Glasto Week

Glasto Week

4th July Virtual 1+3 mile 

We want a 1 mile time trial ... your best effort .. warm up first .. Then 1 mile hard . then another 3 mile cool down for your " Independence Day 4 " ... YTRRC Vest ... or spice it up with Stars n Stripes/fancy dress ... Buddy running allowed with social distance rules ...
What's American Mike thinking??

Run Around the World

From Anita: 

**********JULY CHALLENGE*********
Ladies and Gents, whilst we all eagerly await the footage from the longest day relay challenge (fab work Frances Malin & Steve Lye). Claire Oberthur has found another challenge that we can ALL take part in. It’s a run around the world challenge where we as a team can see how far we can run round the world in the month of July. 50% of all proceeds goes to MIND which is a charity close to a lot of our hearts.
There are 13 of us so far in the team and if you fancy joining us it’s a WEST team and the team name is Yeovil Town RRC - WEST IS BEST!!


Please make sure this is the one you enter as I believe there has been a duplicate team made in error!! You do not need to make up a new team, use the drop down button and it should be there!


The cost of entry is £15 but if you use the discount code Anita (🙄 sorry, I didn’t chose it!) you can get a 10% discount. I have it on good authority the medal is awesome!!!

Hopefully I will have placed a link below! ðŸ¤ž

The Longest Day

Well what can I say, yet another great Club event this time Frances got the ball rolling and of course our very own Steven 'Spielberg' Lye for the video. Frances is doing a write up and I will add this to this Blog. I am not going to add every ones runs on here as Steve has done all the hard work and there is no point repeating this. Just want to say it really was a Club effort and well done all. Next up Kev's Mle on the 4th July.

Steve's Film   

The Longest Day of The Year Relay by Frances 

Grab a large drink and get comfortable .......
The idea of the relay is the brainchild of Claire Oberthur who master minded the women's event earlier followed by the men not wanting to be left out. I decided it would be fun to do a dawn to dusk relay but had no idea the huge response to this I would get and as each person was added the time slot got shorter. The clever ones gave me time slots that worked for them. The generous ones said any time was good and the rest said nothing until the first draft was released. Who knew Paul Card and Anita Farquhar Rufus needed their beauty sleep?! but thanks to Bon Nie Barton and Samantha Self time slots were swapped. Jeanette Vincent volunteered to start the day followed by stick man Richard Dodge and the first of two fast slots by Graham Still who doesn't know his left from right. Bon Nie Barton, Samantha Self and Andy Farrant saw the hat move forward to our first dual Deborah Stanfield and Dave, Richard Clayton and birthday boy James Hutt. Linda Membury passed the hat beautifully to Anita Garrett ( also doesn't know hat direction instructions!) but nicely corrected by Adam Hawkins and the speedy Magdalena Kusmierczyk. The dream team that is Holli Tilley and Jon Foxon took the hat forwards for 46 minutes where Hayley Beck had a treadmill slot and onto Angela Claire, also a confused hat thrower as is Yumni who originally didn't even know what day it was! She blamed the rain but I think it was the lock down booze! However as if nothing else could go wrong, Sandra Levett and Mel Cox, clearly hadn't read instructions, decided any old hat was OK but did a fabulous joint effort and any mistakes were soon corrected by Nichola Chesterton and onto me.
Marie Lockwood hadn't remembered saying yes to the relay but did the 13.03 slot well followed by the injured Dominique Muir who bravely kept the hat moving. Paul Card having had plenty of beauty sleep whizzed the hat forward to Tristram Clark, on wards to Alan Chadbone and to the Mother and Daughter team that is Lesley Nesbitt and Helen Nesbitt. A perfect pass from Catherine Parker-Johns only to be wrongly thrown by Sharon Hardy who kindly stood in for Tim Willis. Sue Mallinson also got the hat going in the wrong direction and clearly needed a Thatchers to get over it.Bungy Williams having run 30 miles during the day added his slot by running around his bbq and correctly threw the hat to Claire Oberthur. Rachel Jones found a little person to join her but the hat got confused with Adam Tanner and Graham Still on his second attempt got the throw wrong again! However, from then on in the hat sailed forward correctly through Andrew Brown, Paula Odam and Lindsay Saunders and Stephen Warren, Jeff Watson, Claire Church, Joanna Henley, Anita Farquhar Rufus and finally as the day was closing in to Steve Lye the movie mogul of the club. The complete mileage was 105.62.
A huge thank you to Steve for putting the movie together.
YTRRC has shone through the dark days of lock down and Coronavirus by coming together virtually. Well done everyone and should I ever suggest anything on this scale again please tell me to sit down and shut up.

YTRRC Remembrance Day 2020

Some years ago the club was gifted a Remembrance Bench which is on Ham Hill overlooking Witcombe Valley Since then we have had an annual run to the bench where the names of past members are inscribed Tuesday 7th July will be YTRRC Remembrance Run with a difference.

