wife Katie as a Green and white)headed to the the notorious hills of Shaftesbury, a beautiful day and entries were full at 250 runners.
As the business end of the season approaches points were at stake and an form Paul Card turned up to groans ... I mean greetings from Matthew Driver

Yeovil finishers.
1st male Paul card 13th. 40:21
2nd male Matt Driver 76th. 50:10
3rd male Kevin Doherty 102nd 52.59

1st Female Katie Ferraby 103rd 53:03
2nd Female Pippa Howarth 113th 54:27
3rd Female Joanna Henley 193rd 104:47

Well done to David Ferraby (45:59)
And Graham Brown put in a solid run.
Pippa finished despite picking up an injury. Get well soon and we'll done everyone


It's a Numbers Game

Phoenix Running had a double on this weekend at Walton on the Thames with Paul Allen winning the the first day and Terry Bryne coming 7th on Sunday

Petzl Night Trail

Well done to JP who not only went to Wales for the Petzl but then travel to some Village in Wales to watch Tim, Pete and I on the Chester Marathon.

From JP:  Finished the Petzl night trail Wales in 25 spot out of 267. I managed 9 laps (3.1k per lap) in the 3hrs allowed. The course started off wet and got worse as time went on. Then there was the hill, and it was a hill. A good 200m climb!! It was a great race and as always really well organised. Instead of a medal you were presented with an engraved glass tankard which they filled with beer when you handed your timing chip back! Roll on next year!


This weeeknd saw Bournemouth Marathon Fesival with pleanty Green and Whites taking part.

Saturday supersonic 10k

1st place Ben Lewis 34:03 ( club not known)
1st Female Ellich Bell 38:31...
Kevin Doherty 45:47
Andrew Dunn. 52:07
Sophie Clark 59:27
Lynne Thumpston 1:09:07

Half marathon

1st Peter Bakrsh. 1:10:29
1st Female Anna Boniface 1:19:43
Stephen Warren 1:51:46 pacing Trevor ??
Trevor Strelley 1:55:55 PB. Well done😀
David Roberts 2:06:17

Full Marathon

1st Jacek Cieluszecki 2:31:59
1st female Laura Trimble 3:05:18
Tim Howes 3:28:59
J.C. 4:06:49
Richard Bessell 4:34:37
Lynne Thumpston 5:17:17. ( day 2 !!)
Great weekend. .. a little warm today??

From Lynne:

Very hot Bournemouth Marathon, saw Tim Howes fly past, another Yeovil runner (sorry) and saw JC for quick hello, all ok but struggled, #56.

London Marathon

Sadly most peole that apply do not get in however the Club does get 2 or 3 places depending if we get to over 200 first claim members. Those with "sod off" emails or letters need to show these to a committtee member or emai Catherine so you can go into the Club draw that we want to do at the Committee meeting the first week in Nov. This will go out live on Facebook again. The cut off for names to in the draw will be Tuesday 31st Oct. You will have the rejection by now so act now do not leave it you might forget. If you have posted on the FB site also email Catherine to make sure she has your name.

We will endever to post the list the day before this as well so you know how many and who is in. The rules are below:

London Marathon Places
The Club is allocated a place or places for the London Marathon. The number of places is determined by the size of the membership of the Club. These places will be allocated by Ballot.
To be eligible for entry into this ballot for the allocated Club place(s) members must:
Be a first claim member of the Club
At the time of the Ballot the member must be, at a minimum, in their second year of continuous membership of the Club....
Have paid their annual Club membership fee by the date of the AGM in the year of the ballot.
Not have run in the previous two London Marathons irrespective of their method of entry to the event.
Have an entry form that states the applicant is a member of Yeovil Town RRC.
Present a valid rejection slip for the next year’s London Marathon to a member of the Committee.

From Catherine:

Anyone wanting to be in the VLM ballot please make sure a committee member is shown your rejection. Posting it on Facebook does not count as there is no guarantee it will be seen. I am happy to have them either by PM or email but I won't be trawling the group to pick them up.

Awards Night

Time is getting on so if you want to come please book so we can get planning, it will close on the 10th Nov so Anita can do the table plan and other stuff. Also we need you to vote for the awards, you do not have to complete this for all the awards, if you do not know on a certain one then leave blank, this will close on the 24th Oct to give Phil time to do the engraving.


We are looking for someone to take over as Race Director for the Summer 5k Series from Dave. 

Real Runner Hats are normally given to Club Members after they have completed a Race wearing Club Colours. This stopped due to us having no Hats but Fez is looking into this and hopefully we can re inroduce them depending on Cost.

If you have not joined our website please do. We send out emails (not often) on differrent issues and you will miss them. 

Park Run News

Well done to Linda on her 50th Park Run, there were loads of Green and Whites to share her 50th. Well done. I have heard that Fez has now finished.....

Marks Run's

PUB RUN – STOFORD (5th October 2017)
The first post Argentan pub run at Stoford was planned by Phil. Head torches were advisable, and we stayed on-road throughout the run. From the pub we headed off towards Clifton Maybank, and soon stopped for photos before it got too dark. We continued passing under the railway bridge and stopped at the green triangle. At Bradford Abbas we split into long and not so long. Our group continued up the road towards the Park House junction. Larg...e tractors were out in force tonight doing farm work in the dark. At the top we turned left and headed towards a glowing sunset. The two groups met up briefly, then parted again. We took the fourth turning on the left and ran down towards Manor farm. Turning left we ran back towards Bradford Abbas with a massive bright full moon hanging just above the horizon up ahead. Passing under another railway bridge, we continued through the village passing the church, pub, and hair dressers servicing some customers. The last leg was back the way we came in through Clifton Maybank, up and over the hill. No more cross country pub runs now probably until spring. Thanks Phil and all.

Released On 9th Oct 2017

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