It's a Cold One

It's a Cold One

Plymtrail Winter Marathon

From Anita: So Lynne, Tara and I travelled over the border in the wee small hours of the morning in order to enjoy the Plymtrail Winter Marathon. Joined by Andy it was a little icy underfoot and slippy in places, weaving around the cyclists and families out enjoying the lovely weather. Don't believe the Strava. Nice medal, well organised and friendly atmosphere. Mike saw this line of white stuff and thought of you 😂🤣😂#lotsofmarathonsbetweenusall.

Phoenix Zeus Ultra, Marathon and the Thunderbolt Half

Seems like Walton on Thames is getting very popular with the Club, we had Mark in the Marathon and Graham ran the half with , Jon and Holli running the Ultra, also Mags helping and taking phots. Graham did very well and came in forth.

Gloucester Half Marathon

From Kev: Gloucester Half Marathon today was a boys day out with Steve Lye .. early start for us .. 2 other members aborted their mission ..
So 6.45 we headed up to Gloucester ( Quedeley) parked near race HQ.. Organisation!! Well no toilet paper quite early on .... and it was bloody freezing cold and very icy making the course treacherous in parts.
Marathoners were off at 9am ... we set off 10.10am I ran with Steve for about 10k .. it was undulating 2 laps for HM ... roads / lanes . weather was near perfect ... Steve was pleased to be back solidly in sub 1:30 territory with 1:29:21 ( V45 7th) and I was happy with 1:31:23 ( V50 6th).. journey
Home now ... stuffing our faces ... both complaining of aching muscles and joints 😁

Quiz Night

From Gav Cheetham:

Happy New Year everyone🍾       8th Feb 7:15pm

I am holding a fundraising quiz night at The Red House in Yeovil, details below. Please save the date if you can make it, if anything, you will get to see your’s truly be the quiz master! There will also be a raffle drawn on the evening with some amazing prizes up for grabs.

Feel free to share and spread the word, thank you for your support🌻💛

Marathon Training

Today Tim Hawkins organised and ran the Marathon Training session today at Goldenstones. There was a great turn out with all standards of Club Runners, it started with a warm up of running 10 min towards Penmill the turn round and head back. Then Tim had two markers in the Ground 1 km apart and we then ran 10 k back a forth with the first  15 seconds faster than your Race Pace then the second at 15 seconds slower, then repeat for 10 k. Thanks to Tim for putting this excellent training on and there will be another 4 or 5 sessions to help build up for Marathons and Halfs that are coming up. Very good for trying to run at your Pace, just to show how bad you are at keeping to it.  

Marathon/Half marathon training sessions I would like to invite all of you to join me in a series

of training sessions every other Sunday morning to help to prepare you for your spring marathon/half marathons

I will lead a set of progressive sessions of about 90 minutes to start with, then pushing you a bit longer as

you get nearer to your big day. Starting time will be 9 am prompt from Goldenstones.

I may take a couple of sessions from Yeovilton later on in the program. All you need is a stopwatch, your target race time and fresh legs!

I would like to stress these training runs are designed for all abilities. The first session will be next Sunday (19th jan).

I look forward to seeing as many of you that can make it and hopefully we can get you running stronger and faster for your upcoming races


Ninesprings by Night

From Lesley: Not bad for a Saturday evening's work. Great run and extremely well organised and marshaled as always. Well done Nathan, Pippa and their crew of helpers and marshals. Thank you all

From Yunmi: Some of the brave Yeovil town runners are collecting championship points in the cold and dark winter night.Well done 5k runners & Good luck to 10k runners!! Flying Fox Running @LED Goldenstones Leisure Centre


Marks Runs


On a day of storms when I discovered 2 more broken garden fence posts, we had the lowest turnout for ages with just 6 runners in total. I led a run with Kirsty, to the town centre, then northwards to Redhole Lane. The climb continued in the dark until reaching the Golf Club. With mud on the road, we descended to the junction at Ambrose Hill, then descended further as we ran down Sandford Orcas road. At Coombe road we turned right and climbed up Nether Coombe Lane. Crossing the Marston road, we continued along Sheeplands Lane. We continued running to Bradford road, Gainsborough Drive, and took the path to the West End estate. We ran along Hunts Mead, then back along Lenthay road to the pub. The rain and storm had largely passed for the run which was good. The run was 5.74 miles with low and high points at 154 ft and 537 ft (Golf Club). The pub was at 164 ft. Thanks all for braving the weather.

We manage to find the only person in the Pub that has never taken a phot with a phone 

Released On 19th Jan 2020

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