Another Great Awards Night

Another Great Awards Night

Awards Night.     The Award Results

Well as our Club Year comes to an end we had yet another Great Awards Night, as always it is the team behind the scenes that make it happen so a big thank you to all the Team that put this together. 

From Denise: YTRRC club I just want to say a big thank you to you all for a lovely Awards evening . And I would like to thank Phil MacQuaid . Stephen Warren Bungy Williams Helen Nesbitt Alison Griffiths  Mel Dodge and Anita Garrett for the input in making the awards night a successful one . I hope everybody enjoyed it.

Just a couple of the photographs from Denise, I will make an Album and add to the site.


From Lesley: Well, the awards evening is over for another year and it's now time to look forward to another year of running challenges and achievements, including entering the Club Championship races and putting the dates in your diaries. Of course, there are also race distances to complete to qualify for a Hat - don't leave it too late to choose these races, particularly the 5 miler (if needed) and 10 miles as there aren't too many of these distances around. For information on the rules and list of races please visit the website and if you don't understand any aspect don't hesitate to contact me or any longer-standing member - Joanna, Matt are experts on the rules . We are here to support you and if you need a pacer if Jo or I are available to try to help so just contact us (not at a fast pace though!!) .

Boscombe 10km

From Terry: Boscombe 10km, 1hr 54 seconds, ok with that, 2nd race in nearly 5 years. Large turnout, quite lumpy with one big lump. Little way to go, but getting there. Leg ached but not enough to stop me. It's in the bank

Brent Knoll

From Jo: Ok so if you like a hill, mud, having to grab clumps of grass to pull you up the muddy hill, skiing in the mud down a hill, then this one is definitely for you . On a positive note, it is just under 6 miles!! It is a well organised event, well marshalled by very friendly Marshalls & it is the last race in the Somerset Series. Go in, you know you all want to enter next year.

Endurancelife Dorset Coastal Marathon

From Mags: So, when most of you were still tucked in beds after last night's shenanigans, me and Leigh got up at ridiculous o'clock to drive down to Swanage for the Endurancelife Dorset Coastal Marathon. We had such an amazing race, some brutal hills, gusts of winds, gorgeous views and a beautiful route. Plus a beach finish line! Marathon number 21 for me and 12 for Leigh completed.

Sunday Runs

From Lesley: After a few weeks off for me while doing other things, running and social, the Sunday club run is back. Thanks for the company on a mild, dry Sunday morning. The Nesbitt's were out in force with Mummy and children Helen and Ian Thanks also to Helen for the delish cakes.

Released On 27th Nov 2022

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