Great to be Back

Great to be Back

Virtual Racing

From Matt:  s with huge apologies that I post this late report, but I have no internet access at present (sneakily doing this from work - don't tell). Unfortunately, this means we're late to the party in celebrating Yunmi Jang's completion of LeJog - it was so long ago, she's already recovered and is charging round sporting her new Lejog Finisher's Tee-Shirt! Well done Yunmi Jang ! Getting ever closer is Catherine Thompson on 867 and near Castle Mey. All she has is a few squiggles in the road and then the finish line! Also close is Graham Still on 857, struggling on logging what miles he can but is now past Murkle Burn and on the North Coast. 

Unfortunately Daniel Stephen James McFarlane has forgotten to log/post/run and has made no further progress - "Must do better" will appear in his next school report! Aaaand James Hutt is trundling ever closer on 771 and currently visiting the Steelworks at Barbaraville - which is nice.

Christmas Deco 

You don't need a Christmas Tree

Super Wonder Christmas Run.

From Anita: Another fabulous day, starting with an early alarm, defrosting the car and off with Lynne and Tara to do Saturn running Super Wonder Christmas run. A new route for me, the usual incredible organisation, friendly marshals and excellent banter with other runners but oh so cold out there. Oh and a fantastic medal too.

Band of Runners Christmas Marathon

Well done to Mark Pike on running the Band of Runners Christmas Marathon along the Thames.

Full Monty 10 mile Challenge; Over 60 runners did the 10 mile Challenge

Time to get muddy and wet for the Full Monty 10 miler.

From Sam: YTRRC Virtual Full Monty 10miler. Thanks for the challenge Kevin Doherty

From Anita: Bloody hell it’s cold! NOT a 10 mile run for Kevin Doherty ’s challenge but the best I can do right now! 7 miles walking and 3 running. Oh and no YTRRC vest due to lockdown chub!

From Paul: Virtual Full Monty 10 Miles YTRRC Autumn/Winter Series. Really enjoyed it and a good excuse to have a good blast of a local 10 mile route. Looking forward to the next event!!

From Natasha: Seeing all of you doing Kevin ’s challenge got me out there to have a go. Furthest I’ve ran for a while

From Hayley: Full Monty done. Turns out my Fitbit needs to a bit of tweeking as it said I ran a Half! I also used Map my run today and that made it the correct distance at 10 miles.


From Claire: On a cold, frosty and slightly misty morning myself, Claire, Kay and Sharon set off from Ilchester to do Kevin ’s virtual 10 mile Full Monty Challenge. Nice to see Mel and David who I think are trying to beat each other to the top of the Strava leader board! We were joined by Tim, who stayed with us for quite a few miles until he decided it was time to stretch his legs! Think he was fed up with the women’s talk!! We enjoyed a nice route past the weir, up to Podimore and out towards West Camel. A gentle run back home past the base for tea, hot chocolate, croissants and tiffin in the car park! Well done everyone, it’s nice to be back running with friends again!

From Kat: Not sure how I managed this, first run in a couple of weeks because of knee injury and the furthest I’ve run in quite some time.

Not sure I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.

From Kate: Full Monty 10 mile challenge complete. Thanks Kevin for the motivation

From Nicki: Kevin Doherty completed the full Monty 10 miler with Alison Griffiths, Denise Byrd, Charlotte Kerr & Rachael Jones! Well done guys! Was also great to see a few other YTRRC members this morning x

From Trev: Virtual Full Monty 10 Miles YTRRC Autumn/Winter Series

From Charles:  Just an amazing morning’s run with the delightful Louise Ward and Linda Membury ....’oer hill down dale...and Anita Farquhar Rufus...much less mud that I have become accustomed....Thank you ladies; fabulous company. And I almost recognised some of the areas, too! So Kevin Doherty’re challenge was accepted and met... a ten miler from we three.

From Richard: Kevin Doherty Full Monty 10m run completed

From Richard: Kevin Doherty YTRRC full monty 10 mile challenge completed. A fabulous morning for trail running with great company. I think we’ve all earned an afternoon of relaxation and beer! Thanks Robert Adams  for navigating us round the actual full monty course. Lots of hills and mud. Great challenge Kevin Doherty

From Edward: Fully Monty 10 Miler complete. Lovely and crisp out there. New gloves worked a treat and few people out there perambulating today that had to be navigated around! Now for some Christmas cake.

From Alison: 10 miles done this cold and sunny morning. Welk done to Charlotte Kerr, Denise Byrd, Nicki Hale and Rachael Jones on her 2nd 10 miler in 2 days Kevin Doherty.

