It's 5k Time

It's 5k Time

LeJog Virtual Run standings are as shown:
Mark Pike – Dumbarton – 588.9 miles currently in 18th place overall and hoping to finish this month - that's nuts!
Guy Williams – Dumfries – 500 miles, currently in 34th overall - Amazing!
Luke Hicks – Blackpool – 396.1 miles, currently 75th overall - Just "WOW"!
Steve Lye – Crewe – 321.1 miles
Dave Tilsley – Shrewsbury – 301.5
Anita Rufus – Kidderminster – 277.1
Matt Driver – Worcester – 260.7 (pleased with that)
Jon Foxon – Westbury-on-Severn – 227
Steph Lara- Cinderford – 223.7
Mel Dodge – Wye Valley – 217.7
Graham Still – Lydney, Glos. – 215.7
Brian Lane – Lydney, Glos – 212.8
Magdalena Kusmierchyk – 208 – Chepstow
Catherine Thompson – 172.7 – Weston-Super-Mare
John Hayden – 160 – Bridgwater
James Hutt – Wellington – 142.2
Daniel McFarlane – Wellington – 138.2
Catherine Parker-Johns – Dartmoor – 99.1
Meanwhile, those that started in June have their own map which I can't access. As far as I know, Richard Clayton and Casper Harvey will be banging out the miles, Yunmi Jang is running with Magdalena Kusmierczyk so she's having fun, but poor Tina Beard has broken her shoulder (!) so best wishes to her.
Keep running, keep safe, keep hope in your hearts โค๏ธ

Peter Jakeman 5k ( Yeovilton) Virtual Challenge from 10th -14th June

Thanks once again to Kev for sorting this, yet another great Club turn out and I recon the only Club doing this so well done all.

From Bon Nie Barton: I didn’t know Peter Jakeman as well as you all, but I do have very clear memories of him one Tues track saying to me ‘don’t you dare eat your meal again before you come next week!’ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฎ and another week coming over to me to jog beside me and check I was ok after I was heckled by someone in the park for running slow ๐Ÿ˜‚
It felt fitting to do a lap of the park as I remembered. So here’s my Yeovilton 5km time and screen shot of said loop โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

From Kev: Peter Jakeman 5k ( virtual Yeovilton)  ust the push I needed.... great to see Triss Samuel putting in " Road miles" ๐Ÿ˜and Joanna Henley right as I finished ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ‘

From Angela: Pete Jakeman virtual 5k done with the two minis. They only moaned a bit towards the end as it started raining. No PBs for any of us and they didn't want a photo either as they were 'too wet'! Just no pleasing some people!

From Sue: Just completed my virtual Yeovilton 5k in memory of Pete

From Deb: Pete 5k - ‘young un’ accompanied by the Pet Boys had an emotional run/walk today. Whenever I hear the Pet Shop Boys I’m always transported back to Glastonbury with Pete and a great evening. Runnng - pick your feet up, don’t trip over the tree root - ohh too late, relax the shoulders, sit back let the hill carry you, keep breathing, you can do this. I’ll always be a ‘young un’ even if I live to 100! Love n miss him but he’s always on a run with me ๐Ÿ’• 3.16 miles 41:15 slow but still moving๐Ÿ˜Š

From Richard: Pete Jakeman Virtual Yeovilton 5 KLM . Memories of the Swindon to Yeovil relay when we ran the Bradford-On -Avon lock leg as dawn was breaking yes all about memories today !!!!

From Steph: Just finished my Pete 5k. A PB but not the PB I wanted. I'm disappointed but I'm sure Pete would have said 'next time youngin'. I'll try again next month for our Pete. Love to all the club. I miss you guys โค xx

From Marie: Yeovilton 5km in memory of Pete Jakeman. No P.B for me.

From Daphne: Virtual Yeovilton 5K. Unfortunately not a PB today.

From Tina: ๐Ÿ˜… not a pb, but the fastest I’ve run for sometime. My virtual yeovilton 5k in memory of Pete.Thanks for the push Kevin Doherty!

From Andy: Virtual Yeovilton 5K, no PB, but close! I didn't know Peter but I am happy to donate.

From Paul and Huw: Huw Davies and I ran the Pete Jakeman 5k challenge on the Yeovilton course, socially distanced. Huw was diagnosed type 1 diabetic last November but set himself the challenge to run a sub 20 minute 5k this year. With no races happening I offered to help pace him, this seemed the perfect opportunity as Pete helped so many of us. I wasn’t really needed as Huw smashed his target completing it in 19.37, a PB by 35 seconds.



From Claire and Claire: Claire Church and I ran our virtual yeovilton 5k this afternoon-not PBs for either of us, but there were stingers, and rain, and trip hazards, and hills (shall I go on ๐Ÿคช?!) hope it still counts Kevin?

From Jeanette: Virtual 5k no PB but quicker than I have been ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. I didn’t know Peter but happy to donate. YTRRC has done so much for me and meeting two runners tonight who stopped and chat means so much to a lonely runner. ๐Ÿ’“

From Adam: We did our 5ks around a deserted Montacute with sheep and swallows today, remembering Pete and friends.

From Kat: I’ll start again!! I somehow added a different workout!! Virtual Yeovilton 5k..... fastest I’ve run for a while especially with the pooch, had Peter Jakeman in my ear egging me on. ๐Ÿ‘ผ Time includes one poo ๐Ÿ’ฉ stop ๐Ÿ™„.


