Happy Birthday Queen

Happy Birthday Queen


The AGM will be held at the Football Club in the Stands, so outside with food and the Bar will also be open. The Accounts for the past two years can be seen here. Any questions please email or message the Committee. More details to follow soon.


Weymouth Half Marathon

From Jeanette: Weymouth Half doubling as Queens 10miler. Absolutely lovely route absolutely Brutal run was extremely lucky to finish (nearly fainted twice on route) and extremely grateful to fellow YTRRC Runner Jeff Watson for saving me from passing out at finish if he wasn’t there no doubt I would have been on the floor. He promised if I did to get a pic

Virtual Running


From Nat: So I completed this challenge from last year, had a wobble on that I wouldn't finish this at all due to injury but I did with a little help from my friends

Queen's birthday 10 Miler

From Taryn: Completed the queen and gin 10m challenge- thanks Kevin Doherty

From Andy:  YTRRC Gin Day,10 miler, Make mine a double , thanks kev and thanks Yunmi For the 20 mile motivation.

From Lesley: As I'm away this weekend I've just completed Kevin Doherty 's Gin and Queen 10 miler. I wish I didn't live at the top of a hill as the last 2.5 miles were a real struggle. However, now I'm sat in the garden with a cuppa and a can of G&T to take away with me to drink later, I'm recovered. Thanks Kev for another great challenge.


From Chloe: Shaun and I did Kev’s Gin 10 Miler (plus a bit), completely forgot to take any pictures though.

From Donna: YTRRC 10miler thank you Kevin Doherty for the motivation and happy birthday your majesty, rather warm out there today.

From Amie: And my 30th too.

From Daphne: Thank you (I think?) Kevin Doherty for the challenge. The longest I have run/walked in absolute ages! Even got the Juniper leggings out to celebrate !!

From Mel: OMG I done it! 10 miles for a gin! Thanks Kevin DohertyI would not have done it if you hadn’t put out the challenge

From Andy Brown: YTRRC Celebrate HM's Birthday with a Gin Run in blistering heat.. Happy Birthday Lilibet!

From Louise: Kev's Queen's Birthday and Gin 10 miler challenge completed this morning. Very enjoyable, social run, thanks all and especially Mark for the route.

From Yunmi: Happy birthday to the (gin) queen and thanks for the motivation Kevin Doherty ! I ran the first 10 miles to the track and back. Then stopped for a quick gin but it wasn't enough so I went out again. Double 10=Happy days (P.S: I know what Kevin and Robert Adams will say but keep it to yourself.)

From Dave: A slow 10 miles for a Queens slow Gin


From Diane:  Club challenge 10mile +++ Queen/Gin completed. My longest run to date. I’d never planned to run so far and now it’s done. Phew. Awesome company, so many laughs and feeling very mellow right now. Thank you to my friends Kate, Taryn and Sandra xxx Thanks Kev for the challenge. Wouldn’t have done it without you


From June: Queen's Birthday & gin 10 miler completed. Thanks for the challenge Kev.

From Sam: Hot hot hot xc 10 miles for her majesty

From Sue: Just been out for my long run including 10mile for the Queen, I don't drink g&t but am rehydrateing with copious amounts of Tea, thanks Kevin Doherty

From Melanie: Queens 10 miler complete should have gone out earlier as it was very warm. Both watches played up had to go with the one that seemed more accurate think it was more 11 than 10.

From Nick: As Her Majesty has two birthdays I thought Id run this twice. Thanks Anita Farquhar Rufus Joanna Henley Charles Jardine Linda Membury for a super run around our fabulous countryside. Post run gin, tea and biscuits finished it off a treat, was very unexpected and greatly appreciated.

From Helen:  The Gin Queen 10 miler complete…bright and early to avoid too much heat! (And so I can now shower and head to the beach !) Thanks for challenge Kevin! Run fuelled on Gin … Happy Birthday Your Majesty and Cheers

From James: Queens Birthday 10miler (plus a bit) completed. Very tough going in the heat today but great support from the gang as ever!Thanks Kevin Doherty for the motivation and happy belated birthday your Majesty!Cheers Kevin

From Richard: Queens birthday and gin 10 miler, great company and hot hot hot. Happy birthday your majesty thanks Kevin Doherty for getting us all out there in the heat

From Tim:  Kevin Doherty Queens birthday 10 miler completed in scorching weather by Sharon Hardy and Tim Willis. Saturday out with Mark Larcombe, Louise Ward, Nick Roper, Julie Burton on a route Mark seemed to be making up as he went along. Sunday out again this time called up for water boy duties for Sharon.

