It's a Giant One

It's a Giant One

Torquay  Half

From Becce Burton:

Feeling hot hot hot. Torquay half marathon today. I saw one other Yeovil shirt and gave a shout out, the Yeovil chappy (sorry I didn't catch your name) was bringing up the front of the pack whilst I did my bit for the rear oo er lol. Great race, well organised, enough water, scenic, couple of hills thrown in for good measure too! Great medal and t shirt and the chance to dive into the sea after, fab reward after the heat and refreshing on the legs!

North Devon Marathon and Half

Today we had Paula Odam in the half and Graham Still in the full. Graham posted:

North Devon marathon completed, nearly 4000ft of climb, a really hot day, amazing views! First half of the course was ‘ok’ however the hills on the second half where just relentless! Want 5hrs, came in at 4hrs 38mins!


In the half Paula posted:

North Devon aonb half marathon today. I decided yesterday for lots of reasons not to do the full- not least of all Ed Sheeran and the state of my trainers (unrelated) A stunning course with lots of water stops and support along the way. Managed a few minutes faster than last year in spite of the heat.

Giants Head and Sydling Hill Race   Full Results GH     Club GH    Sydling Hill Race

For the fifth year now Giants Head Marathon has been running from Sydling and the stunning views, unfortunately, you have to get up a view hills to see them. It has always been a favorite for the Club and we had 2 running in the Hill race and 10 starters in Giants Head Marathon. We arrived early Saturday morning to the lovely sunshine to collect our numbers.

Sorry Lesley, Louise blocked you out

The race started at 8:30 with a nice bit of flat for about 500m then the first climb. At about mile 6 a Marashal trying to to be helpful sent all of us through the field (red) instead of the track (purple). Luckily having done the race three times I saw the correct turn point and jumped the fence with Fez and carried on the correct route, those that did the red route came back down the track but were then following the 25-mile markers so missed the turn. This lead to some doing an extra 1 mile and some carried on to the 16-mile aid station and this added a couple more on. Some also followed runners that went wrong at about mile 10-12 so this also added more on. My watch said I did 26.22 so very short for WSR but looking back at the other two races they were also 26.5 ish. 

Sadly Louise Ward fell badly at around this point:

Luckily Louise had Nurse Anita at hand who had just come back from an Eye surgery course in the Arctic Circle the week before. After some Red Wine Louise was taken back to Race HQ then had to wait till Fez finished so he could take Louise to Dorch A&E. Louise said

"Disaster, tripped on a stone and went down heavily on side of the face, cut eyebrow, lots of blood, thanks for all help received, especially nurse Anita. Brought back by ambulance, gutted."

Meanwhile, Kev Brettle who was doing well was one of the ones that went slightly wrong so Fez and I were now in front of him, as we passed the man on the hill with his knob hanging out Kev caught us up and I don't remember taking the p*ss but think I did.

The scores on the doors were Kev first over the line for the Club with Lesley our first lady. Well done to all the runners, it was very hot out there and this shows with the times.  

In the Hill Race we had Sharon Masters, Anita Garrett and Louise MaKenna with Anita first over the line for the Club.

Today saw the Advance Bell Race as well.

From Katie:

Ytrrc does Advanced Bell race. Very hilly hot 10k ish. Lots of flying bug things. Race started with shoes off and taken away on a plastic sheet. Then a group warm up consisting of some burpies and the conga. Then you find your shoes, put shoes on then run/stagger 5 miles to a tent. Then we joined a line so we can be made to do sit ups or star jumps before we were given our cowbell medal, then ran back down the hill and on to the green for a finish. Thanks Richard for keeping me company. Another charity race done. 

Weekend Off

Having just done Giants Head it brings me up to 14 marathons since the 8th April:

Manchester, Brighton, London, Bad Cow Double, NDVM, Ox Frolic, Exeter, Dorchester, Dartmoor Discovery, Explorer, Yeovil, Tromso and Giants Head.

Got next weekend off…….at the moment

Swansea Half Marathon

Well done to Steve Lye who completed in the Swansea Half, not sure why he did not go to Cardiff to see Ed? 