From Jo: That’s my virtual Summer Series 5K in memory of Peter Jakeman done. Probably shouldn’t have done it straight after PE with Joe but as I ran past Pete old bungalow I heard him say “what’s wrong with you girl, get in with it “

From Louise: Yeovilton 5k done mainly on the Lufton Loop this morning. Not sure why I forgot to wear YTRRC vest despite seeing Lesley and Helen's post just before I went out! Was thinking of Pete though and wore the YTRRC buff so hoping this qualifies Kevin?

From Holli: Yeovilton 5k (and a bit!) Does anyone know what this house is?! Near Two Tower Lane.

Barwick Shed


From Terry: Club virtual 5km for Pete. So how hard can I push after 10 weeks? one km under 6 mins, average 6m 10s, massive improvement. Slow, but shows there is life after catastrophic injury. So great to feel part of the club after 2 years. 

From Steve L: Virtual Yeovilton 5k....happy with that on tired LEJOG legs. Longing for when we can all meet up again.

From Linda: Yeovilton 5k virtual run done. Not as fast as the original route but it was tough going.

From Lynne:  Never good at 5km these days , especially from a standing start , so very slow 5km , virtual for the much loved Pete Jakeman . Thought of Pete on the run , had some naval tunes banging out as I ran(Hearts of Oak , Life on the Ocean wave ) wore my Pete Jakeman buff and shed a few tears . He would be very proud of us all running as we do , fast, slow, long , short. Xx

From Me: Over Halfway to Scotland so need to keep the miles up, however after today I only did another 7. Still had a good 5k down to Ninesprings.


From Anita: YTRRC virtual 5k series run (I use that term loosely) with Pete's mantra in my head 'head up, shoulders back, bottom in and use your arms as well young un' while trying to override my own of 'I hate 5k'. Hope you are all doing better than me.

From Helen: Mum and I have just completed our June Virtual Yeovilton 5k. PB’s for both of us this morning ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿผ‍โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿผ‍โ™€๏ธ...24:54 for mum (knocking 51secs off of May’s time) and 23:20 for me (knocking 39 secs off of May’s time).

The Longest Day

From Frances: Format for relay on 21st June. I have put Deborah Stanfield and her husband, Leslie and Helen Nesbitt and Steve and Lindsay together as pairs which I hope is OK? The day light is 992 minutes which gives every slot exactly 23 minutes and 10 seconds! Everyone taking part is to be a fully paid up member and you need to have a black Yeovil hat to use as the baton. The idea is for the cap to keep moving for the 992 minutes. The video footage only needs to capture the catching the cap and setting off make it short as otherwise the footage will take too long! It is necessary to record the run exactly in the slot you are given! Running order to follow soon. Hope that makes sense.

Here goes for (hopefully) last list for Longest Day Relay Sunday 21st June:
4.55am -Jeanette Vincent, 5.18am - Richard Dodge, 5.41am - Graham Still, 6.04am -Bon Nie Barton, 6.27am -Samantha Self, 6.50am -Andy Farrant, 7.13am - Deborah Stanfield and Dave, 7.36am -Richard Clayton, 7.59am -James Hutt, 8.22am - Linda Membury, 8.45am -Anita Garrett, 9.08- Adam Hawkins, 9.31am - Magdalena Kusmierczyk, 9.54am - Taryn Monks, 10.22am - Jon Foxon and Holli Tilley, 10.45am - Hayley Beck, 11.08am - Angela Claire, 11.31am - Yumni, 11.54 - Sandra Levett and Mel Cox, 12.22pm - Nicola Nichola Chesterton, 12.40 - Frances Malin, 13.03 -Marie Lockwood, 13.26pm - Dominique Muir, 13.49 -Paul Card, 14.12 -Tristram Clark, 14.35 -Alan Chadbone, 14.58 - Lesley Nesbitt and Helen Nesbitt, 15.21- Catherine Parker-Johns, 15.44 -Tim Willis, 16.07 - Sue Mallinson, 16.30 - Bungy Williams, 16.53 - Claire Oberthur, 17.16 -Rachel Jones, 17.39- Adam Tanner, 18.02 -Graham Still, 18.25 -Andrew Brown, 18.48 -Paula Odam, 19.11 -Lindsay Saunders and Stephen Warren, 19.34 - Jeff Watson, 19.57 -Claire Church, 20.20 - Joanna Henley, 20.43 -Anita Farquhar Rufus, 21.06 - Steve Lye - 21.30

From Steve: 

The relay video plan......!!!

As there are some questions ,here's the idea (what could possibly go wrong hey!!!!!!? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคž).

Send me a strava image or photo of your watch - be nice to see routes and how many miles we've all covered.

If you have no one to throw the hat to you at the beginning (I don't) - film throwing the hat into the air and catching it on the way down (I'll try and edit it)

There are 42 running slots (45 runners) so I'm going to get flooded with videos (hope phone has enough free memory!?) - I don't know all of you so can you ALL please put your name on the WhatsApp message that you send to me - that way I have some chance of trying to get the order right!!

Whatsapp the files to me on 07398 116805

It's father's day so I'm out for the day and won't get chance to look at the video until after work on Monday and Tuesday nights so please bare with me - I'll do it as quickly as I can

Not quite sure what I've let myself in for

Good luck, have fun and fingers crossed it works!!!

Any questions ask Frances Malin !!!!!!!!!

Smile and have fun!

Two video clips please - at the start of your run (facing camera) collect hat from your right side with your right hand (Jeanette Vincent - as you're 1st off, film putting hat on), at end of run (again facing camera) throw the hat to your left side

If you are in a group of two - perhaps 1 persons catches the hat at the beginning and the other one throws it at the end.

Committee Meeting

The minutes of the meeting help on the 3rd June can be seen here.  

Released On 14th Jun 2020

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