It's a DD at Crewkerne

It's a DD at Crewkerne

Dartmoor Discovery

Saturday saw the Dartmoor Discovery Ultra, the longest Road Ultra in the UK with just Dave Tilsley and I entered for the Club. It is 32 miles long with some cracking hills thrown in. The Race did not start till 9:30 so time for a Full English before the race. The day started off Sunny and for most of the Race and did get warm in a few places but then by mile 25 the heavens opened and the rest of the race was very wet.  My aim was to gert a sub 5 for the first time on this course with both other times just over 5 hours. There are cut-offs at the Half and full marathon points but luckily I made both of them with my marathon time of 3:45 with 6 miles to crack. The last 1.5 miles are hard with the climb back up to Princetown but the finish line and post race are superb, I crossed the line smiling to the amusement of the man on the mic who said I was the only one with a smile, I finished in 4:42 with Dave coming in at 5:14 for his first go at this Race. After a Shower, it was recovery time with a Pint of Guinness and a bottle of Red with the words of "just the one glass please barman"  

After the race the Prize giving was done with the award to the winners and also to present 4 people with their 100, 200, 300 and 400 marathons a first for any race. This was then followed by the Teignbridge Trotters Disco and some very dodgy dancing but I did the club proud (so I was told).  This is a great race and if you enter next year there is the added bonus of an extra 2 miles at the end :)

The full results can be seen here.

The winner is already out front and Adams average pace was 7.0 p/m unbelievable with them hills. 

Weymouth Gin 10k

Saturday saw the Gin 10k with 5 YTRRC runners entered, it was a messy race but Sarah Hyett managed to fall down at the line first but Jo was a close second.

Crewkerne 10k

Today saw the Crewkerne 10k a championship race so loads of Green and Whites were there. No full results out yet.


This in from Kevin Doherty Crewkerne 10k 4th June 2017

A fantastic contingent of Yeovil Town RRC members were assembled in Crewkerne early this morning ( even Jo Henley! It's official her saturday gang are light weights ðŸ˜Š).
Slight breeze with clouds over head threatening... could we get drenched?
This is hilly and we all new this .. even newbies had heard the rumours.. we were off down hill for a short stretch .. before a long uphill stretch then a mixture of up and down ... flat main road/path and narrow lanes .. Bryn Phillips
Put in a fantastic performance to claim 1st place as overall race winner With Darrell Sheen 2nd YTRRC member home with a great run and I think top 10 finish and 1st V40.
Nathan Gardiner ran an excellent race was not
far behind to finish 3rd YTRRC member home.
Nikki Guiver on excellent form claimed 2nd Female place and 1st YTRRC member home with Pippa Howarth and Joanna Henley 2nd and 3rd respectively in YTRRC positions and fantastically the Yeovil Town ladies brought home first place in the ladies team event absolutely brilliant - well done to them and our other winners and of course all our runners today..

From Bryn Philips:

Had a good leg stretch at the hilly Crewkerne 10k this morning winning the race in 36:14. This was my first official outing as the Men's Club Captain and the Team didn't let me down. I reckon if a few of the regular front runners had been there then we could have taking the title from Wells City Harriers. 
It seemed that Lesley Nesbitt had given strict instructions to the Ladies Team and they didn't disappoint, coming in 1st. Well done to all members that ran you did the Club proud.

Next up on the weekend calendar is the Yeovil Marathon, one of our own Club organised races. Good luck to those members that have entered, there is a mixed team prize, so let's go out and put in a solid performance. We also still need more than 30 volunteers to help with Marshalling duties and a Water Station.


Yeovil Marathon

If anyone is not running the Yeovil Marathon and can help out either on the day or day before to help set up can you please let Bryn know. We need loads of Marshalls so please help if you can.


OK so we have 40 YTRRC members who have given me their hard earned money for a club discounted place 
Now I will be giving it all to Simon Rowbottom, the Treasurer so he can then pay for the block booking places with the organisers. 
When we have the pass-codes I will email each of you so you can sign up on the official website, I'll send instructions too. I'm short of a few email addresses but will catch up with those people.It will be a few weeks so don't panic.
I will be asking Adam, the membership secretary, if you are a paid up YTRRC member BEFORE I issue you your code!
I am one name short, I ran with a lady on Tuesday night (in Linda's group), but I didn't catch your name to add to the list (Julie has paid as discussed) and you said you would message me your email address. Could you please do this asap. Was it Katharine Sheehan
I will be collecting money (£10 cash only) for the coach from July.
Thanks everyone for supporting this club trip ... I'm sure it'll be a great day 

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – LYDFORD-ON-FOSSE (1st June 2017)
Lynne led tonight’s Pub Run in blue sky bright sunshine. We left the pub turning right, then left going down to the end of East Lydford. Turning left at the end we ran across fields passing cows. To our left across open fields was the church spire. We came out at a river bridge on the A37. Crossing over the road and following the river, we came to West Lydford. Going through the church and crossing the river by footbridge we came to a track. This took us past apple orchards. We ran round the back of Coombe Hill Farm and along Cotton’s lane. Before reaching Keinton Mandeville, we turned left and ran down a long straight track. This took us back to West Lydford. From here we took fields up to Lydford-on-Fosse. Finally, crossing the A37 we were back at the pub. A sunny pub run of about 5 miles, this was good again. Thanks Lynne and all.

Released On 4th Jun 2017

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