Another Frolic Battle

Another Frolic Battle

Baltonsborough 5 miler    Photographs

From Kev: A really great local village race well supported and hosted by Wells City Harriers with Peter Darton doing a great job today with a large number of day entries arriving last minute ... oh and Jeff Watson & Samantha Lloyd oversleeping ๐Ÿ˜.
For some YTRRC members, it was day 3 of Bank Holiday racing Lesley Nesbitt did Half Marathon Saturday with 10k yesterday and still won AG ๐Ÿ†.. Richard Dodge did a Marathon Double Saturday & Sunday so on her way to an 11-minute course PB Katie Brooks very kindly offered to pace Richard around โ˜บ๐Ÿ‘. Again really well supported with Yeovil Town, Weather was kind as the rain held off and it was not too warm. Paul Card was 5th place and 1st AG... well apparently ๐Ÿ˜.. 29:51, Steve Lye ran well of little training for 13th place 31:31 (2nd YTRRC) with Leyt Green 3rd YTRRC male and Great Run as not been a regular racer lately ๐Ÿ‘
Harriet Quast was 1st YTRRC Female 38;35, Emma Dunn was 2nd YTRRC Female with Lesley Nesbitt 3rd and AG winner.
This event is a lovely little Family event with stalls and rides etc, really family friendly with a 1.5 mile Junior race. As most events we get to have a chat and banter and Mickey take... well done to all YTRRC runners Tim Willis Trevor Strelley Linda Membury Michael Shead Lyndsay Wasievicz Chris Williams Caroline Watts Haiden Watts and " honorary members๐Ÿ˜" Sharon Hardy and a young Ben Lyeโ˜บ
Brilliant running by everyone.


Committee Meeting 3rd Sept

To see the Agenda for this meeting please Click Here. The Rules and also the Consitution have also been updated. 

Club Calendar 2019

As some of you may be aware I have been producing a Club Calendar for a few months now and have one so we can see the finished product. I have added more photo's to it already and will add more dates with the help from Lesley. The cost was £26.98 including P&P but they have offers now and then and there was one this weekend with 50% off so hopefully this will happen again. I will collect names by the post on Facebook or email and I will publish this every week to make sure I have not missed anyone. I will need to collect the money before I order. This a loan will be hard enough to do but might try using Pay Pal and those that do not like using this can BACS or Chq. I will give updates when I start the list and have added some photos below but I have already added to the ones below.

East Farm Weekend  Marathon Full Results   Half Full Results  Frolic Results

This weekend saw the East Farm Marathon and Half on the Saturday and the Frolic on the Sunday, we had YTRRC runners in all of them. Saturday saw the Marathon start at 9 am and the Half 15 mins later. It was 4 laps for the Half and 8 for the Full, the weather was great and even got hot in places. Mark Pike was first over the line for the Club with Anita Garrett and Natasha Turner joint first ladies for the Club. Not sure if it was Natasha's first Marathon but this was Anita's second and Anita has already got her spreadsheet up and running with only 98 entries to go. I also managed to get both Anita (Love Station) and Lynne (can't remember) with a "Come on Yeovil".

From Lesley: East Farm half marathon completed this morning. Lynne, of course, was running the full marathon. A lovely morning for it, sunny with a cool breeze and a lovely route. 4 laps for me (only me from our club) and 8 laps for the marathoners - Lynne, Richard, Anita, Natasha, John, Bungy and Mark Pike. Sorry if I missed anyone. Now off to meet friends in Weymouth. 

What a difference a day make.... 

On Sunday it was the 12 Hr Frolic, sadly it was the same route as Saturday but it was either Solo, Pairs or Fours. All of us were going Solo with the same 8 laps for the Marathon. The good thing about the Frolics is that you can do what you want so if you feel crap you can do just one lap and get your Medal or if you're feeling good crack on to complete your first Half, Full or Ultra. The weather started fine but we knew this would change and by lap 2 the rain started and the wind got stronger this then carried on for each lap getting worse and worse. It was then on Lap 3 that I got Lynne with a "Come on Yeovil" for the second time during the weekend.

So what happened, well Nat, in all that Wind and Rain not for getting the Mud did lap after lap till she completed her first Marathon. A great effort and I think she was pleased. Well done Nat.

Battle of Sedgemoor 10K      Photographs     Full Results

From Kev: This long established event is always popular with an entry of 400 plus. Rain was forecast but to be honest was a drizzle until the majority had finished the race.
A decent Yeovil contingency ( 26 registered ) had arrived whilst Marathoners were far wide at other events.
Won by Daniel Cahill 34.23. Chris Brown first Lady 36.55. Paul Card was first Yeovil male to finished in 38.57 With Darrell Sheen our 2nd runner. Nikki Guiver was 1st Yeovil lady and would have been AG winner ... but no AG awards ... I have been assured this will be rectified next year and AG Awards will be given out as in other smaller events. Nikki did beat Simon too... but he said he needed to finish a respectable distance behind her " to keep her motivated"๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Being a Championship Race and points available... same old faces .. exception was Linda Membury which allowed an ever-improving Katie Brooks to extend points Queen lead whist claiming a 5 min course PB . Lesley Nesbitt ran very well having completed a Half Marathon on Saturday. Holly Mari ran but possibly struggled as seen receiving massage treatment at the end ... Jeff Watson and Samantha Lloyd both adding points to their Championship.
It was great to see all the usual smiling faces, Trevor Strelley Tim Willis Claire Church Richard John Hooper Claire Shucksmith Mel Dodge Gareth Thomas Dorothy Thomas Martin Alderman Malcolm and others all there today.
Well done

Park Runs

From: Magdalena Kusmierczyk:  Parkrun tourism this morning! My first overseas parkrun completed in Koล‚obrzeg (Poland)

From Katie: Parkrun tourism this morning. Doing the beautiful Parke course.

Awards Night

Please click here to book your place at the Awards Night and also choose your food, also vote for who gets the award here.

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – LYDFORD-ON-FOSSE (23rd August 2018)
Lynne organised, planned, and led this Pub Run. With grey sky, cool wind, and occasional drizzle we ran round a figure of eight route. Leaving the pub we crossed the main road, ran down it, and ran out to the churchyard at West Lydford. We crossed the river and passed a weir. Running past orchard apple trees, the cool air made it feel like summer was over. A heron took to the air as we approached. The apples were sweet, possibly Cox’s orange pippins. We ran through Coombe Hill farm, then ran up the lane reaching Keinton Mandeville. We turned left by the phone box, and got rained on while running paths to Cotton’s Lane. We ran off-road back down to West Lydford. Crossing the main road, we ran a second smaller loop out to East Lydford and back to the pub. Somewhere between 5 and 6 miles was the distance. Thanks, Lynne and all. Thanks to Alison for the photo.

Released On 26th Aug 2018

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