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The Blog

Next weekend sees around 20 members of YTRRC got to Seville for Lynne's 100th Marathon so the blog will be either Tuesday evening or next Sunday. It could get messy, I have sent a letter of apology to EastJet. 

Humdinger Half             Full Results

From Linda: Humdinger Half now completed. My first Somerset Series for the year. I waddled in at 2 hrs 24 mins and was the last one to finish for YTRRC. Still carrying my holiday weight! Very hilly. Started to lash down with hail, sleet and rain at the halfway point. Some lovely puddles that we had to go through. Especially interesting when I saw mile point 10, by my watch it was 9 miles but a mile further on it said 9. Bit of an error in setting up the course ๐Ÿ˜€. Anyway we all got a lovely red t shirt and a heart shape gingerbread cookie for finishing. In order of finishing was. Adam Batson, Lesley Nesbitt, Shaun Powell, Elsbeth then me. Georgina who was running for Taunton was just behind me. Tough race but glad I have now got my running mojo back.

Wessex Ridgeway - 19th May

From Graham:  For anyone interested in this fantastic event, We have 4 teams places guaranteed The proposal is 4 captains per minibus:

Team 1 Phil MacQuaid

Team 2 Stephen Warren

Team 3 Gary Stickley
Team 4 Ladies team

If anyone would like to take part please let me or a team captain know. Ladies we need at least 6 of you to make a team.

The club will pay for the minibusses & entrance fees.

Lychett 10 Miler

This is undulating and rather Hilly in places. A road trip with Paul Card and Helen Nesbitt.

10.30 Start meant it wasn't too early up. We arrived at this really popular event which was sold out months ago with 500 plus entries a medal, cap and free cakes at the end. We met up with Jeff Watson and Samantha Lloyd we also had another YTRRC member Louise McKenna entered but didn't manage to find her. Paul ran really well but at 1:01:20 felt he was capable of better ... it will happen for sure๐Ÿ‘

Jeff is improving week on week finishing in 1:14 he was very pleased with that. Kevin Doherty wanted sub 1:20 and crept in at 1:19: 53.
Helen who has been progressively increasing her training in pursuit of London Marathon fitness .. said she wanted about 1:30 ... smashed that barrier with a fantastic 1: 23:44
And rightly so was very pleased and shows great improvement and hopefully, London plan is on target. Sam has been running lots and improving and is a great welcome happy smiley face at events .. great to see her and she did a fantastic 1:39 ..
Not official times .. no results out yet.
Thanks, everyone

Club Runs

Sunday saw Graham take a small group out for a 10 miler.

Saturday saw the 10k under an hour group.

Park Runs

Saturday saw Jo's 100th Park Run at Goldenstones and a great turn out by the Club.


Marks Runs

PUB RUN – CURRY RIVEL (7th February 2019)
I’ve come home tonight with my fingers smelling of raw fish. This only ever happens when I Pub Run at Curry Rivel. Actually the Hot Seafood Rock is a delight. For the run, there were only 6 of us tonight (Guy, Steve L, Kev B, Sue, Phil, and me). Even then we split into three separate groups. I led the middle group round the same route as used on the last two or three previous occasions. That is, a clockwise loop of about 6.5 miles covering the church, Drayton, Whitecross, Park Farm, and the lane climbing up to the western edge of the village. I enjoyed it. We didn’t hang around. The glow of Taunton away in the distance gave a homely feel to the run. Thanks to Adam for organising. It was a nice evening.

Released On 10th Feb 2019

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