Its a Sticky End

Its a Sticky End

Bath v Gloucester

Today I had to go to Bath for the above Rugby match and suffer a 4-course meal and a free bar, if it wasn't for the training I just don't know how I could have got through it. I can't remember much but now back home and doing the blog.

On Thursday I head for New York and the Marathon that is another one of the bucket list, yet I look back and last year we had Graham Still doing the NYM and the year before Anita and the year before another Club runner. So in New York, we have more luck than London.

The Blog next week will be when I get back or cuff out there. 

Herepath Half

From Lesley:

My 2nd Herepath Half (well 13.7 miles to be exact!) completed. Tough trail race, first 6 miles go up, up, up and when you near the top you go through bog, bog, bog. Then there are some nice downhills until you reach mile 12 where you have a long drag of a climb to reach one last downhill followed by a slight incline into the finish. A really good race through woods and, of course, lovely views as you climb. Lovely cakes at the end provided by the school PTA I think. A prosecco glass as a memento which will be filled later. Lots of friendly marshals and school kids who kept us going with various types of jelly sweets. So all in all an excellent day out. Only three Yeovil runners. I was first YTRRC over the line, followed by Taryn Monks and Lyndsay Wasiewicz.

Shepton Mallet 10k Herepath Half

So a few of us (who weren't stupid enough to do the Stickler!) dodged the road closures and made it to the start.

The race went off in two waves, so the boys all went off in the first one and left me all by myself. I had naively thought that the course would be similar to the park run and therefore quite flat (mental note for the future: remember to check race profiles before I enter!). So the hills weren't as bad as The Stickler but they definitely weren't pleasant, as were long, never ending and steep!!

So once out of the town and into the lanes it was a lovely day and this tarmac road course could have been mistaken for a trail run as it was pretty muddy. The two long constant downhills were a joy to behold and went my race pace average was vastly improved. Even managed a sprint finish at the end!

Id love to tell you how the boys got on but to be honest I was too knackered at the finish to ask them, suffice to say they all finished way ahead of me!

1st YTRRC Male: Adam Batson 00:48:04
2nd YTRRC Male: Andy Merrick 00:51:53
3rd YTRRC Male: Trevor Strelley 00:54:37 (should also mention Trevor was 4th in his age category)

1st YTRRC Female: Louise Dale 01:15:24
(Yes I was the first lady across the line….you do the maths!!)

Really enjoyable race and the free cup of tea at the end made it all worth it!

The Exmoor Trial Ultra

There is just no stopping Geortgina,

Well, I did it 😃 Exmoor Trail challenge, Ultra Marathon Done!!! 30 odd miles of hills, mud and a few river crossings with a great scenery on top. But definitely my hardest race for a long time and finish in about 9:13 ish. I'm happy with that!! Time to open the prosecco.

The Stickler

Really great team turnout today for this 10 miler. 16 YTRRC runners were not intimidated by Hills and peaks and Linda trying scare people with tales 2016 cold and tears...
Louise Ward was up for it.. she just couldn't persuade Fez .. he was support crew with Joanna personal trainer Triss .. AKA kebabaday ..
The skies did cloud over rain started and it was looking very daunting prior to start. . We headed off for the start about 10 min walk and tactics needed as the first 1 km was narrow lane which filtered into a steep narrow stoney track which just got steeper and steeper .. if you got the start wrong and racing you were to be slowed down for about 2km. Kevin wanted to race Matthew today but Matt had heavy legs from the Stagger and a stinking cold.
Leyt was out to prove a point to Steve as they powered ahead up the first hill.. Kev Brettle
Was soon in place as 3rd Yeovil runner.
This was a tough challenging course in both technical ability a shear grit .. the terrain was mixed and the weather actually turned out to be perfect. No rain. Brilliant water and Marshall
Points themed both Christmas and Holloween.
Some monster climbs and descents. .
Leyt did beat Steve by 7 seconds as they headed in at 1:21. Kev Brettel was not far behind 1:22. Then Kevin Doherty followed by Terry who to be fair is running really well currently ( knocked 10 mins of last year time)
Matt was Close behind but looked pretty rough
( yes rougher than normal) so he did well to...
Let me beat him 😀.
Louise did really well we think just under 2 hours ... including scenery photography on route.
We had Pippa Nathan putting in steady runs along with Graeme Brown. John Enright. Katie
( who did fantastic and improving week on week👍)
Richard Dodge blessed us with his appearance in his Jester outfit and good old Mac was there.
A few of us then indulged in in a wonderful roast dinner.
Great day and company. Well done to all and thanks for a great day.

From Katie: Said it before and i will say it again, i flippen love this club. The Stickler done and dusted untill next year.
Friday night at track i only ran 4 laps just to see how far i could do a mile in and managed a 9 minute mile which i was made up about. (a massive deal for me) so today half way through a tough race i bang out a 9 minute mile and came in quicker than the time i expected. Im soooo happy now. All the training and friends and support from this awsome club is paying off. Cheers YTRRC. now to keep it up
Well done everyone racing and completing their goals this weekend.