As we cannot do a Club Run, the intention this year is to dress the area by the bench and encourage all members to visit walking, running, or even driving in their own time either on their own, or in small groups practicing Social Distancing from 10am to 8pm


Some of those we Remember

Julia Day RIP

Terry Dudderidge RIP

John Enright RIP

Fred Fox    RIP

Dee Howells   RIP

Pete Jakeman    RIP

Lindsey Lant RIP

Kevin Miller RIP

Jimmy New RIP

Rob Peat RIP

Dave Richardson RIP

Piers Simon RIP

YTRRC Archives 

Glastonbury Festival 2008
At the Annual Awards Dinner 07, Phil waited until everyone was under the influence of various chemical substances, when he made the idea of
stewarding at the Glastonbury festival sound appealing (well, to those of a bohemian nature anyway!). They were furnished with a magic code, which
enabled them to get their names on a secret list, known only to a few reptilian folk! And so it was in the month of May, the chosen few received secret
orders to assemble at the gateway to nirvana with the essential supplies, such as a shelter, and of course certain liquid refreshments to last the
duration. Grace “Hall” arrived packing just the bare essentials expecting to walk several miles, to find that Phil and Brian had set up a mobile
palatial headquarters, complete with 5 star facilities that they allowed the peasants to use!

Nicky “Adcock” was next to arrive with her small but luxury shelter, to be followed by Geoff “Richardson” and his friend Simon, who we are sure was
only brought along to back up the ‘innocent stories of going to bed at 11pm every night’, that Geoff was bound to tell Penny when she arrived.
(It’s funny that neither Geoff or Simon were ever seen before 4am!?) However, Grace would know nothing about this as she was never seen until
after sunrise! The junior Hawkins team of Robbie and Kyra – the brother and sister that actually don’t fight with each other (well, most of the time) were quite elusive creatures, so as good runners we can only presume they were out looking for speed! Being lightweights though they couldn’t manage a whole week and had to go home half way for some home cooked grub and a decent shower!!
However we mustn’t grumble about our facilities, as Phil was the facilities manager, and Brian his assistant, because Phil knew nothing, and Brian
knew everything! The showers and toilets were top class, and we had the only portaloos in the festival with a fully rigged lighting system, provided
by Don Reed, another one of our motley crew! Grace’s only job was to provide Phil and Brian with tea in bed every morning; a task which she singularly failed to complete, but she did offer Phil a cup of tea once after returning in the middle of the night when he was answering a call of nature.
One of the highlights was the YTRRC staff dinner, which took place in the Festive Lizards staff canteen - a very civilised affair involving a £3.50 slap up meal, fresh bread and butter and copious amounts of wine that kept appearing from various sources. It was very civilised however,
until we were thrown out with some lame excuse about closing time – we managed to find another venue for our merriment though. Grace managed
to miss this merriment (well, the food part!) due to the fact that she was cooking up a meal on her trangia stove, although we are sure she was
actually drinking the metholated spirits (there is photographic evidence!) In between the frivolity, there was actually some work to be done, but
with Phil and Brian as our supervisors we got all the good jobs, which at one time involved Grace and Nicky playing eye spy (in the dark!) and
charades on a car park shift all through the night, which was actually in a field in the middle of nowhere, full of rather lost Glastonbury punters!
Phil is still wondering if the lady with the lost car is still blaming him because he didn’t know where she parked it in amongst the other 50,000
cars in the many hundreds of acres of fields – I wonder if it was the blue one?!

Another interesting experience for Grace and Nicky who had to deal with a very confused man trying to persuade them to break into ‘his’ car into
which he had ‘locked his keys’?! However, it seems he was actually genuine, as several hours later he returned with an RAC man in tow!
With age comes experience over youth, such as taking camping chairs out on shift with you (ask Robbie and Kyra who ended up sitting on a damp log like garden gnomes!) The highlight of the shifts had to be the conflagration (that’s a fire to those with limited vocabulary like Grace!) which caused stewards on our shift to be employed with managing road closures and the parking of 10,000 cars, to the other side of the site over the next two days. Don, who was managing a road closure at the top of the A37 had a little spat with a police sergeant who after threatening to arrest him, realised that Don was in the right and assisted him for the rest of the shift! Good one Don!

As the YTRRC encompasses all abilities and tastes, so it is with our musical preferences - so even with the use of modern technology (mobile
phones) we barely managed to meet up at selected venues to watch certain bands together. I’m sure this had nothing to do with visiting the
headquarters of the Somerset freedom fighters (aka the cider bus) – where we came across Katy Menday and partner Anthony in residence!
On Sunday we all did the grand tour, and amongst the many band and performers, Grace and Nicky had the misfortune to be confronted by the
‘Ministry of Meaningless Measurements’, and due to their good measurements (however meaningless they may be) they managed to obtain
a certificate each, meanwhile Phil and Brian were gallivanting with the tea ladies from the 1950’s – it must be an age thing!!
Festival over, but Phil and Brian still had work to do in the line of ‘facilities management’, i.e. foraging items of use for next years festival,
such as stray tents, wellies, and other things!? If this has whetted your appetite for a cheap holiday in the sun next year
(!?), contact Phil on or Festive Lizards who are the cover name for our gang of reprobates – go to in February next year.

Released On 22nd Jun 2020

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