Fort Bungy

Fort Bungy

Fort William Marathon                 Full Results        Pictures 

Last weekend Fez, Louise and I flew up to Inverness and then down to Kingussie for the Fort William Marathon, Paul Allen picked us up from the airport and we stayed at their House and took in some of the great views of the Highlands. The race starts at the Nevis Range which is at the bottom of the Ski slopes just up the road from Fort William and Spean Bridge. The route takes you on the trail to Spean Bridge and then onto the Commando Memorial at the 11-mile point.

Fez and I ran together and the first 6 miles and was on good track and it did get a bit hot. At the 8 mile point, it started to climb on a single track for about a mile and was hard work. You then left the trail at Spean Bridge and passed a Pub, we came very close to going in for a pint but knew we would end up staying in there. It was road for about half a mile up the hill till it was back on the trail and up to the Commando Memorial, sadly we never went up to the Memorial during the race but very close and then dropped down for a few miles to the Canal Path called the Great Clen Way. It was then 6-7 miles of good flat going till about mile 20 at Carpach then back on the trail and up to the finish at Nevis Range. Along the route Jane and Paul gave support and abuse and helped with Gels and drink and also to grab a jacket in needed but we only had some light rain along the canal for about 10 minutes and managed to finish the race before the rain fell a bit harder, sadly Louise got caught up in this but at least it was not too cold. 

At the finish, Fez and I crossed the line together and Louise was the first Club lady over the line, all the winners got a medal at finishers T-Shirt

This was a very good, well-marshalled route and a great weekend, well worth a Club trip. In fact, Loch Mess marathon in September has been booked.

Dorset Invader Full and Half      Full Results    Half Results   Pictures

From Katie Brooks: Saturday saw the Dorset Invader marathon near Blandford. 11 club members turned up early with 1 stupid enough to camp the night before in torrential rain and winds of up to 55mph and then deciding to switch from Sunday's half to the marathon. Mark L only decided 2 days before to run it with some persuading by Marathon Mike whilst on the pub run. 
The temperature was perfect for running but the winds picked up as we made our way around.
Unfortunately, Lynne took a tumble on a tree route and bruised her nose, after being checked out by the first aider she was able to keep me and encourage me for the remainder of the marathon and put up with my random bouts of hysteria. Mark Price was the first YTRRC with me bring up the rear. Great running from mark p, Kev b, Darren, JC, Chris, Sharon, Mark l, marathon Mike, Richard, lynne and myself. 
Fantastic medal and buff. 
26.2 turned into 29.2. Well done all. Great running

Bristol Half

From Anita: Just waiting for the codes from Simon and info from Adam. Could you both please check your emails from me. Then I will email all the runners. I still need email addresses from: James, Richard, Kat, Emily, Chris, Julie, Elizabeth (Liz), Natasha, Stephen (Steve W), Richard H, Tim H, Louise & Adam. Please IM me on here so the world and his/her wife/husband/partner don't know it. I will be collecting the Coach money from now - £10 cash in an envelope with your name on it please (supporters/guests also welcome)

The Awards Night

The menu's and booking for this will be on the website in the next couple of days.

Stoke Gabriel 10k

From Lesley:  A wet & windy Stoke Gabriel 10kish, well actually 6.8 ml completed this morning. It was touch and go as to whether it was going to be cancelled due to high winds, however, it was then 'all systems go'. A great challenging off-road route, up and over the Devon hills, through woods and we even had to run a couple short sections through the river as the tide was higher than anticipated. All finishers were awarded a medal, cider and bacon buttie. As expected I was the only YTRRC member. Too wet and windy to take photos. Oh look, just found a photo of me with my medal, cider and bacon bap!

Seaview 17

From Paula Odam: Seaview 17 for me today. Actually 20.4 miles and not much of a view due to the fog and rain. Soaked through to the skin by the end however absolutely loved it and very happy to have finished my furthest trail run to date. No photos thanks to the lashing rain- just imagine fog, hills, hills, hills and mud on my new shoes.

Club Calendar 

Just to update you on this, I have started completing this and trying to add Club Runs and events on along with loads of photographs. It will be A3 size and not sure on cost yet but will post when I know. So do not buy one for next year, in fact, buy loads of our calendar for Christmas Presents so all your friends know why you are not at home. 

Tues Club Runs

Well done last Tuesday, some very different trail running?


Marks Runs

PUB RUN – BOWER HINTON (26th July 2018)
Gareth organised and led the Pub Run tonight, which involved 3 types of crop and horses. A good sized group of us set off in the sun and heat heading towards the Parrett Works. At Hinton Bow we turned right to go off-road following Hinton Meads Brook. To begin with, the vegetation slowed our pace. We ran alongside maize, and then across open fields. Later there was a field of wheat. We reached to road at Gawbridge Bow, and ran along it for a little while. Turning left, we went off-road again and crossed several fields eventually reaching the Parrett Works. A little further on, we turned right to go off-road again. Tracks and paths going round the edges of several fields full of tall maize took us into Bower Hinton. To make up the distance we ran a loop round the southern end of the village, then ran fields to the east of the village where we ran past barley and horses. Back at the Pub we had done about 5 miles. Thanks Gareth and all.


Released On 25th Jul 2018

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