An Evening in Wessex

An Evening in Wessex

The Wessex 10K 2023

From Margarita: Second race of the week with The Wessex 10K 2023. Strong first and second part, the middle not so good. Got onto the droves and the marshall says you've got a mile or so of puddles and oh my god it was puddly and muddy. I had a 'I don't like puddles I can't see the bottom of' so this is where I struggled and lost most my time, as well as got some very wet, muddy and cold feet and legs. After that it seem like plain sailing, until the hill which I tried to power through. Got to the straight and had some guys from the club cheering me on which I really needed. I've done this race every year since it started, maybe next year it'll be nice and sunny and no deep puddles or mud.


Sunday Runs

From Lynne: The SAS group started at Goldenstones, nice morning with some sunshine , Sharon , Tara, Kay, Dave , Donna and me. Out towards Over Compton, to “the big house” then loop round back to Goldenstones for tea and cake with Phil. A good 7 plus miles , thanks all.

From Graham: Yeovilton for a few of us this morning. All starting to ramp up the mileage for races around the corner

Colingbourne Races: Half Marathon

From Ashley: This weekend I travelled back to deepest darkest Wiltshire for another Andover-trail events race, and a visit to the mothers of course.

The night before wasn’t what you’d call perfect preparation for an early morning start, sharing a room with your 9 year old son and his cousin is not advised… it was like sharing a room with someone one on a rowing machine… 2 hours after TRYING to get to sleep I eventually managed just 5 hours!

Race morning began as per usual with a bowl of porridge, and a quick glance at the weather… which was nothing like the advertised 20 degree sunny weather… it was very moist and un-sunny. Not long after I was whisked away to Crawlboys farm and dumped out of the car to fend for myself.

The warm up run didn’t fill me with much confidence, as the first couple of strides seemed that the foot issues I’d been suffering since last weekend were still there, but did ease up after a few lengths of the country lane.

As the starting gun sounded at 8:30 sharp it was time to go, in conditions much more like a December full Monty than a summer half. I quickly settled into 3rd place behind; as I found out a few miles in the winner of the race I took part in the last time I was racing back home in Wiltshire, opening up an early gap on the remainder of the field Behind… very much worrying I had as per usual gone off too quickly. But after a couple of hills, a rapid descent along my favoured terrain of muddy woodland paths and fighting off a herd of cows, I had passed my new found friend and opened up a decent gap after mile 5… the rest of the race I ran more or less alone passing the odd 10k straggler… all I could keep thinking was I had to hang on, I had to get a trophy to show my dad who would be waiting at the finish line, it almost became a mantra for the last 4 miles!

As I got into the last mile, I pushed hard to not waste all my hard work, I didn’t dare look behind, and dashed across the finish line to be greeted with a trophy and a hug from the old man. A job well done I was really chuffed after the year I’ve had with injuries and not hitting quite where I’d planned to be at the start of it.

P.s- Bungy would have been well impressed with the number of nettles on course, my legs are going to be buzzing well into next week!

Shaves Cross Mini Marathon

From Ali: The 5 of us headed for Shaves Cross mini marathon of 5 miles on a wet and windy evening. Gareth Davies took us the scenic route and we arrived in good time. A lap around a grassy field and then through the village. We took a right turn to climb for about 2 miles up to the water station. Turning right again we had a mile of down hill before entering the fields to the up hill finish. Gareth was the first Yeovil home followed by Robert Adams a few minutes after. Mel Cox, Rachael Jones and then myself finished ready for the hog roast and cider. A great local race raising money for local charities.

Park Runs

From Adam: Sharpham Estate parkrun - hilly out and back course on cycle path. I had to hobble the course but our ‘YTRRC athletes’ mastered the run!!

From Jo: Great turn out from the green & whites today at a some what soggy Frogmary Green Farm parkrun congratulations to Gareth Davies on his fist ever Parkrun



From Mark:  I'm proposing to do another club social hike on Sunday September 17th.

The walk will start at Lyme Regis, but details about starting location, time, and the route will come nearer the time.

I'm leaving it to September so that we miss the big crowds of the holiday season.


Haselbury Trailrace

From Margarita: Well I wasn't going to write a report but Joanna Samuel would like one . So what can I say about tonight's. Tonight was Haselbury Trailrace and I kept being told about this hill, that you did twice, yep I didn't like that bit, and then there was the mud, yep didn't like that but either, and it just kept on going. My first lap I struggled then I told myself 'come on you've got this'. I did it, would I do it again, not if it's been raining, if it was lovely summer beforehand then maybe. It was a great turnout from the club let's hope as many do the Wessex 10km on Saturday evening.


PUB RUN – DINNINGTON – (3rd August 2023)

From Mark: There were only seven tonight. Phil ran alone. The not so fast group comprised JC, Simon, Nikki, myself, and two new runners (sorry I only know one was Chris). I led the not so fast group on a clockwise loop all on country lanes. Leaving the pub we headed up the hill, turned right, and ran to Allowenshay. Turning right in the village we then ran up to Furzy Knaps and turned right. Heading eastward we ran back to the Fosse Way Roman road. Turning left, then right, we continued and climbed steeply up to Hinton St George. Heading westward through the village, we turned right just past the church, and steeply descended. We ran past Mill farm and came back to the Fosse Way. A left turn and a few hundred yards took us back to the pub. Thanks all, and Phil for organising.

Route Planning 

When you plan a good road route and run with Road Shoes what can go wrong????

Released On 4th Aug 2023

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