Bank Holiday 5

Bank Holiday 5

Baltonsborough 5 Miler

A good turn out at this Race today




Seven Bridge Half

From Steve: Severn bridge half marathon - something a bit different. Set myself a target of 1.35 as it hurts when I run at the moment, so happy with the time (had a bit left in the legs). Saw Holli Tilley and Jon Foxon a few times as we traversed the bridge. Perfect running weather but getting warm towards the end. A rest for the rest of the day and the virtual 5 miles tomorrow.

Sunday Running

From Lesley: Lovely morning for a Sunday Club run. Helen, Martin, Melanie, Natasha and myself took to the hills of Hardington and West Coker ridge for a challenging 10 + miles. This was rewarded by coffee and cake at Ninesprings cafe.


From Me: With a few doing Marathons in September we did a 20 miler well 21ish, a great route and a lovely day for a run around Sutton Bingham Pond. 

5 Mile Challenge

This weekend was another Kev Challenge with a 5 miler for the Royal Navy Benevolent Fund.

From Steve: Virtual 5 miler done (thanks Kevin Doherty). Amazing new dabs - It seems they allow me to run on water!

From Mel: Thanks Kevin Doherty 5 miles complete with Sandra Levett gave me the incentive to go for a run

From Taryn: 5m RN benevolent trust event Done Kevin Doherty 

From Jeanette: YTRRC 5 mile (went a bit over) Royal Navy Benevolent Fund Run. Thank you Kevin Doherty for the challenge.

From June: Kev’s 5 mile RN Benevolent Trust run done

Park Runs

From Claire: Girls on tour! Lovely morning for a trip to Bridport. Brian was there too but missed the photo!

From Kev:  Southwick parkrun with Richard Dodge. Cheers for coffee and breakfast

From Jo: Anyone looking for a great Parkrun I can highly recommend Upton Park Parkrun. Apart from slightly congested start it is all along wide gravel paths. One big loop in between two smaller loops. Plenty of parking (£1 for 2hrs) & a great tea rooms with 10%off when you show your barcode. Very well marshalled & really friendly


Pub Run

From Mark:  PUB RUN – LIMINGTON (24th August 2021)

The run tonight became improvised because of what turned out to be a short stretch of thick vegetation (see the gap in the map). Five of us (Rob, June, JC, Sue and myself) ran along the road towards Ashington then turned right and ran down Hook Drove. Two fields down, we turned right, ran past the Warren Plantation, and entered an overgrown path. Not having carried out a recce of the route, we turned back and returned to the road. We continued north and reached the footbridge across the River Yeo near the camp. The footbridge was closed and blocked, but we crossed it cautiously, and continued to the weir. Crossing the road we continued across fields to the western side of Limington. We crossed the road and followed paths and tracks going southwards. Two left turns and we were running back up towards the pub along Thornhill lane. A nice sunny evening for cross country running. The pub and food were good.


200 Up

Well done to JC on reaching 200 marathons this week, that makes two of us with Mark and Lynne catching up as well.

Tuesday Club Run

Just a few phots from the Club Run this week.


Released On 28th Aug 2021

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