Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023

Chard Flyer.   Full Results.        Photographs

New Years Day always means the Chard Flyer 10k, a very hilly 10k as well. A great Club turn out. Adam was first Club member over the line and 8th overall and Frances was our First Lady in club colours as Gill was running under R4T.

From Lesley: Well done everyone on today's Chard Flyer, a really good YTRRC turnout and brilliant start to 2023. Lots of points earned for the beginning of this year's Club Championships - keep it up. The next championship race is Street 5k on Wed 8th February. For more details on the club Championships and hats can be found on https://www.yeoviltownrrc.com/about-and.../club-awards.htm. I know the majority of you know but just a reminder for members to please remember to wear Yeovil vests for all races to ensure inclusion in the Championships.

From Rob: Chard Flyer 10k this new years morning. Supporting the YTRRC members on my bike. Well done all

300 Marathons

From Mark Pike: JC completed his 300th today at the RED Bell Challenge Series day 2. It’s his 72 marathon of 2022. He crossed the line with Brian Mills who is now on over 1400 marathons.

Scavenger Hunt

On News Year Eve Vicky and Jack organised a Scavenger Hunt around Yeovil and we had about 30-40 club members and a couple of dogs starting at the Airfield Tavern and finishing there for the prize giving, breakfast and drink. Each team was given a list of items with 6 items you had to collect and take back to the finish and about 16 places or items you had to take a selfie with all the team. It was a great laugh and the pictures show just some of the items or locations you had to collect or go to.

Some Football related and a School

Underwear and a Bridge

You get the picture, you also had to do a handstand

All in all a great laugh and loads of comments here are a few:

From Graham: A big thank you to Vicky & Jack for organising a very successful scavenger hunt!

From Yunmi: Conkers for bonkers! What a great way to end 2022 with this lovely bunches . Thank u Vicky Rosewell & Jack for the fun morning! Happy New Year to you all.

From Donna: Thank you Jack and Vicky, really enjoyed it very well organised such a lovely thing to do to finish off the year!

From Nolan: Great stuff!! Thank you for organising Vicky.

There were loads more and big thanks to Vicky and Jack, it would be great to do this again.

Park Runs

from Adam: Wet very windy New Years Eve Weymouth Park Run

From Kevin: Pacing Nephew William once again this time at Cheddar parkrun. Good new club runner picking up the pace just of his pb.

From Claire: Fab pre birthday parkrun and breakfast…thank you Claire Church

Plain Crazy Winter

From Ali: Robert Adams race ready for Plain Crazy Winter 12.5 miles across Imber Plains. A lovely day for it.

PUB RUN – ASH (29THDecember 2022)

From Mark: The last Pub Run of 2022 and there were five in the not so fast group (Nick, Kelly, Louise, Paul, and myself). Phil and Mel formed another group, and Guy ran alone. We had a break in the wet and windy weather, and it was mild dry and clear. Leaving the pub and running east, we turned right and passed a well lit up Christmas tree standing at the junction. We headed along Martock lane where the lights of Martock and other places shone all around. Descending into Martock we stopped at the triangle for photos then continued northwards up the main street. At the petrol station we turned left and headed towards Coat. It was an opportunity to admire the Christmas lighting before running into the darkness. At Coat we turned right and ran to the traffic lights at Stapleton cross. We crossed over, and headed up the Hill back to Ash finishing the first loop of about 3.7 miles. Passing Phil and Mel, we then continued on the second smaller loop around the north side of Ash, making 5 miles at the end. For some reason my smart watch failed to map the first part of the run, but did log the correct total miles. The pub was welcoming. There were eight of us on one table. Thanks Phil for organising.

Released On 1st Jan 2023

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