It's a Dorset Sea Veiw

It's a Dorset Sea Veiw

Sea View 17

Race report...despite all the threats of storms and whatnot, the Sesview 17 began in glorious sunshine. A cliff path kept everyone in a row while the land dropped precipitously 200 feet to the sea. Loads of beautiful tracks between lovely woods and the sea led up and down (a few times), until the drop into Porlock-you know the place, massive hill? Anyway, we were going downhill, so that was alright! A quick trundle across the beach (huge awkward pebbles) and then Bossington Hill. Well, that's just damn stupid...painfully steep even if one was to walk! Lovely view back though and now just follow the coast path (not the "rugged" cosst path) and we're done. The last descent is two miles and Matt's knees were struggling by now, but a last push and the end was in sight. First YTRRC male was Matt Driver! Meanwhile, Joanna Henley hadj chosen the "rugged path" and was merrily skipping from rock to rock! When the rain came, Jo and her co-nutter attempted to get their coats on and nearly got blown across the Bristol Channel! Our extreme pair ran on in a vain attempt to catch the sweepers dismantling the course...finally on seeing tkhe finish Matt ensured they did the playing field loop rather than not do THE course. Jo finished first YTRRC lady. We would report other YTRRC runners but if your not first, you're nowhere!

Dorset Invader 

Saturday saw the Dorset Invader Marathon and Sunday the half. JC was the first over the line for the Club and Anita was our first lady. The full results can be seen here.

Montacute Parkrun

It was suggested and agreed at a recent committee meeting that to encourage new members of all abilities that it would be a good idea to dedicate the first Saturday of each month to the wearing of Club vests. Therefore, on Saturday (5th Aug) if you are intending to run the Montacute parkrun please wear your Club vest. Sorry, but I won't be there but Helen & I will be representing YTRRC at the Velopark Torbay parkrun all being well”



Park Runs

Parke parkrun, Bovey Tracey done. Brutal hill near the start but lovely route :-)

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – CURRY RIVEL (27th July 2017)
Grey tonight. I was handed the task of leading Adam’s planned route from the King William. It went well. We headed down the lane going southwest. Left and right, then we turned right onto a track. A field took us up to Holden’s way. Left and right and several fields took us to Moortown lane. We turned right here, and ran up the lane to the A378. Crossing over, and paths across fields took us to the Burton Pynsent Monument. In front of the monument we stopped for a photoshoot. Looking northwest from here you have fantastic views over West Sedge Moor. A steep descent down a path through woods and across a field took us to a track at the edge of the moor. We turned right and ran to Ridley Corner at the bottom of the steep hill. Long and shorter groups parted company at this point. Our group continued across fields. We soon encountered white bullocks. They took only a little interest in us. We continued across the fields following the wooded Red Hill and Hellard’s Hill to the right. A little rain cooled us down at this point. We reached a track and followed it to a very steep climb through woods. At the top we came out at Currywoods way. We followed this lane past a rainbow and back into the village. We ran towards the tall church tower and went off round the outside of the church. A path through fields and houses took us back to the main road, and pub. It was about 6.6 miles and I enjoyed the varied and interesting route. Thanks Adam, and all, and Alison for the photos.

Released On 30th Jul 2017

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