This morning I ran the Swansea half marathon ( a much more sensible distance than marathons!). The preceding days have perhaps not been the best preparation- Friday night pub bike ride. More pub than bike really. 5 pubs in 8 miles! Saturday drive to west Wales to stay with old uni mate (thanks Bryan Lewis) - cue wine, pink gin and beer. Today up at 4.30 and drive to Swansea. Great flat course along the gower and mumbles. Happy with time of just under 1.28. Perhaps I ready for another marathon after all?!This morning I ran the Swansea half marathon ( a much more sensible distance than marathons!). The preceding days have perhaps not been the best preparation- Friday night pub bike ride. More pub than bike really. 5 pubs in 8 miles! Saturday drive to west Wales to stay with old uni mate (thanks Bryan Lewis) - cue wine, pink gin and beer. Today up at 4.30 and drive to Swansea. Great flat course along the gower and mumbles. Happy with time of just under 1.28. Perhaps I ready for another marathon after all?!

Midnight Sun Half Marathon in Reykjavik.

Well done to Kev Stenner on a great performance in Iceland. Movie Clip

3k Memorial Race 2018    Photographs

The Dave Richardson 3k Memorial was this Friday with a great turn out. Tim Hawkins did a great job in organising this and the Club thanks him for this and all those that helped make it such a great success. The winners were Kimberly and Daz so well done you two.


Els wrote:
What a lovely celebration of sport with the coming together of friends to support our wonderful Denise Byrd. Congratulations to this year's winners Daz Swithenbank and Kimba.

Beer Mile Challenge

Race report for Harriet Quast and her Beer Mile challenge.

What happens on the beer run stays on the beer run, so no names attached. We had YTRRC runners, NHS, friends and families taking part. Race one saw two YTRRC runners chasing down a non-runner - Hah! blooming novices don't know how to pace it do they? Lap two saw how quickly you can go off drinking half a pint! Lap three...I'm feeling dodgy, lap four, well its a quick sprint to the finish line, don't forget to dip for the finish!
One gentleman took a walk to the bushes for a psychedelic yawn (or three) while another competitor took a ladylike visit to powder her nose.
Race two was the kiddies race...and let's be honest, I don't even think they were trying! Half a mile and it took them flippin' ages...and they were only drinking squash!
Race three, and we're back with the booze. Again, we had a non-YTRRC setting the pace, but not to be fooled, the lads settled into a rhythm. Suddenly, Soft Lad (no names) burst into a lead leaving everyone astonished...his game plan of only drinking squash seemed to be a good idea and he led to the finish. Other runners crossed the line looking queasy, but no-one cheated quite as much as the Race organiser. More events were invented, and an engaged couple announced that they would be wheelbarrowing each other later!!!
Hopefully Harriet made some decent money for her cause, while we all had an excellent day in the sun...we await the results - but rule 6 should apply! 😀🤮 I should hope no-one has posted any pictures!!!


"Sorry to keep nagging regarding entering races under our affiliated name and I believe in the majority of cases it's a data entry error on the race club's entry not ours. However, please ensure that when you enter races you enter the Club's correct EA affiliated name of Yeovil Town RRC, any other combination could jeopardise a team prize. Also, a lot of entries are done through Fullonsport and I'm trying to get them on board to ensure their system defaults to this. However, could everyone check their profile on Fullonsport to make sure it's correct and, if not, edit it. I'm sure lots of you have done this already (and probably more than once!) We will get there eventually! Thanks to all for your patience and help on this."


"The next Club Championship race is Forde Abbey 10k on Wednesday 27th June. Also, don't forget to send through any bonus points earned from marshaling/helping/run leading/relays etc."

YTRRC Memorial Bench

Tues Club run took the Club up to Witcombe Valley at Ham Hill and our Memorial Bench to add John 

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – PEN MILL - YEOVIL (21st June 2018)
On this, the longest day of the year we ran a long Pub Run of 8.4 miles. Lindsay led quite a big group tonight on a clockwise loop to the north east of Yeovil. It was dry, bright, and sunny, but the air was quite cool in the shade. The run started going off-road alongside the river Yeo through Yeovil Country Park. A climb brought us out half way up Lyde Road. At the top we descended with great views ahead, running down Primrose Lane. Through the park, into Mudford, and out to Hinton Cross we continued. The run turned right for Hummer, the railway bridge, and Over Compton. It was a hard slog up the long hill into Over Compton. There were a lot of farmyard and other smells tonight. A long descent down country lanes brought us back into Yeovil at Babylon Hill. We were back at the pub by 8 o clock, which made the run unusually long and fast-paced. Thanks to Lindsay and all for a good training run tonight.

Released On 20th Jun 2018

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