Breakfast with Pete

Breakfast with Pete

Pete's Breakfast

Saturday saw the normal club run from outside YTFC and then off to the Lynx Cafe, we were joined by Pete on a weekend release and it was great to see him. A good turn out as well from the Park Run gang. Hopefully, Pete will be out for good in two week time, we will keep you posted. Just a reminder that it is Goldenstones on Tuesday 9th Jan.



From Lesley: I have added a couple more dates of Championship races with links to enable you to update your diaries. There are still a few outstanding which I will update when the relevant clubs publish them! 

Also, don't forget to let me know when you have earned bonus points towards Points King/Queen. Read the Rules carefully to make sure you don't miss being awarded Points! If you haven't told me they won't be included. The Championship Rules

Stoke Stampede 

A few Green and Whites turned out for the Stoke Stampede today.

From LesleySeveral YTRRC runners took part in the popular Stoke Stampede 10k on a freezing morning.  After a 10 minute walk to the start we were off. The cold wind in some places made for difficult running and breathing. Despite that everyone was pleased with their times. Rob Adams was Donald Brooks for the morning! Also running was Trevor Strelley who I had in my sights most of the way but I couldn't catch him; Jo and Jon Crane both had good runs, Jo getting a course PB; Kev Brettle supported Katie giving her a course PB. I managed a quicker time than last year so happy with that. Ali ran part of the course supporting a friend. Results will be published at

Sommerly House Wessex Autism 10k

From Terry: Very cold, muddy, puddles disguised as ponds, long walk to start, serious hill and a great turn out of nearly 400. 62nd overall and 4th in category. 46:57 pleased as still far from 100% and lungs wanted to explode. Next stop the Imperial Series...

Easter Bunny April 2nd

This is the Club's first big race of the year and our biggest, to that end we need loads of help to show that this Club can put a great well organised Race on. We will need at least 30 marshals for both the Fun Run and the main Bunny race. This year we will be posting the numbers out so this will help with fewer people needing to go into the building and less time issuing numbers. The Fun run will also be online entry to help this run on time and more smoothly, thanks, Katie. Katie will also need help for the fun run to hand out the medals and mark the course. Anyone that is free to help from 9:15 would be great but if you cant get there until later that's fine. I don't mind people running if we have covered the marshal points and I will publish nearer the time what marshals we have and where they are going to keep you all informed. 

We will also need Cakes for all you wonderful Cake makers and also a 60mim pacer for the race (hopefully Paul Allen will do the 45min). If you can help with marshalling please let me know.

Thanks in adavance.

Trip to Tromso 

As you may be aware there are a few of us going to Tromso for the Mid-Night Marathon (there is also a Half and 10k). There are still plenty of places left. All the details are on our Yeovil Town RRC Marathon Tours Group Page  and Trip to Tromso.  

You can also ask either Anita or I for more information.

Park Run News

Once again our runners hit the Park Runs, first up Shepton Mallet



Mark's Runs

PUB RUN – YETMINSTER (4th January 2017)
I had the pleasure of leading tonight’s pub run which was planned by Phil. It was actually a very simple route, and as there were no animals, strong smells, or accidents thankfully, there was little to report. We managed to get the run in before the heavy rain arrived leaving great puddles across the lanes. We set off through Yetminster and headed due east. At Stake Ford Cross, we took the left turn and ran along Baily Ridge Lane. Near the end, a steep climb took us up to a T junction where we regrouped. All around a dull glow showed up hills on the horizons. We turned right, and ran down Baily Ridge towards Leigh. Yeovil was lit up in the distance to the northwest. We regrouped at another junction just outside the village. Then we ran through the east of Leigh, and took the lane back to Stake Ford Cross. In past summer runs we have taken the road to Chetnole which crosses a ford. The last leg was back up the lane to Yetminster, giving us about 6.5 miles. The pub food tonight was excellent, and it poured down with rain as we ate. Thanks Phil and all.

Released On 7th Jan 2018

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