Happy Easter

Happy Easter

More Virtual Running

From Kev: This was Angela Claire idea about recreating the Easter Bunny 10k as your own social distance exercise.
Do your 10k tomorrow or Monday... Post photo in Yeovil vest ( new members without vest exemption ) with route/ time .
I've just laminated 10 mock up Easter Bunny Medals as a 2020 lock down memento. add your name if you going for one and I can do some more.

From June: Virtual Easter Bunny 10K completed. A bit breezy and nobody about. πŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ°.

From Nat: Race done πŸ˜, sorry can't find my t~shirt had permission so wore bunny ears instead.

From Tina: My Easter bunny virtual 10k . Nice and early, so lovely out this morningπŸ˜€thanks Angela and Kevin for the challenge.

From Lynne: Beautiful morning for a run , got out early , ran 6.2 miles out to Baltonsborough , and back to do virtual Easter Bunny ! Thanks for incentive Angela and Kev . Happy Easter πŸ€πŸ”X

From Steve and Linz:  Easter bunny virtual 10k done Kevin Doherty. Hot, and nearly under the hour, actually think it was as started my watch whilst doing up my trainers lol at home. Xx

From Adam:  Virtual Easter Bunny Run/walk 10k done.
Slow, but not as slow as last year as the tail walker where the last competitor walked the whole way except a sprint in the finishing straight!!

From Rachael:  YTRRC Virtual 2020 Easter Bunny 10k complete - No Easter Bunny but my gorgeous Springer Brontë for cuteness

Thanks Kevin Doherty for the motivation to do it.

From Samantha: Virtual Easter bunny 10k done... Was a bit warm πŸ₯΅ ... Now I can eat chocolate right? πŸ˜‹
Happy Easter πŸ˜Š

From Sue: Virtual Easter bunny 10k done... Was a bit warm πŸ₯΅ ... Now I can eat chocolate right? πŸ˜‹
Happy Easter πŸ˜Š

From Jeanette: Amazing what you will do for a laminated bunny. Thank you for the motivation. Happy Easter πŸ°

From Sue: Easter Bunny Virtual 10k Thanks for the challenge πŸ°πŸ£. Didn’t make it to Yeovilton but included Henstridge Airfield sign in our loop. Got a few waves and happy comments for the ears!

From Nicki:  Virtual Easter Bunny 10k in my Yeovil vest

It took longer than what I thought as the dog likes sniffing everything but so glad I got up and out early! I got stopped by the police (only to ask me whether I knew where the old sewage works were) I also saw Graham Still! I have definitely earned my gin this evening!

From Steve Lye: YTRRC virtual Easter Bunny 10k. Happy Easter everyone.

From Anita: YTRRC virtual Easter Bunny 10k on this beautiful spring morning. Now enjoying a rustic Easter biscuit and a drink πŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸ°πŸ£πŸ‘πŸΊπŸŒ·πŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸŒ³honest I did it, it's on strava πŸ˜ƒ

From Lesley and Helen: Virtual Easter Bunny completed. Before and after photos below! Rather more undulating than the Yeovilton route but a lovely morning for it. Several runners/walkers in the more built up areas but it was good to be able to run in the middle of the main roads with so few cars. We heard your chickens cock-a-doodle-ing Alison & Robert πŸ“. Good to see Pippa on route dressed up with her 'bunny ears' and 'Happy Easter' bib. Well done to everyone else who have done or going to so the virtual or any other run/exercise. Happy Easter to you all🐣πŸ₯.

From Paula: Easter bunny 10k done. Out in quiet country lanes with lambs in the fields in this beautiful sunny day. Met my son coming the other way so here is a socially distanced selfie! Thank you Angela and Kev for the motivation πŸ˜Š

From Matt: Virtual Easter Bunny run. Went a little further than required because the Marshall's were rubbish πŸ˜€ Note the PPE and hat to hide the long hair.

From Holli: A very toasty and very hilly Easter Bunny 10k! (And many dips in the river for Zigs!) lovely to bump into Luke and Catherine. Happy Easter everyone! Stay safe x

From Linda: Virtual 10k Easter Bunny complete. Why did I leave it to the middle of the afternoon! Way to hot. Niw time to sit back and enjoy my lager. BBQ later. Happy days.

John: Virtual Easter Bunny 10K - great sunny πŸ˜Ž day - well done everyone! πŸ° πŸ£ πŸ«

Lock down:

From Matt: 

I’ve come to realise I've gone off Graham Still and his silly challenges…here’s my 50 miles in a week! Before we start, thank you Frances Malin for telling me how horrible it is. No, its not on Strava Magdalena, I’m avoiding being tracked by the FBI.

No, I didn’t wear my YTRRC vest…but as you all know, I have YTRRC tattooed on my heart!

Day 1 – Saturday = 8.75 miles

Day 2 – Sunday = 6 miles (will declare this as my 5K)

Day 3 – Monday = 10 miles (will declare this as my 10 miles)

Day 4 – Tuesday = Not playing anymore…knackered

Day 5 – Wednesday = Oh, hello! 14.75 miles (declare as my Half)

Day 6 – Thursday = 5 miles (declare as five miles)

Day 7 – Friday = 7.6 miles (declare as 10K)

Grand total = 52.1 miles

Of course, one exercise per day. Distancing rules obeyed. Ran from home and only locally. Honest.

The photo shows how warm it is. Excuse the hat, I haven’t had my hair cut recently and its getting rather long.

So, today I did my 10k Easter Bunny.

You’ll also notice I’ve qualified for my Mini-Slam hat Lesley Nesbitt take note!

They all had new sections (to me), so as course records, I’ll take 50 points each and beat Jeff Watson to Points King, or Paul Card to Points male champion…I don’t mind which.

I’d also like to resurrect an old club award (cancelled as it’s non-PC), that of Rear of the Year…either I’m a complete ass for running all this in the middle of each day to avoid everyone, or I’ve actually got a cute one.

Released On 12th Apr 2020

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