From Libby: Completed the 10 mile challenge thanks to Kevin Doherty for another good challenge!


Now melting. Cheers Kev.

From Tina: Queens birthday gin 10 miler done. Twas rather hot, but lovely scenery and the company of my two buddies, Sarah and Nigel.

From Trev: Gin Queen & The Queen’s birthday 10 miler done.

From Rob: 10 Miler done 

From Marathon Mike: Out before 5:30am in the dark to avoid a bit of sun, but it was already 27C and 93% humidity. There was not a bit of wind to rustle the palm leaves, flags hung limply around their poles. Had a couple of miles along the main drag on the picturesque Palma Sola Causeway, then turned north and headed out to Hernando de Soto Memorial Park for a lap on the trail by the Manatee River. Don’t know why they commemorate a Spaniard who came over in the 16th century and murdered all the locals, but then I grew up in the days of TV westerns and for a long time thought the Indians were the bad guys. They did remove his statue though before the surviving Seminoles could toss it into the river. It’s a nice loop to run among palmetto shrubs and giant ferns and they do have a first class drinking fountain with chilled good-tasting water. I came out of there and had a couple of miles on roads through a posh neighborhood, then finished the last three on trails in Robinson’s nature preserve, a large expanse of lakes and sub-tropical scrubland. Fairly quiet today, just a few herons, ibis and spoonbills. By this time the sun had risen, it was warming up, and I was enjoying a few walk breaks.

Running here is really another ballgame with the combination of high temperatures and high humidity. Core temp rises, heart rate goes up, energy drains away and pace suffers significantly. It’s impossible to evaporate enough sweat to cool the body because of the saturated atmosphere, so we’re drenched after a couple of miles. Hence the major consideration is HYDRATION, and routes are planned around petrol stations which have convenience stores, or parks which have drinking fountains.

Many thanks as usual Kevin now I’ve recovered, congratulations to all you other running gin drinkers and Happy Birthday singers, I was hoping to be over soon but I see Boris might be having second thoughts……………..

From Kev: Forgot to post my Gin / Queen 10 mile run yesterday so hear it is now. With the hot sun decided to split the run into two sessions one fast pace and one easy.

Session 1 Speed training at 6 58 pace around the park at Abbey Manor. Unfortunately my old 63 year old legs can't run any faster in that heat nowadays.

Session 2 Warm down steady jog at 10 min pace. Once again thanks for the challenge Kev.

From Jo: Queens Birthday you say? Gin you say? Charles Jardine Linda Membury Anita Farquhar Rufus Nick Roper & I celebrated with a 10 mile run followed by a garden party with tea & gin

From Me: The Union Flag now flies again over Port Stanly, Happy Birthday your Majesty

The Queens 2nd Birthday 10 miler with some great company


From Steve: Queen's birthday run done. Did it early as may not get chance at the weekend. Happy birthday your Majesty. Seemed only right and proper to play her a tune! Think my toe nail may now have come off - too scared to take my sock off




Midweek Update by Donna:  Wow this week we have two finishers. Mac Copping finished in style on Tuesday at Club run, and Paul Thomas finished today. Congratulations to you both!! Now for the rest of us

Sandra Levett 612.43

Sharon Hardy 602.48

Kate Gowers 597.37

Linda Membury 553.03

Sue Mallinson 533.78

Marie Lockwood 531.81

Anita Garrett 509.68

Richard Clayton 508.63

Adam Hawkins 504.94

Louise Ward 479.75

Donna Reeves 442.02

Rachael Gosney 436.78

Claire Shucksmith 427.45

Casper Harvey 426.59

Mel Cox 409.40

Nat Robins 402.70

Nichola Chesterton 392.17

Martin Alderman 374.82

Matt Driver 371.90

Natasha Turner 370.59

Angela Claire 320.85

Shaun Powell 309.52

Kat Hurford 292.59

Sara Driver 213.95

Lauren Jessica 205.67

Tristram Clark 116.96


Somerset Running

Some phots of Tuesday Club Run


Released On 13th Jun 2021

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