Its a Hot One

Its a Hot One

Released On 4th Jun 2023

Park Runs

From Taryn: There were others from the club at frogMary PR too- well done all.

From Kev: Park parkrun great to have a plod around with Dave at this beautiful location in Dorset , lovely to see James Day and Deborah Stanfield too.

From Adam: Weymouth Park Run, sea swim and breakfast!

From Jo: Congratulations to Lesley Nesbitt on her 200th Parkrun today. There are a few more milestones in the club coming up so group celebrations coming soon.

Bustinskin Weymouth Triathlon

From Andy: Race report for the Bustinskin Weymouth Triathlon-

The alarm sounded at 4am for us to get up and make our way down to Weymouth for 5:30am registration. I entered the Classic distance, 1 mile sea swim, 24 mile bike ride out to Wool and back and a 10K (2 laps) around the Lodmoor country park. The sea swim was choppy but thanks to Frances Malin I was well prepared. I underestimated the bike ride thinking it would be the easy part but dismounted from the bike looking like a Baboon from Paignton zoo. The sun was now up as I hobbled off on the run, fortunately the legs soon came back to life. Thanks to Jo,Ruby,Gareth Davies and Rachael Jones for coming down to cheer me on. If anyone is thinking about a Triathlon, do it, I had a great time.

I think I was the first YTRRC member over the line.

Crewkerne 10K

From Claire: Crewkerne 10K…….. well done all, it was hot and hilly out there. Some unplanned marshalling for me (much easier option!) Apologies if I missed anyone.

Sunday Runs

From Lynne: Small slow and steady group , out by river from Ilchester , lost footpath, got out of field. Back to tea and cake with Phil. Beautiful morning , with Tara, Kay and Phil post run


From Mark: Thirteen people (Amanda, Denise, Paul, Lil, Kelly, Rob, Alison, Helen, Lesley, Tony, Rachael, Jo, and myself) took part in this (seventh) club social hike. Catching the bus from Holmbush car park at the top of Cobb road just after 11 o clock, we rode the seven and a half miles over to Seaton. Some had already done the Park Run there earlier. I believe it was Lesley’s 200th. Stepping off the Bus, and leaving Seaton we headed eastward, and crossed Axmouth Bridge. Picking up the coast path we climbed steeply and walked through the golf course. The path continued with a right turn which led us through fields towards the sea. Most of the next six miles were along a series of undulating paths and tracks through the woods of the National Nature Reserve. There were an amazing number of other people either walking or running in both directions passing us throughout our walk. We passed ancient land slips and some derelict building also. The cliffs of West Dorset eventually came into view and we descended steps down to the Cobb. Thank you all for coming today and making this such a pleasant event. The food and drink at the Royal Standard afterwards was very welcome. Thanks Alison for sorting the bus side of things.



From Mark: Sue planned a route for, and led the not so fast group tonight. The group of eleven (Sue, June, Kelly, Elie, Rob, JC, Paul, Rachael, Helen, Lesley, and myself) ran an anti clockwise loop which was mainly off road and in the sunshine. Leaving the pub we ran westward through some lanes of Charlton Adam and some paths in Charlton Mackrell. Just past Rookery farm we turned left and headed across fields following the Macmillan Way West, and stopped at a footbridge for a photo. After regrouping at the end of the field, we climbed a track through Kingsdon Wood and continued along Wood lane and Mill lane. Just east of Kingsdon we turned left and ran down the road towards Lytes Cary. Continuing eastward, we passed crops in three fields, and came to a track called Ridgeway lane. Turning left we followed the track northwards back up to the Charltons. The last leg was along Chessels lane, and through Charlton Adam back to the pub. Thanks Sue for leading and for the interesting and pleasing route. There were also a fast group, and a shorter group tonight, and Phil going solo. Many stayed to eat, sitting round one long table at the back of the pub. Thanks Phil for organising.

Egdon Easy 10K

From Matt: There were so many YTRRC in the marvellous green and white, that its probably easier to write a report about those that weren't there!

A beautiful sunny evening and a promise of fish n' chips afterwards made for big crowds at the start line. With 360 starting, YTRRC's 33 made up nearly 10% although there were big teams from Wimborne, Poole and Chard.

Egdon Easy is a great evening 10k, using gravel paths around the Lodmoor Reserve, doing one small lap and then two larger loops. It's dead flat and with no wind, offered the chance for some fast times.

Steve Lye was the big star being first YTRRC in 41:41, Harriet Quast was second Yeovil and first lady in 46:44. A flying Paul Gilbie was third YTRRC in 46:44.

After that, a lot of us crossed the line red-faced from the warmth and effort, Stephen Warren pipping Matt Driver in the last 500m. Kevin Doherty stayed ahead of Steve Sparks and Jeff Watson.

Helen Nesbitt battled hard to beat Kelly Rowsell, who both headed Kirsty Norman, although Tim Willis was tracking them all closely, but not close enough.

Joanna Samuel stormed round to beat Kim Barfoot but not by much! Then came Kate Gowers a short way ahead of the dapper Terry AndKaryl Gill (dapper because his shirt looked new).

Suddenly, there was an almighty battle as Rachael Jones and Gareth Davies rounded the last bend, stride for stride they strode to the line, each desperately trying to create a lead, but no, they crossed the line without even a thin, very this thing between them...Gareth Davies got the nod in the official results, but no time difference! Wow!

After that Sue Mallinson crossed the line ahead of June Moule, closely followed by Laura Windsor.

Anita Farquhar Rufus, you know the one...she used to do marathons all the time...she was first between the two Anitas, perhaps we should make that a competition...can you beat your namesake? Anita Garrett, also racing Sharon Hardy, sped to the line, but Sharon's late burst got her there to record the same time for another dead heat!

Having Robert Adams supporting all the YTRRC racers, along with Paul Card and Linda Membury is great, but Rob gave an extra shout out for Alison Griffiths as she drew out a 22 second lead over the chasing Claire Church (thanks for the photo Claire)

Not far behind was Daphne Barfoot, who apparently is now in full professional training in order to beat Kim next year!

Then we had Karyl Gill ( not taggable???), just managing to stay ahead of Denise Byrd and Mafalda Santos who created our third dead heat, having battled and chased for the whole 10K.

Kay Parmiter (also untaggable???) couldn't close the gap but stayed ahead of Adam Hawkins, while Mel Dodge enjoyed the event so much, she was out there the longest.

Medals for all, T-shirts if you ordered them, and then off YTRRC went scattering to various Chip shops for the Diet of the Gods! Although Matt had a big sausage.

Results are added here: Results 


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