Another Busy Weekend

Another Busy Weekend

The Dorchester Half and Full Marathon

Today saw the inaugural Dorchester Full and Half Marathon by WSR, with some of the Club taking the Camping option and time to chill and have a few beers the night before. The rest of us drove all the way to Dorchester in the morning.

Click here to view all photos in Gallery 

The Full Marathon started at 8:30 am with a cloudy and not too warm start line. The Race was started by the Dorchester Town Cryer with a bell and a short funny speech. For Paul Fez and I, the plan was to try and help Fez get a Sub 3:20 for his good for age for London. Luke aim was to get rid of some of the beers consumed the night before and Lynne, Louise and Anita was to enjoy and drink heavily at the Love Station. This was a great well run event and just hope it is on next year. 

The full results can be seen here.

As for the results, Jo Henly ran the race of her life in the half and managed to be the first Club member over the line, it was touch and go bit she did it. We had three runners with Louise McKenna and Jo Crane. The Full Results can be seen here.

Edinborough Marathon

Well done to Kirsty Norman Finished the Edinburgh marathon 4.20.22 quite hot! New pb

Wells 10k

Today saw the Wells 10k with a few Green and Whites taking part.

From Doherty:

Hot and Sticky Wells 10K.
About 11 0r 12 Yeovil Town RRC members went to Wells today. Adam Hawkins was without Corinne as she said '' wasnt as stupid to do Egdon easy last night and Wells today.. fair point! Brian Mountjoy Row was elusive but turned up in Front row for race photo at start as usual..very busy race. lovely day and fantastic marshalls and good drink stations - Although Trevor Strelley turned up as though prepared for Marathon des Sables.. Richard Dodge was raring to go and looking forward to his penultimate 10k today - day 59 of his 10k per day for 60 days challange ( last one London tomorrow ). The Race was under way - 2 laps of a mixture road / paths, little off road of farm track and a steep hill at 4k and 8k..
I think JP Humpreys was 1st YTRRC runner home, excellent well done ( he had a 10k PB at Egdon Easy last night too ) - not sure of how the rest done - no results yet. Kevin Doherty with a Hamstring/glute issue was just a God Dam points tart. well done to all YTRRC members really nice day and bit of Banter at begining and end ( & Middle). 

Egdon Easy

Saturday evening saw the Egdon Easy 10k in Weymouth with a good turnout by the club.


Paul Card was the first home for the Club with Pippa Howarth our first Lady across the line, well done to all the runners and the results can be seen here.

After the race the Team had some Fish and Chips 

Parrett Trail Relay

From Lesley:

Crewkerne Running Club are running the above event as a trial in a new format for 2017. The date is 7th October so please put it in the diaries. It would be good if we, as a Club, could support this. Details are on and will be updated as the planning develops over the next few months. Of course, those of you who are 'point chasing' there will be the usual 45 points for completing.

Town Tree Trail Race

Wednesday saw the Town Tree Trail Race by Adam Hawkins and the staff at Ash School for the Fun Run and the Club for the main race. It was a lovely evening but rather hot for the runners. The first race was the Fun Run with 110 kids taking part and with so many the race was slightly late in starting. After the Fun Run the main race started from the School at 7:00pm.

For the Club we had Paul Card first over the line with Jo Henly our first Lady. There were 101 runners and the full results can be seen here.

From Adam:

Many thanks to all the YTRRC members who helped with the Ash Town Tree Trail race on Wednesday and to all who took part on a rather hot evening!

- especially Pete for the risk assessments etc, Phil, Lesley and the wonderful Jane Mills who had to drive to Exeter Airport to pick up the medals etc.

I estimate we will have raised around £1000 to be shared between the Town Tree Nature Garden and Ash Primary School.

Also thanks for the support from YTTRC members at last night's Egdon Easy and this morning's very hot Wells 10k 

- I don't know how Richard does these back to back races!

Pub Run 

From Lynne:

Thursday 1st June Pub Run Cross Keys West Lydford. Need pre-orders of food please.

Read menu, add your choices here on my post, or email me
BY TUESDAY 30th MAY please!!!! 

Marathon Mike

Springtime in New England – The Shipyard Marathon


Never been to Maine so we thought it would be a good time to see somewhere different and get out of the heat for a few days. There just happened to be a run going on too.  Maine is the most northern State on the eastern seaboard bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Canada, 85% forested, famous for its lobsters and clams, and so we looked forward to the change of scenery, some mild temperatures, and some lobster rolls. Arriving in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Friday it was evident that springtime was not as far advanced as we expected.  The daffodils and crocus were just in bloom, tulips in bud, only a few leaves on the trees, everywhere looked so stark but at least the sun was out and it was just about warm. We drove into Maine and up the coast, picked up race numbers, and then went round a big part of the course. It was a point to point run with the start at the small town of Kennebunk and roughly followed the coast in a NE direction, slightly inland through some quaint touristy towns. It was a bit like Cornwall without the big cliffs, having sandy bays interspersed here and there between the rocky outcrops. The finish was at the University of New England in Biddeford, named after the one in Devon but spelt differently and pronounced Bid Ford. Most of the course was on forested, two-lane rural roads with a few scattered 19th century dwellings, and here and there followed long sweeping bays right next to the ocean. It was a lovely day, the views along the coastline were stunning, what an enjoyable event this was going to be, although we did start to have a few concerns about hills in the second half. Living in a flat area about 6 feet above sea level, our hill-work is running up and down the ramps of the local multi-storey car park. The race is sponsored by Shipyard Brewing Co. so a good after-race party would be more or less guaranteed.                   

