Another Wet Weekend

Another Wet Weekend

The Stickler

From Helen: The Stickler…it’ll be fun they said, the sun will be out they said (well Matt and Dom said!)…well to be fair it was great fun we had a such a laugh doing most of it as a group, however the sun took far too long to appear, after starting in torrential rain! We slipped and slid…a lot! We went up up up and down down down. We went through a river waist deep. But we all finished it with huge smiles on our faces and enjoyed a nice cuppa with yummy homemade brownies !! Well done everyone.

From Eleanor: Needed a 10 miler for my hat so last one of the year big club turn out and all way too fast for me. 3 beasts of hills and big downpour just as we started the first horrible muddy climb, Making way for the Canicross runners. Finally the sun came out but it was SO muddy and slippy. Loved the downhill gravel track and made up a bit of time there. Then the next two beasts of hills even the dogs had nearly given up. Managed to catch up to two BHAM runners in the last couple of miles so we wadded through the chilly river crossing together and ran across the line with Jason and Brian.

Snowdon Marathon

From Tim: Early start Saturday morning for Robert Adams and Tim Willis to drive the 20 miles to the start as Rob likes to get there early. It worked out well because we got there before most of the 6000 other runners. Time for coffee and walk around the village then a 10 minute walk to the start line. Neither of us were that confident so lined up with the 4:30 pacer. We were expecting wind and rain but the sun was out and a light breeze. We started on the first of three hills together but Tim soon left Rob and increased his lead on the first downhill section with a couple of miles off road. Competitive Rob caught Tim at about 14 miles on the 2nd big hill. Chatted for a couple of miles before Rob took off. Tim stopped for a few minutes to help another runner. Rob had gone not to be seen until mile 25 on the last downhill section. Both finished in 4:22, Rob just ahead. We were both happy with our time for a hilly route.

Stroud Half Marathon 2023

From Margarita: Today's race was off to Stroud for the Race Nation's Stroud Half Marathon 2023. After yesterday's rain I did wonder if we would have a wet race but it was a dry and cold race, the sun did come out at the beginning. It was nice to see Catherine there today and get a flanci picture. On to the race, we started downhill then launched straight into the undulating section. There were a lot of uphill sections but lots of scenery to look at. We ran on main roads, on country roads, round a huge new housing estate, it was certainly a very varied race. I got to the finish and came just under 2:30 so chuffed with that.

Chepstow 10k

From Matt: 2 hour drive to sunny Chepstow floor a 10k obstacle course! One lap of over, under, through, run, wade, climb, crawl, run, duck, scramble, run and slide before starting lap two and doing it all over again!! Event medal and a specially large one for me because I'm brilliant (actually because it's my series medal for getting round five events in the year) Another brilliantly organised event from Relish Running.

Mini Triathlon

From Lindsay: So this morning saw me attempt my first swim, bike, run (mini triathlon) at Goldenstones Leisure Centre . This happens the last Sunday of the month and is only £5 to enter. 4 lengths of the pool, 5k cycle on a static bike and then a short run at the end. Funnily enough I really enjoyed it, seeing as at the beginning I was shaking and nearly had a panic attack because of the swim..I can swim, don't get me wrong but I don't like getting wet and don't like swimming pool floors. Thanks Joanna Samuel for your support and the tri suit, and waiting for me to finish the swim. I just need to get over these fears , get practising my swim strokes and do another one. I'll time it next time. Thanks Sarah Pailing for the pictures and marshalling..

Kids Cross Country

Yeovil Primary Schools Cross Country - This Wednesday 1st November,

Yeovil Town Football Club, Huish Park - weather and course conditions permitting!!

Any help, any time between 2.00 and 5.00pm gratefully received.



Weekend Running

From Mags: We had everything a trail gang would possibly want on a run this morning. Gorgeous sunshine strong enough to make Gareth Davies complain how hot it is, a massive hail storm that made my fingers stop working, enough mud to slow down Ashley Gingell , knee deep floods to keep Leigh Parsons's shoes clean, and a tree swing to make Andy Farrant happy! Plus plenty hills to climb up to enjoy the views from.

From Nat: Today saw me and Angela Claire and a few others at Communifit Sherborne doing the 5k.

