Fish and Chips in Weymouth

Fish and Chips in Weymouth

Egdon Easy.           Full Results

A few phots from Saturdays Race, if anyone does a report I will add it.

Town Tree Trail Race

From Adam: Many thanks to all who helped with the Somerset Primary Schools Inter-area cross country event this week. The Yeovil area team won three out of the four races!

- Town Tree Nature Garden path clearance - next Saturday 4th June from 2.00 onwards a group of us are going to clear some of the paths in this beautiful but neglected nature garden ready for the race on 15th June. We are each bringing some food - Denise is coordinating this. It would be great if you were available to join us for a while - please bring shears etc if you have any. Parking up at the farm not in the car park.

Dorset Maverick

From Tim: Beautiful Saturday morning. Sun was out, temperature was rising and with hundreds of people waiting to run the hilly Dorset coast. Luke Betteridge running the long route of 25K, Sharon Hardy and Tim Willis with Honey doing the Middle distance of 16K. Kirsty Norman was out in her marshalling spot feet up supping on something cold. A well marked out course with supportive marshals Luke finished in a very respectable 12th place. Tim Willis was 35th with Honey being 1st dog with Sharon bringing up the rear.

Park Runs

From Ali: Frogmary this morning another sunny morning and a slow run before Egdon Easy 10k this evening Please rag yourself if I missed you.

From Adam: Corinne’s 200th Park Run on the beautiful one lap Killerton course and wonderful bakery stall!!


From Mark: This was our first time in Ilchester for a while and JC planned the route for, and led the not so fast group. There were nine in the group (Louise, Laura, Rachael, Anita, June, Mel, Paul, JC, and myself). For the first time in a few years, we went westwards from the town into the countryside running much of the route of the Inca Trail. Passing houses, the footbridge took us over the A303, and after a while the way turns to grassy track. At Pill Bridge we took photos, then followed the river Yeo. Runnable to start with it then became overgrown. At the footbridge we turned right and crossed a field to pick up Driveway Drove. This was a combination of dry and wet very rutted mud. At the end we turned right at the bottom of Knole Hill. Before reaching Plot Dairy Farm, we turned right where some cows were on the move. With uncertainty we crossed a couple of fields but came out where expected just down the track from Bineham City Farm. Turning right we ran down Pennypost Drove and turned left. Pill Bridge Drove took us back to Pill Bridge. This part of the run felt really good with flat atmospheric views over the beautiful countryside. To save time we returned by the same route that we had come up. After, we ate around one big table in the Hotel. I enjoyed the meal. Thanks JC and Phil for organising.

Released On 29th May 2022

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