Insta What??

Insta What??

Stoke Stampede

Today saw the Stoke Stampede 10k, one of our Championship Races so there were plenty of the Cub runners there. Sadly no reports from those that were there.

The Sunday Run

The Sunday run today had a good turnout and with the Yeovil Half and those cracking marathons in the spring it is a good training for those long runs with loads of encouragement and refreshments after. See the new Club Facebook for details.

Friday Night at the Track

Every Friday there is a great Track session at 6:15pm, this is open to all and would urge all those that have not been before to give it a go. The sessions are to help you no matter what standard you are at. You do not have to be a fast runner you are there to improve yourself. 
So come along.

Club Championship

Lesley has added Combe St Nicholas 10k on Sunday 5th March as a Club Championship race as it doesn't clash with our own Great Western 10k this year. Good news for all - you can now enter both and support both causes! Entry forms are now open on FullonSport.


We now have a new Facebook page just for Club Runs please keep it to that only. All other Club stuff will stay on the normal Club page. The Club runs will be public in a few weeks  and anyone will be able post to it even if they are not in the Club. We have admins to delete any unwanted posts or those trying to sell crap to us.


The Club now also has an Instagram account yeovil_town_rrc with now 11 followers. Get in now before it fills up and goes viral.

See the first post below. Sod knows who they are.

Hill Reps

Normally on either a Wednesday or Thursday Nathan takes a Hill session and posts on Facebook where and when. This will hopefully be on the new website Calendar so those not on Facebook will also be able to know when these happen.

From Nathan:

8 brave runners took on hill training yesterday. We met at goldenstones and did a gentle warm up taking in forest hill on a loop back to Southwoods. There we did 10, 20, 30 and 40s efforts with walks back to the start. We did 3 sets of these with a gentle hilly loop in between each set. When done we reserved our warm up to cool down.... (yeah was dam cold so cooling down wasn't hard)

You don't have to be a fast or established runner to join us. Just either someone who wants to improve or values company while training.

Provisionally next week Thurs, 6:30 at gstones. Things that may change it are the weather (ice) and most runners saying they could only make weds but we're trying to avoid the 5k.

Membership Fees

Having discussed at the Committee meeting this week we have decided that the membership fees have had to rise by £5. This is due to English Athletics fees rising every year since our last rise. 2nd claim remain the same as we do not pay their EA fees. This takes effect immediately and the membership forms now reflect the change. If like me you pay by Direct Debit or Standing Order could you please change the renewal fee to £30. New members will be £35 but does include a Club vest which are now £20.

This is still cheaper than one months Gym membership and you get a whole year of membership including the excellent Track sessions on Friday's. If you have any questions then please ask. Thanks

Marks Run's


Phil, then Simon led the pub run tonight from the Royal Oak at Over Stratton. It was cold with a clear starry sky. To the south west, at 4 o clock to the moon was a very bright star or planet? I know not which? The narrow lane took us past tall evergreen trees and a farm to the church at Merriott. I had not warmed up one bit, and was glad for the gloves. Right, right and left got us onto another lane to Hinton St George. We passed a posh house. This village feels unique like the centre of a town without the shops, and feeling high up. We then descended with lit up views across the valley. We got to Lopen and did a loop round the houses coming out on the Roman road (Fosse Way). Further on, there were tales of a 3 legged dog, mud and a large semi-frozen muddy puddle to get round. Some got muddy here. A very enjoyable pub run that felt fresh. Thanks very much all.


Thanks to Anita and all for the 10.7 mile run from Goldenstones this morning. It was fast pace and good training. The route took us to Over Compton, over the A30 dual-carriageway, round the outside of Bradford Abbas, Clifton Maybank, and Stoford. We then went right going up to and along Two Tower Lane, down to the Red House, and out to the East Coker road before turning right and running up to West Coker road. The last leg was along the main road and down Henford Hill. It was mild, and there were a few hills along the way. Good climbing.

Club Events

  1. Tuesday Club Night is at GOLDENSTONES 6:15 pm 10th Jan
  2. Thursday Pub run is at Teddy Rowe Sherborne at 6:30pm 12th Jan
  3. Track night on Friday at 6:15pm  
  4. The Sunday Run will be Goldenstones  15th Jan 9:00 am
  5. The next Championship race is  Sun 5th Feb 10k Longleat 10.00 am

Released On 8th Jan 2017

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