Exeter Ridgeway Colour Run

Exeter Ridgeway Colour Run

Exeter Marathon

Today saw the Exeter Marathon, starting at Exeter Football Club with a 9:30 am start. The Club had 7 runners with Sarah House running her first Marathon.

Missing are Catherine and Luke, Catherine was running the 10 miler with the rest running the marathon. It was the first time any of us had run this but being only down the road it had t be done. Note that there is a 10 miler for next years Hats. 

With no Race director urging us down to the start we decided that it was getting late and we should make our way to the start. The race took you through the closed off Streets and through the main shopping street down to the river and then it was three different laps till you finally passed and went left to the finish tunnel.

The weather was not bad with the wind in your face down on the river when you hit the turn around point, as this was going back over the same laps you got to see all the other runners with friendly words of encouragement as you passed them (isn't that right Lynne). I saw Sarah House once and she was smiling and running strong as were Lynne and Georgina. On my last lap, I saw Catherine sat on the wall at the finish with her 10 mile done. I think I commented on her great achievent at the 10 miles with no mention of a lazy animal that produces milk. Luke had a great race and managed a pb with Catherine saying:

"This dashing young fellow did as he was told and started off steady, achieving a negative split and a PB! 4:02-something. Official time TBC. Also took gels with him today. "


So the results are not out yet but the winner was Sarah House, running on her own and had a great race with an amazing sprint finish on her first Marathon. Sarah has already plotted her path to 100 and has Yeovil Marathon next on her list. With great family support on the route as well and two very happy young girls as their mum crossed the line.

As for the rest of us, I managed another sub 3:20 with Paul crossing the line in 3:14.

Lynne posted:

Well, hot and interesting route, but some beautiful parts of Exeter explored. Lovely to get encouragement at 50 decibels from GW lapping me and Georgina. Great to see Sarah House on her final mile, smashing the marathon, congratulations Sarah you made that look easy. Well done all. Luke did a PB , excellent, I got in slightly faster than London, so happy days and great running with you Georgina, lovely finish on the quay. Oh lovely to see the William s

Georgine Posted:

Well that's the Exeter Marathon done in about 5:13 ish it was tough going as it was quite hot out today, but the scenery was lovely. Thanks Lynne for the company and getting me round the first 2 laps :-) But glad it's done and now I can enjoy my Thatchers :-))

Wessex Ridgeway 

Today saw the Wessex Ridgeway Relay and we had two team's competing. Wessex ridgeway completed for Matthew Driver team. Fantastic running. Well done guys. Full report will go here when done.

St Margaret's Hospice Colour

From Linda:

St Margaret's Hospice Colour at Wincanton Race Course duties now completed. Lovely dry day. Couldn't have done it with our YTRRC and our families. We differently got more paint over us than the runners. Can you see my contact lens? The paint went everywhere. I won't tell you about my sneeze!!! 😬. Absolutely loads of runners and they really enjoyed themselves. Many thanks to Lindsay Saunders and her girls, Alan Smith and Leigh Smith, Mel Dodge and Steve Membury and Sammy Membury (my daughter).

Ash Town Tree Trail

From Adam:

This Wednesday 24th May - Ash Town Tree Trail - 7.00pm

We welcome any YTRRC members who would like to run - entry through fullonsport, form or on the day. [£10]

However if you can't or don't want to run we really need some more marshals for the race.

Please can you email or facebook message me in advance to let me know if you can help.

Hill Reps


Today 8 brave runners ventured forth to tackle hills like no hills before! They met at the Goldenstone ready for the challenge, with some new faces unaware of what was to come!

