Five Sleeps till Diner

Five Sleeps till Diner

Club Diner Night (Friday)

From Anita: The club (non) awards night at the Haselbury Mill on Friday 26/11/21 the timings are:

Arrival: 18.45

Sitting down: 19.15

Service: 19.30

Close of evening (post disco) 00.30

Wimborne 10

From Malcolm: I ran the Wimborne 10 this morning in 1:23:20 gun time and 1:23:01 chip time. I was first in the male 70+ age group. The only other YTRRC runner was Leyton Green who finished in 1:07:53.
It was an excellent 10 mile course and well organised. The winner finished in 53:35 and the first nineteen runners came in under an hour!

Sunday Running

From Jo: Lovely sunny Sunday morning run with Lesley Nesbitt & Leeanne.

Park Runs

From Kev: Portrush parkrun ( NI) then Giants Causeway as it was so close.


From Adam: Lovely Park Run yesterday at Mallards Pike lakes in the Forest of Dean. One loop in the forest on wide easy tracks, first half gradually up hill and second half mainly down!! Cafe toilets etc, beautiful venue. Only drawback £8 to park the motorhome - £1 for cars!!

From Lesley: Henstridge parkrun this morning. The winter route, up and back along the aerodrome and around the field twice-ish. Several Yeovil runners - Alison (who took the group photo), Jeanette, Charles, Tim, Sharon (caretaker of coats and jumper, and getting some well needed fresh air), Adam, Steve, Daphne (tail walker), Kim Barfoot, Richard, Sam Lloyd, Tony and myself. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, apologies if I have.

From Taryn: With Donna Reeves at Street PR this morning

From Sandra: Shepton Park run today. Pretty trees and Drizzly

From Jo: Girls in tour at Burnham & Highbridge Parkrun

Running Events Devon (RED)

From Anita: Running Events Devon (RED) for me and Lynne this morning, joined by our friend Andy who introduced us to Jeff. A timer for running for 2mins, walk for 30sec repeat for the first half then 1min run 1 min walk for the final half, worked well although towards the end the different watch bleeps and bird tweets seemed to sound just like the timer. The weather was kind and the Autumn colours beautiful on the out and back route.

Virtual Running

From Brian: I have completed my virtual SWCP today.

Club championships 2022

From Lesley: It's time to start thinking about planning your 2022 races and taking part in the Club Championships. Details of the Rules and Races are on the website - Club Awards ( Chard Flyer is going ahead and entries will be open in the near future"

Also from Lesley: "Don't forget to wear your London Finisher t-shirts to Club Run on Tuesday. Arrive a little earlier if possible. We will then send the photo off to the Yeovil Express using it for a bit of Club publicity"

PUB RUN – SHERBORNE - GEORGE (18TH November 2021)

From Mark: Ideal running conditions and a good turn out tonight. There were 8 in our group and 13 in total. Leaving the pub, we ran through combe and up the Sandford Orcas road to Ambrose Hill and the Golf club. At the top we turned right and ran down Redhole lane and back into Sherborne. The next leg of the run involved running the streets down to Long street and to the conduit. Passing through the arch to the Abbey we continued along Westbury, and Ottery lane. A path on the right took us to Richmond road, and another path crossing Acreman street took us to Cheap street. A final loop round Hound street and Newland took us back to the pub. It was a great pub with excellent food. For some unknown reason my Suunto 9 watch and smart phone Suunto App are no longer paired, so I can’t get the map.

Released On 21st Nov 2021

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