From Nat: I did do the full 10.10 miles on zwift but it clichéd n battery Kevin Doherty

From Tina: Lovely sunny 10 miles today for the virtual full monty. Accompanied as always by my faithful sidekick Lesley. Thanks for the motivation

Kevin Doherty

From Me: A muddy cold morning for two Club groups doing the Full Monty, two falls into the mud but the Sun came out for the last 5 miles. When we got back to Ham Hill we saw Kevin Doherty and Tim Howes out for a walk, We saw Kev again at the end and he gave out the medals to us, thanks Kev.

From Angela: Full Monty done with my younger brother for company. Not quite as muddy and possibly not as hilly although I saved Ilchester road/Marsh Lane /Stone Lane til the end. Really enjoyed that run, thanks Kevin Doherty for the challenge! Also it was great to see Denise Byrd Alison Griffiths Rachel, Charlotte and Nicki Hale out this morning too, looking very festive!

From Gav: Thanks for the challenge Kev. Not run much recently so slower than I hoped.


From James: Kev’s 10 Miler challenge complete! Armed with the route programmed into the watch and combined with my knowledge of having run the race on two previous occasions... we still managed to get lost! We had some laughs, Casper demonstrating how to navigate around the muddy bits by promptly falling over. A great morning out and some Strava debate over where the extra 1.3mile appeared on my map! Casper has the photo of the two of us together by the tower.

From Holli: Kev’s challenge completed!

From Marathon Mike: Full Monty done, thanks Kev, each challenge makes me feel I belong somewhere. No mud or hills but it did rain for the first 5 miles so I closed my eyes to block out the palm trees and beaches and pretended I was in an English summer. Run went ok despite having flu shots the evening before. Stopped along the way to take a few pics of the wildlife, vultures feeding on a roadkill, horses in the bay, a roseate spoonbill wit a snowy egret. Well done all you other 10 milers and seasons greetings. Hope it will be possible to get back next year.




From Nick:  My 10 mile full monty challenge all done today with fellow members of the club. Thanks for the route Mark Larcombe and the encouragement Tim Willis & Julie Burton.

From Helen: Thanks Kevin, your ‘Full Monty 10 mile challenge’ complete...but with no hills or mud! Thanks for the invite to join your route Sue, and for the company to you, June and mum. And of course for the piece of yummy flapjack June thanks ladies, great running xx

From Mel: Kevin’s 10. Mile virtual Full Monty completed this morning with David Mears & Rachael Jones.

From Donna: Surprising PB as did some hills big thanks to Kevin  for the challenge.

From Taryn: Monty done virtually 10m challenge with Lisa Hallett and Katie Stokes.

From Marie: Wet, freezing and muddy but I did it ! 10 mile Full Monty run. Thanks Kevin Doherty for the challenge.

From Sam: 10 miles done that was wet, muddy and cold

From Andrew: 10 mile Full Monty challenge completed.

From Dominique: 10 mile challenge complete with the help of Claire Oberthur and Claire Church.

From Steve: Full Monty substitute run done - what else would you do on a day off?! Replaced the roads with muddy fields, tracks, trails and woods. Lots of slipping over. Great fun and something different, now to wash the trainers!! - thanks Kevin Doherty . Enjoy your run everyone. 

Tues Club Nights

Well thankfully we are back and the Groups are on the website for the Track and Tuesday, the Track is now three groups of Ten. Please remember that we are still social distancing and we need to show everyone that we are doing this with that in mind. Thanks

Track is back: Yeah, our Lejog ll T-shirts and medals have arrived. Richard and I wore our Tee with pride at the first track session after the 2nd lockdown. Good to be back! Thanks Tim and Graham!

Secret Santa - Club Members Only

From Holli: This years been tough! Let’s spread some festive YTRRC love!

Details down ‘ere

The rules:

1. The maximum value is £5

2. You must deliver your gift by CHRISTMAS EVE

3. You must try to AVOID BEING SEEN!

4. NO SPOILERS PLEASE so keep your trap shut!

If you want to join in, and try and make this shitty year end in a more positive way, while spreading some club love, you will need to;

PRIVATE MESSAGE ME with your address and any hints to find your house if it’s tricky. DO NOT POST PUBLICLY! I will destroy all details after allocation.

On SATURDAY DECEMBER 12TH at 6pm I will randomly selected each of your Santa’s! So those who wish to join in must let me know by then!

Happy Christmas guys and gals! X

Released On 6th Dec 2020

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