Crewkerne Discovery

Crewkerne Discovery

Yeovil Marathon and Heron Half

Please help with marshalling if you can we need as many as we can get, contact Bryn or Kimberley if you can help. We need loads so we can swap people around. Help is also needed to help set up and take down at the end. Thanks

The Dartmoor Discovery   Video   Results   

The Dartmoor Discovery is the longest Road Ultra in the UK, it is normally only 32.2 miles but this year marks the 20th Anniversary and the Teignbridge Trotters who run the event decided to do the original old route of 34.3, only two miles different but more on that later. 

On Friday Anita Garett, Kev Brettle and I made our way to Princetown. On arrival, we put our tent up in the mist, when I say our tent, I was staying in a B&B about 400m away. Kev decided to cook on the first night "Chicken a la Brettle Pasta" served with Red Wine.

After the meal, it was a visit to the Plume and Feathers to discuss the next day.

Saturday morning came and not a cloud in site, beautiful sunshine and a bit hungover due to Anita insisting on us having just one more bottle of Red. At the start, a few friends from Chard were there as well. 

The race is started by a Firework and it was off for the 34 miles of hills, Adam Holland the race winner was already out in front and would stay in front till the finish line. Kev and I had the plan to stick to 8.5 pace but with the hills both up and down this was not going to be possible. The first 6 miles are undulating and it is easy to shoot off and sub 8's but we tried to stay at 8.5, then at 7 you hit the first bi, steep hill. Then you continue on your way to Ashburton going down a very steep incline on the way a few times with a lot of uphill as well. Ashburton marks the half marathon point and the first cut off, not sure what the cut off time is but 4 did not make that one. From Ashburton, you climb for about 2 miles and the weather was getting hotter. However, there are plenty of Aid stations and due to the support from other Clubs, there are loads of impromptu feed stations with Melon, Oranges, Crips and of course Jelly Babies. For some reason, I was very dehydrated (thanks Anita) but before the race, you can leave bottles, food and whatever you want for any of the Aid stations and the Trotters make sure you get it. Such a great well-organised race. 

Kev and I carried on and it is when we got to mile 17 I turned to Kev and said "halfway", we just laughed. There are loads more killer hills on the way and then finally you get to the marathon point and the second cutoff, only 8 to crack. You finally get to where the add on two and bit miles are and the hill just goes on and on till you finally turn left and make your way pass the Prison and onto the finish line and a smiling Anita taking the picture.

Boy, it was great to cross the line and again such a great organised race, you sit down and they bring you Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches, Soup and if you want a free massage. Sadly thanks to Customs no medal but this will follow in the post. Out of a start line of 212, there were 176 finishes so 36 did not make one of the cutoffs.

Pre-race is all about the Trotters Disco and sadly some very bad dancing and even worse singing at just gone midnight, a song called "Perfect" by Ed somebody.

All in all a great weekend and it would be great to get some more of the Club to join Me, Kev and Anita next year, all three running this time. 

Crewkerne 10k      Pictures   Video  

From Lesley: That was a surprise - getting ladies team prize today. Well done Bryn on being 3rd male, Darrell Sheen and Clem Ponsonby Fane age category winners and Clem, myself and Linda ladies team winners. 1st YTRRC male over the line was Bryn and 1st YTRRC female was Clem Ponsonby Fane.

Dam Buster Marathon

Day Two for Lynne:

Lovely route thank you Traviss and Rachel and crew, very hot and lost plot at mile 22! Then fog bank rolled in and temperatures bearable! Great medal, great to see Jayne and many other friends, great respect to Pam, celebrating her 70th birthday this weekend, and running her 200th marathon, amazing!

Viking Coastal Marathon

Lynne was down in Kent for the first of a Double marathon:

Paddle in the sea after v hot SVN Viking coastal marathon. Beautiful run by sea, lovely to see Mark Pike here this morning, running a great time in this heat. Different course tomorrow for Dambusters marathon, they trained off this coast. I have nothing to moan about!

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – LIMINGTON (31st May 2018)
We actually split into 5 separate groups tonight. Six of us (myself, Richard, Tim, Paula, and Jack), led by J.C. ran Phil’s mostly cross-country route. We ran east down the lane, then turned off left to go along an overgrown muddy path. Turning right we then ran across two fields of broad beans, and a field of what looked like weeds. We came out on the lane and ran through Ashington. At the other end we turned left and ran through long grass reaching a bridge over the river Yeo. Further on, a farmer redirected us to avoid his cows. We took a path going round the back of lower farm. We ran north along the lane passing Chilton Cantelo church, then turned left. Going cross-country we passed small cows and stayed north of the river going round crops until we reached a footbridge. Crossing two footbridges we picked up the Leland Trail and reached the Weir. For half an hour or so we were running in rain. For the remainder of the 5.4 mile run we stayed on lanes to get back to the pub. One of the other groups ran the Weir loop on road. Another group got bogged down in mud and had footwear problems (see photos). Thanks Phil, J.C. and all.

Released On 3rd Jun 2018

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