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Park Runs

From Richard: OMG !!! At the last moment asked to Tail Walk the Teignmouth Park Run my first Park Run after my hip op but all went really well just over the hour lovely walk up and down the sea front Beautiful morning . Plus a wonderful late breakfast after .

Congratulations to Malcolm Maxtedon his 100th parkrun

Sunday Runs in the Sun

From Linda: Lovely warm trail running this morning which was led by Robert Adams. Note to oneself.... never ask him to plan a 6 ish mile route again. His ish is an extra 2 or 3 miles. Very enjoyable though.

Parrett Trail 10k

The Parrett Trail Race is a Team of Five event and the Club had a Male, Female and a Mixed Team entered.

From Graham: Great turn out for the Parrett 10k trail race, 1st female team, 2nd male team & 2nd mixed team. A big thank you to Vicky for organising the teams and pub after.  

5k First One.  Results.         Photographs 

Well our first 5k since Lockdown and what a great success, all made possible by the Club pulling together and making it work. Thanks to all the Cake makers and the Team selling them another great success. Well done to Graham his first go at Race Director which is always stressful. If anyone has some feed back on the 5k please let Graham know, can we make it better for the runners? 


From Mel:  What a fantastic lot you are A big Thank You & Well Done to all of you who baked, bought or helped . We raised the brilliant amount of £84.80 towards club funds .

Date for diaries Wednesday August 10th for the next Yeovilton 5K .



Released On 15th Jul 2022

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