Hat Requirements 

Hat requests I have so far are: Mini Slam
Alan Smith; Claire Shucksmith; Denise Byrd; Daz Swithenbank; Elspeth Fontana; Emma Machen; Jo Crane; Jo Henley; Joanne Moody; June Moule; Katie Brooks; Kevin Doherty; Linda Membury; Lindsay Saunders; Louise Dale; Nat Robins; Rob Adams; Shaun Powell; Steve Lye; Trevor Strelley; Yunmi Jang
Grand Slam
Adam Batson; Catherine Hansford; Liz Diamond; Frances Swatridge; Helen Nesbitt; Jeff Watson; Jon Crane; Kev Brettle; Kirsty Norman; Lesley Nesbitt; Matt Driver; Sarah House; Samantha Lloyd; Sharon Masters; Terry Byrne
Super Slam
Anita Rufus; Guy Williams; Louise Ward; Luke Hicks; Richard Dodge; Tim Howes

I know some of you still have races entered.

Apologies if I've missed someone - Please let me know

Anyone else? Please let me know details asap.

Many thanks Lesley

Kids Cross-country Race

Yeovil Primary Schools Cross Country Race

Final race of 2017 - Wednesday 1st November - Aldon Hill

Help needed any time from 2.00pm until 5.00pm

400+ children expected

Many thanks to members who helped at the last race



James New

It is with great sadness that I have to report the sudden and untimely death of James New, a Club Member since 2014. He was a valued member of the Club and ran in the green and white vest on several occasions. A card and letter of condolence will be sent to his wife and the Club will be represented at his funeral.

                                                                                                  Malcolm Maxted, Chairman YTRRC



















Here for a Hat

It just shows that the Hats work very well and worth the money, it gets our runners going all over the place and completing

all sorts of distance that they never thought they could do. So off to Weston... 

The Weston Prom Runs (26 October 2017)

Enthusiastic, committed and desperate 2 Yeovil Town Road Running club runners, Yun Mi Jand and Magdalena Kusmierczyk, and Yeovil Town RRC member, Denis Bryd, ran Western Prom Run for the Mini Slam Hat, only for THE HAT! (Well I realised at the result table that we were categorised as a separate club)

The Weston Prom Runs are an annual series of 9 five-mile races from September to May, covering two laps of the famous Weston-Super-Mare promenade.

The race (2nd of the series) started on the promenade near the Bay Café(Race HQ) in the Tropicana, Marine Parade at 7:30pm on time. It was perfect conditions; mild temperature, the breeze from the sea and flat all the way for 5 miles. All runners had to make 4 turns during the race and it was good to see where your competitors are as well as to wave and cheer to your fellow club runners. Each turn I noticed there are hell of a lot Western AC runners. Apparently, 52 Western AC runners ran and the last WAC runner’s time was 00:38:34(7:40/mile pace). Very impressive club in terms of speed( in my personal view). Later I understood why we saw so many as we were able to keep up with them. Yippe! It was Magadalena and Yun Mi’s first 5-mile race which was harder than we anticipated.

Here are the best 3 club runners results, 1st Magdalena Kusmierczyk(00:37:42), 2nd Yun Mi Jang(00:37:57) and 3rd Denise Byrd(00:48:25).

Well done girls


Marks Runs


Dry tonight for Nikki and Simons Pub Run. Nikki led the bigger group. Out of the Pub and going left, and immediately left, we ran down a muddy stony track in the dark. An upwards hilly loop got us breathing heavily before we came back out onto the main road. We ran through a small park area complete with a spring and then ran up a back road into Combe St Nicholas. From here the run continued along a long quiet country lane. Going right, straight across, and right again took us to Sticklepath. We descended gently for a long way. After another right turn, we continued to descend with the glow of Chard ahead in the distance. As we approached a junction there were loud hoots from a Barn Owl. We turned left, then right and right again. The lane became wet and muddy as we approached Pudleigh. A steep climb up Pudleigh lane took us to the main road. We turned right and after 100 yards or so were back at the pub. Thanks to Nikki for a physical run of 6.2 miles at quite a fast pace.


Ninesprings Night Run      Full Results

Saturday 21st October saw the premier night race organised by our own Nathan Gardiner, Pippa Howarth, Gary Stickley and Graham Still ( sorry if I missed anyone) 17 Yeovil Town RRC members braved the storm to support them which was a great turn out.

The race consisted of a 5km loop of ninesprings Yeovil or X2 loops for the 10km runners.
A slight delay to the start due to course tampering and we were off. A first night race experience for many, we found a well marked course with glow sticks and reflectors. Out from underneath the railway bridge, past swimming pool and cafe up to the the playpark then uphill through thick mud (shoes lost) into the woods, past waterfalls and pools, up steps and then loop back down to playpark. A nice flat bit back to swimming pool, then up the hill again. More steps into the woods again bit more mud and roots to negotiate then a fantastic downhill sprint past the cafe to the finish for the 5km race, another loop for the 10km.
1st male: Zach Hurrell 21.43
1st female Holly Parrott 28.23 R4T
2nd female Sonia Randall Yeovil Town RRC well done!
First male 50+ Brian Lane Yeovil Town RRC well done
First team Yeovil Town RRC 😀
1st male Darren Montacute 42.57
1st female Anna Lloyd 54.40
3rd female Katie Ferraby Yeovil Town RRC
1st female 50+ Louise Ward Yeovil Town RRC
1st male 60+ Richard Dodge Yeovil Town RRC
Great race positive responses on the flying fox FB page speaks volumes Well done team!


Released On 29th Oct 2017

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