Taunton and Penselwood

Taunton and Penselwood

Bham!! Trail 10km

8 Yeovil Town RRC members attended Bham!! Runners 2nd 10km trail race and their first year as a Somerset Series member in Bower Hinton, kindly hosted by Bower Hinton Farm. The race ‘village’ was busy and there was a lovely atmosphere with a huge tea and cake stall, clothes stall and race promotion from Flying Fox Running. The race had a fast downhill start but soon leveled out to a largely flat race through pastures, arable fields a fun track through the woods dodging low branches and badger holes. Plenty of obstacles like bridges and stiles to slow your progress. The ground had dried out a bit so it wasn't to boggy but in a wet year this would be a very muddy course with its low lying nature and parts of it are on the river Parret trail. There were a couple of road crossings and a short stretch of road at Gawbridge before the water (Claire) station and the route back towards the village across the fields. A delightfully named hill to climb to the finish line back at the farm and a distance of 10.7km covered. An enjoyable addition to the Somerset Series and a well-marshaled course making it very easy to navigate. Well done to Nikki Guiver who took the 2nd lady prize home for Yeovil Town RRC. Well done all.

From Adam

Primary Schools Cross Country

Many thanks to the brave YTRRC members who helped with Wednesday's Primary Schools cross country races at Yeovil Rec in terrible weather [including snow!]

The final races will be on Wednesday 24th April, again at Yeovil Recreation Ground - 3.00 - 6.00pm 

YTRRC Membership

If you are renewing by cheque, cash, bank transfer or standing order please remember to register on the YTRRC website and select 'already paid'.


The minutes for the Committee Meeting on the 3rd April can be seen here, also the minutes from the 2018 AGM. 

If you are coming to the AGM please can you complete the Event so we know how many are attending. If you don't want to do this can you message Phil?  Thanks.

Penselwood 10k

Penselwood 10k today was a points Championship event which had a decent YTRRC gathering. It's a great small village event set in the wonderful backdrop of Somerset hills and valleys of Penselwood ( Near Wincanton) it's pretty tough with very testing hills up and down all on roads/lanes. Lovely village support with 2 drink stations. Jeff Watson was the first male for Club in 45:52 with Anita Garrett first Lady in 55:05. We had Judith Wilson Samantha Lloyd Trevor Strelley and Richard Dodge in attendance we ran pretty well and thoroughly enjoyed today s event. Well done everyone.

Taunton Marathon and Half        Half Results          Full Results

Today was the 36th Taunton Marathon and Half, this has been going for years and I am glad we have 6 runners taking part, we need to keep the local races going it would be a shame to lose it. In the Half, we had Rob Thompson first over the line for the Club and Kenneth Berry not far behind, well-done lads.

In the Full were Kev Brittle, Mark Pike, JC and me, Kev was first over the line and Mark second but this got Mark a special medal, see below. Well done all as we all got a Sub 4. Kev was 16th overall and 5th in his age group. 

Thanks for the Phot Mark

Nice to see a Tech Shirt at last, has always been a White Cotten T-Shirt 

Mark Pike

Congratulations to Mark for achieving 52 marathons in 47 weeks, this gets him the 52 in 52 medal and a Certificate. Well done mate very hard work and well earnt. Sod knows how many miles in your Car that took.

 An emotional rollercoaster this week. Court for a traffic offense that didn’t happen with a possible jail sentence.
Then today I ran my 52nd marathon in 52 weeks although I did it in 47 weeks. Just to top it off I ran a PB at Taunton of 3.22 knocking off 8 minutes! Let’s hope my luck is finally changing 🤞

South Petherton 22 miler

Great social morning out, & a good confidence booster for some! Well done everyone! London here we come!!!

South Downs Way 50

Well done to Dave Tilsley on the SDW 50 a very hilly course but nice ending around a Track.

SDW50 done. Really pleased, I set myself an ambitious target of sub 9hrs and managed to smash it with a 8hrs 21. I don’t want to see another hill for a few weeks

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – BRADFORD ABBAS (4TH April 2019) First Pub run in British Summer Time, but with the low pressure weather system, the rain and the cool air, it might as well have been winter. This was a grey and miserable run round a clockwise loop. J.C. led the main group. Leaving the pub, we chugged up the lanes and reached the A30 dual carriageway. Crossing over we descended into Over Compton, then ran down to Nether Compton and turned right. As we headed towards Stallen, the lowering dull sunlight behind us contrasted with the branches of the bare trees. We reached the A30 dual carriageway again, and very carefully crossed over. Dodging large puddles of water, we ran the lane down to the Bradford Road. Some sheep reacted noisily to our presence. The most exciting thing for the poor buggers all week. Turning right we ran along the Bradford road which included a notable dip. At the junction we went left and ran down the gentle hill, and back into the village and pub. Thanks J.C. and all. Great run, just looking forward to the Spring.

Released On 7th Apr 2019

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