From Lesley: Today saw 8 of us for the Sunday run. We met at Goldenstones where it started to rain but more or less stopped as we started running and it was pretty dry for 7 miles. At one point Nat put her jacket on only for it to stop raining, so off it came again. Then the heavens opened and we got absolutely drenched in the last 2+ miles. We ran through one flood and lots of puddles but drew the line at the 4ft deep puddle in Mudford (actually we weren't going that way anyway). We're runners so we like running in the rain don't we . Lovely sociable run with good company of Nick, Paul, Rach, Natasha, Steve, Andrew and Michaela

From Graham: A record number tonight, 36 taking part. One of the toughest sessions for sometime. A massive well done to you all!!!

From Melanie: There was only 5 of us today for the 9am Cavity trays Saturday run, good company though and lucky with the weather again, no rain. Used one of Tims 10k routes Bulls hill, through Montacute, up the steep hill to Odcombe church where was a stand off between two cars which was comical helped with forgetting about the hill anyway. We still missed Tim and Honey though.

Hope Snowden is going well Tim and Rob.

Awards Night

The Awards night is open for booking on the Website. There is a limit of 80 due to fire regulations so book early. There is an issue on the website when you add a guest as you cannot them add them to the list. If you pay using the Zettle Pay Pal then I need to know so we do not book too many so please let me know. It is £15 for members and £20 for guests. If you have any food allergies please let Denise know.

Any questions them please ask.  We are up to about 55 at the moment.

Club Hats and Awards data submissions

REMINDER: If you haven't already ...,

Don't forget tomorrow (29th October) is the absolute deadline for submissions of races to secure your Hat for 2023.,

Tomorrow is also the absolute deadline for submissions of your 2023 Best Timed parkrun results from each of Frogmary, Dorchester, Weymouth and Street.

I have also had queries regarding the Super Slam Hat eligibility. An Ultra marathon must be a minimum of 50k (30 miles) or the race must have been advertised as an Ultra.

Park Runs

From Adam: Weymouth Park Run with family, pushing double buggy, followed by sea swim with large waves and breakfast!

From Sandra: Poole park run with Jo this morning. Flat and flooded. great venue. I think about 750 runners.

From Jo: So knowing we get an extra hour in bed tonight, a few of us left Yeovil early & headed over to run the Moors Valley parkrun for the first time. It is a great event, the course is fairly flat & scenic & the marshalls as always are amazing. Would definitely do this one again. Oh, & of course we had to finish it off with a great breakfast at the local garden centre.

From Lesley: A beautiful autumnal morning for another different parkrun at Blaise Castle. A lovely 2-lap course along the field and into the woods with a similar elevation to Frogmary. Nice to see Deborah and Dave there too. This was followed by brunch with family at The Royal Inn in Portishead.

From Trevor: Frogmary Green farm parkrun a bit muddy today

From Andy: Parkrun tourism in the Midlands.. a warm welcome on a chilly, damp Saturday morning..even if the horses couldn't get up to watch

From Claire: A trip to the new Five Arches parkrun today…lovely weather for a nice out and back twice (second lap longer!)

From Taryn: Taking on the hill at Ashton court today - a lone skeleton! Happy Halloween.

PUB RUN – MOSTERTON – (26 TH October 2023)

From Mark: I led a group of ten tonight on a clockwise loop (Steve, Kate, JC, Kelly, Elie, Sue, Nick, myself, and two new ladies). In the darkness months we generally run the same on-road route from this pub, only changing the direction. When lighter we go mostly cross country. So, running south through the village we made our way up to Littlewindsor, and turned right. The first right turn took us down and then up to Seaborough. There were one or two shallow puddles to run through in the dark. Turning right we ran past a church and old barn, and headed along a lane forming part of the Monarch’s Way. We regrouped at Duck’s Field crossing, then continued towards Misterton. Turning right we made the steep climb to the top of Knowle Hill. The last leg was the undulating run along Mosterton Down lane and back down into the village.

Thanks Phil for organising. The Pie choice and help yourself veg is always good there.

I don’t have a map of the route, as my Suunto watch has stopped talking to my phone. It was the one time I left the phone behind in the car. I wonder if there is a connection, or not?

Released On 28th Oct 2023

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