Hip Hip Hooray

We all hope Phil makes a speedy recover 

Wokingham Half Marathon.   Full Results

From Lesley: Wokingham half marathon completed. Lovely route, although not quite as flat as I thought it was going to be particularly the last 3 miles. Nice to see Malcolm. I didn't see Simon or Nikki who were also there. My supporter and photographer did a good job.

Hopefully with this result Lesley will get to Run in an England Athletics Top, great achievement.

Big Mud Marathon

From Dan: Big Mud Marathon completed today. Absolutely gorgeous weather. The route was Incredible and really nice new race organiser. @bigfeatevents.

North Dorest Relay

From Graham: North Dorest Relay update (1st May):

Payment has now been made, the 4 teams are as follows:

Team 1): Jac Casey, Yunmi Jang, Rachel Mead, Vicky Rosewell

Team 2): Cameron Groves, Graham Still, David Moore, Timothy Hawkins

Team 3): Rob Jones, Tim Willis, Richard Howes, Amanda Travers,

Team 4): Angela Claire, Taryn Monks, Richard Clayton, Samantha Self

Transport will need to be arranged per team, this can be discussed nearer the time.Good luck everyone!!!

 Park Runs

From Adam: Sharpham Fields Park Run Cheddar. Flat and for some fast!!

From Taryn: With Claire Church at St Marys Bridport

Rose & Crown, Bower Hinton

From Lesley: Pub run at the Rose & Crown, Bower Hinton was led by Sue tonight, a lovely 6.2 miles to East Lambrook and incorporating part of the Martock 10k route. The slow group consisted of Sue, Paul, Simon, Nikki and myself. Unfortunately Louise and Fez were delayed due to traffic hut joined us for food at the pub. We missed Mark 's company tonight which also meant we forgot to take a photo and we will, of course, miss his report too. Thanks Sue for the route and for everyone for the company.

100 Marathon Club

From Anita: Just in case any one is interested and wished to come along (some have been asking!) I have booked my 100th marathon for Saturday 16th April 2022 (Easter Saturday) at the new Strawberry Fields event with with First and Last Running. It is a looped run so people can do 5k up to ultra distance. By doing the Saturday hopefully most of the holiday traffic will have gone wherever it is going so no need to leave home at 2am

Released On 26th Feb 2022

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