Basically, we ran up hills and down hills then up hills some more. But all in all it was a good session I think and I believe that there were some steps at the end. 
Sorry I had to run on early guys but I have a mountain of my own to conquer in assignments, which I should probably get back to rather than procrastinating....
Thanks Nathan for the session, and well done to everyone!!!! You were all great! And I swear it gets easier (somewhat). Was good to see so many people 😁


Mark's Runs

Leading this morning with Jane, June, Peter, Kirsty, Emily, Lindsay, and Denise, we ran off along Nine Springs to Pen Mill, and then to the bottom of Babylon Hill. We slogged up Compton road to Over Compton and turned left. Gentle undulations took us past Trent, over the railway line and out to Hummer. A left turn, and we were running towards Mudford. We ran into the village, turned right, went through West Mudford, and headed towards Ashington. Left at the junction and we were running into a cool wind. After a mile or so, we were at the bottom of Stone lane. The following climb was hard as usual, and it is always nice to be at the top end. The last leg was a descent down Mudford road, past the hospital, under the pass, and straight back. The pace was slightly faster than initially intended, and we came in at just under 11 miles. The company was great this morning, and I enjoyed running.

Tonight was Adam’s recce run for the Town Tree race next Wednesday. A good few of us got off onto fields and headed down towards Milton Lane. A short stretch of lane and more fields took us to Long Load road. We turned left then went off down a track and out across more fields. At this point the sky was half heavy dark grey (rain) cloud, and half bright blue clear sky. In the distance it was raining over the levels. We ran off down the straight lane to Town Tree (farm, nature gardens etc). Our run continued into the garden, passing lakes, and crossing bridges. Outside the old house we stopped, and photos were taken. The garden trail continued. At a waterfall, overlooking a castle on the lake, more photos were taken. We then headed out the way we came in, this time running to the end of the lane. We continued down the road towards Stapleton. A left turn got us back onto fields. At Milton lane we followed the road going past Highway and back to Ash and the pub. This was 6.5 miles of pleasant mostly off-road running. Thanks Adam and all.

Wambrook Waddle

Someone and I really can’t remember who said Wambrook Waddle was a cheap race in a beautiful setting on land that was mostly private and so couldn’t be normally run. What I’m not sure any of the Yeovil runners there realised was how hard those views are earnt. The race showed it’s true colours from the start with an immediate charge down an 80m hill into a stream crossing at the foot. From there you’re straight into a 140m climb including bogs all within the first mile and a half, I think all but the very speediest were walking here at times. The next descent took you back to another stream crossing a quick steep and then quickly back down to a third stream crossing and another 80 or so metre climb. This had some very demanding terrain, marsh, bog, stoney paths covered in water, lots of mud (was it all mud), heavily rutted fields and probably anything else you can imagine in a farm orientated trail race. The final 2 miles were spent wondering when the next killer descent and ascent was going to be. I think all were relieved that we stayed high and ran across the field tops taking in some beautiful views. The 40 metre climb that lead to the final straight was a real relief after the previous hills. There were lots of smiles from runners as they realised they were on the lane they drove down to the race before the start and there finally was no more surprises.

To join with the beautiful views landscapes there were some lovely bluebell woods. There were medals, not race specific but were engraved on the back which was a real nice touch. At £8 for the race I was expecting nought personally!

Some great performances from Yeovil runners and having three of the top ten we were gutted when the announcer who had said the team competition would be posted on facebook were gutted when he was corrected to say there was no team comp.

Individual club honours went to Richard Bateson 1st in age group (4th overall) and Pippa Howarth also first in age group once the overall winners were accounted for. For a hilly evil yet beautiful race some real speed merchants turned up today. Richard was a minute in front of last year’s winning time yet still in 4th almost 3 minutes or so behind the leader who broke the course record. The winning female was similarly impressive.

Matt owes Rich, Darrell, myself, Steve Lye and JP our fees for taking points off Kevin in YTRRC’s pick the right race to enter competition.

Results below and half these photos were stolen from the Chard Road Runners page so credit to them. Also a big thank you for the warm hospitality, excellent marshalling and great refreshments from Chard Road Runners.

1 00:39:42 Christian Green
4 00:42:08 Rich Bateson
9 00:45:54 Darrell Sheen
10 00:46:49 Nathan Gardiner
24 00:52:17 Steve Lye
43 00:58:50 John-Paul Humphreys
51 01:03:12 Kevin Doherty
53 01:03:25 Christopher Williams
59 01:04:39 Pippa Howarth
69 01:08:30 Joanna Henley
75 01:09:59 Elspeth Fontana

Released On 21st May 2017

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