Day Out in Stoke

Day Out in Stoke

Richmond Park 10k


Well done to Rob Gillard who did both the Ninesprings By Night and then a trip to Richmond for another 10k. Nice Work.

Stoke Stampede 10k

From Kev D: 

Only small posse of Yeovil Town RRC were quick enough to get entered into this long established and well-supported event.
Trevor Strelley knocked a massive 2 minutes of existing time with a great time and new PB of 48:12 which is excellent 😊👍 and First Yeovil male. Adam Hawkins and Corinne were there blurry eyed from recent family addition 😁
Holly Mari ... well 12-hour shift yesterday.. then a night race last night ... then today at Stoke Stampede First Yeovil Lady 💪.. hardcore. Katie did well. Cornwall parkrun yesterday then marshalling at nightrace so well done.
This 450 field entry get to run a really good undulating village race with really good local support. Really great day out and not too cold.
Not sure of official results . I finished in 49:12 so really pleased.

Simons 60 Challenge

2nd race of 60 Challenge completed; Axmouth 5 miler (5.4 miles multi-terrain in reality). I had run the 10 mile race previously so had to choose one of the shorter options ; travelled with optimism but despite running over 5 minutes faster than last year's winner's time, a certain Rob Adams, this was only good enough for 3rd place today. Nikki was first lady, continuing her 100% success this year. Sadly we were the only Yeovil runners; this really is a little gem of a race organised by Axe Valley and our entries cost £6 only. Ok, no finisher medals but soup or bacon roll included. Highly recommended as a friendly fun race (if you love hills!).

Club Calendar

There are a few that still need to pick up there 2019 Club Calendar and 3 that still need to pay.

Kimberley and Sara House have paid and need to get theirs and Carl, Mark Copping and Louise Dale need to pay and collect. I will have them in my Car at Tuesday Club Night and also at the Pub Run on Thursday. £16 each. I will start now on 2020 but need high res photographs so please email as Facebook reduces the quality. Pete's one is now in the Lynx Cafe.

Nine Springs by Night

From Lesly: Thanks Nathan, Pippa and team for yet another brilliant race. Really enjoyed it. Excellent organisation, marshaling etc etc, not forgetting the super medal. Well done to all YTRRC participants and thanks to all our marshals.

Park Runs

With the Winter Yeovil one moving to Ninesprings we had a few there on Saturday, it was a cold one.

From Katie

Penrose parkrun done. Lovely route and very similar to the new B course for Monty. Happy girl. Mojo is coming back.


Marks Runs

PUB RUN – YEOVIL MANOR HOTEL (3rd January 2019)
The first Pub Run of the year, and it was another of Ali’s Alley runs. Alison organised and led, and it was as good as the last one run back on the 8th of November. The turnout was high with 20 plus runners tonight. We set off in the cool air running along Princes Street, going past the hospital and then along the Avenue. A path took us to Mitchelmore Road, and a longer path took us up to Mudford Road. We then ran up a path and entered the Rec. We split with some running up to Combe Street Lane and then regrouped at the top of Mudford Road. We made our way to the new estate (Wyndham Park), going via High Lea and Runnymede Road. We then ran through the Park at Birchfield and came to Sunningdale road. A path took us to St Michaels Avenue. We ran down Highfield Road, Eastland Road, and up an incline through Kiddles. We crossed over Reckleford, and made our way through the town centre and back to the Manor Hotel. Thanks, Alison and all, it was another good Pub Run. Also, it was Anita’s Birthday. Happy Birthday Anita.

Released On 4th Jan 2019

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