Busy Weekend

Busy Weekend

Club Instagram Account yeovil_town_rrc 

From Graham: I'm now looking after this account, so please send me your pictures, & the # to go with it example #running #loverunning etc and I'll add these to the account.

This is another way of promoting our club & telling the world how friendly we are & what we're up to, whether its a friendly Sunday run, track night, 5K race etc.

Sunday Runs

From Graham:  Morning Sunday club run, 15 miles of roads, tracks & a few lovely hills. Well done everyone.

Park Runs

Goldenstones Park Run had a few Club Members.

Tribe 10k

From Lesley:  Thanks to R4T for an enjoyable Tribe 10k charity run this morning. As you see in the photo several YTRRC members joined in and five of us (Anita, Richard, James, Tim and myself) then continued to do another 7 miles to make up a long Sunday Club run of 13+ miles. Thanks all for the company. Anita then continued to do another additional 6 miles to make up her mileage to 20 in preparation for Seville. Planning to do 15 miles next Sunday for anyone interested at the usual 10 min/ml ish pace, maybe starting at 8.45 am. For those of you going to James' Bliss event at the Quicksilver on Saturday night it'll be a good way to clear your hangovers.

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – ASH (17th January 2019)
I can give you a useful tip tonight. If you ever have to transport hundreds of shotgun cartridges, it is best not to put them in a box, and simply place the box on the roof of your car.
J.C. led the actual pub run tonight. It was a tried and tested on-road route of about 7.5 miles that included Martock, Parrett works, East Lambrook, Gawbridge, Coat, Stapleton Cross, and Highway. As we progressed around the route the temperature dropped. This was fine because it stayed dry, and the lanes were so well lit by natural light, that my head torch seemed redundant. A slightly longer than usual pub run tonight and done at a good pace. We didn’t hang around. The stretch heading northeast from East Lambrook always feels very atmospheric to me at night. There is almost an expectation of coming across aliens. Coat, with it’s old stone houses makes a good place to regroup.
I think Phil ran alone, and while in Martock, a passing car shed a box load of shotgun cartridges across the road. The driver didn’t even stop to recover his loss. Thanks J.C. and all it was an enjoyable run.

Released On 20th Jan 2019

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