Its a Wessex 10

Its a Wessex 10

Wessex 10k

From Tim: Good turnout for a Saturday evening 10K race across the Somerset levels. It was warm without a breeze without the rain of last year. Gill Pearson flew out from the start, finishing 1st lady followed by the Yeovil men, Mick Elstone, Ashley Gingell, Fez Parker then Tim Willis and Nick Roper. Sarah Hawkins came in as first Yeovil lady in club top with Tony Hext, first in age group, followed by Sharon Hardy, Lyn Thrumpston, David Mears and Andrew Brown. Phil McQuaid was a none starter and supported us with Louise Ward.


Park Runs

From Jo: For all those who have kindly offered to help out at Frogmary Green Farm parkrun on 20th August, please can you all ensure you have registered with Parkrun. I believe they need this so they can log your details against there official volunteer page. Any problems, please let me know. Thanks

South West Coast 50k

From Mags: South West Coast 50k this morning. Very chilly start at 7am but soon turned into a hot one! Serious hills added up to just over 5000ft total elevation. Some stunning views includin Leigh 's midway gear change.

Haselbury 10K.            Full Results 


Congratulations to Brian on his Haselbury trail award ” youngest sorry Brian, oldest competing runner.

Released On 7th Aug 2022

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