We spent most of Saturday strolling round Portland, an old city named after the island in Dorset, it figured as a major port between England and the colony back in the 1600’s, there are many well preserved buildings and seafood restaurants along the waterfront in the old port area.

Unfortunately, the sun returned to Florida later that day and on Sunday morning we drove to the University in pouring rain and caught the shuttle bus at 6:00 to the start. Fortunately we were able to shelter in a school until 7:25, at which point we went out to the start line along with many others in bin liners. It was 7 degrees and windy, the first 6 miles were not too bad but we were soon sloshing through puddles in the road.

The wind and rain were increasing all the time and when we hit the first bay next to the ocean the strong nor’easter was blowing at a steady 20 mph, gusting to 25+ with heavy rain straight into the face. Dumped my black bag at 7 miles as I was soaked by then and with the wind it was becoming a nuisance, some did the whole thing in bags!


Some of the designer wear on view

Not much chat was going on anywhere, and from here it became a question of physical and mental grit to make it to the end as the remaining 18 or so miles were directly into the gale and rain. The poor visibility robbed us of those anticipated craggy coastline panoramas, but close-by the surf was crashing spectacularly over the rocks if you dare look up for a few seconds and suffer the stinging rain drops. At around 11 miles the course became quite hilly and the wind was so strong by the Ocean it was even difficult to walk against it.

At 10 miles

Around 20 miles we went into port-a-loos for a few minutes to get a bit of respite from the constant battering of the wind and rain and to get a bit of warmth into those wind-chilled hands. I have never felt so miserable for so long in a race, the constant onslaught from the wind and rain was very tiring.

 The prospect of free beer at the finish outside in the cold wind and rain didn’t appeal at all, so we got into the car without delay and drove back to the hotel for a tot of rum and a long hot bath, in which I fell asleep. On a nice day it would have been a very pleasant event, the organisation was good, the volunteers were smiling throughout and deserved a medal for standing out in the inclement weather for several hours. Crowd support was thin but vociferous, even the policemen were cheering us on. It was a hard day but it happens from time to time, a real “character builder” as one of my old friends would have said.


Marks Runs

I ran with Phil, Kenneth, and Georgina this morning, starting at 9 o clock from Goldenstones. We went out along the path towards Pen Mill, and took the road round the back of the leather works to Yeovil Country Park. Fish in the River Yeo were jumping. At Wyndham Park we ran over the old Dump (now grassed) and out onto Lyde Road. Up the hill we ran and passed through the hedge onto Primrose Lane. At Green Acres we tried off-road. Passing live electric fences we entered a field. Cows at the far end ran towards us. Just curious? With a large brown Bull in the midst of them, we decided it was better to go back to the road. Instead we ran down into Mudford. Then three of us took a footpath at Mudford Bridge going along the River Yeo. Off-road and totally new to me, this was as good as it gets. We passed a walker with two wet dogs. We continued along overgrown footpaths, and went wrong. Looking at the map now, we should have continued in a south eastern direction to cross the railway line and come out at Church Farm. Instead we came out at Trent Bridge. In the heat we slogged up the hill to Over Compton. The remainder was a gentle cruise down Compton Road, along the traffic jam, and back through nine springs. An excellent run of 11 miles with good company and adventure

PUB RUN – MONTACUTE (25th May 2017)
This Pub Run was from Lindsay and Phil. It was very warm tonight. We set off gently and ran across Montacute Park to the gate at Odcombe Lodge. On the road for a while we turned into the Odcombe road then went right to go onto fields. This was an interesting bit involving some steep climb (round Woodhouse Hill) through jungle. At the top someone was chased by a sheep. We went down a track, crossed over Park Lane and went off down a long muddy track. This was heading towards East Chinnock. Just before Street Lane we turned right, and ran through more jungle. The sunlight coming through bushes on the right was too strong for comfort. This was Hocker’s Hill. Views to the right were of hills. We descended towards Tinkers Bubble. At the bottom were a mass of Dung Flies where we stopped for photos. We then slogged across a big field passing the site of the medieval village of Witcombe. At the bench overlooking the valley we stopped for more photos. We crossed Park Lane for a second time and took a path going across fields. A large animal (possibly a big cat) had been sited here by one of our runners in the past. The path took us between Hedgecock Hill on the left and St Michaels Hill on the right. We continued off-road down to the road at Montacute. We ran down Wash Lane to finish. Just 5 miles tonight but it as warm and hilly. 58 years old today. It was a great birthday and pub run. Thanks All. Thanks Alison who provided the photos.

Released On 28th May 2017

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