It's Another Virtual Weekend

It's Another Virtual Weekend

Matt Get to John 0 Groats 

Ladles and Jellyspoons, unacustard as I am to public speaking...Yay! I've finished LeJog version #1.

What a great idea and I'm not sure what I would have done when lock-down first became a reality and working from home started to take its toll! This challenge has kept me sane and given me something to strive for. Normally I do 15miles a week, so this was a decent upgrade on that.

My combined Excel spreadsheet and graph tells me:

874 miles

110 runs

7.94 miles average run distance

136:45 hrs:mins in total

9:23 minute mile average (mainly trail running)

61390ft of total elevation change (up & down Everest?)

On completion, I'd like to thank the wife for putting up with me, Tori & Nathan for organising, Yeovil Town RRC fellow lejog-ers for being there, my mother for having me, the British wildlife for amazing experiences, the British weather for the great tan I've got, the London Pride brewery for being there when I got back home, my workplace for not noticing the lack of working from home, Strava for recovering from the hack issue so quickly, and a host of others, but not least me legs for getting me through! Loved it

World Mental Health Day 5k

From Mel: World Mental Health Day Virtual 5K completed. Thank you David for the company

From Sam: Hi Kevin Doherty  I've completed the YTRRC 5k mental health day as a walk.

From Sam Self: Finally completed my 5k for mental health day! Sweating out yesterday’s cocktails

From Marathon Mike: Oh dear, 5k is not my distance but I’m shooting for a full winter set in Kev’s challenge. Nursing a couple of sore hips from yesterday’s long run and it was hot, hot,hot. I’m starting Bungy’s diet to try and get under 7 min pace (well done mate). Thanks to motivator Kev, it takes a bit to get me to do a 5k, didn’t enjoy it but I just think of this maxim.

The Glass is too small

From Katie: My first club virtual race Lovely to get out and some much needed motivation. time was certinly longer then 30 mins but 5k completed

From Ali and Rob: We can't be arsed to write a post.

From Lynne: Such a beautiful morning , but several mistakes Can’t run fast at best of times , let alone first thing in morning , so 1 mile warm up , 5km. But silly to try to run fast on trail route , also encouraging a cow to get back over fence so it doesn’t join in the 5km. Too old for this., ! Warm down .

From Anita: World mental health day (Kev’s 5k challenge) Injured but couldn’t miss the first one!!

From Steve: Club virtual 5k done. I hate 5k's!!! Have fun everyone!!

From Richard: Virtual autumn/winter series 5k completed with Jeff Watson for company. Thanks as always Kevin Doherty

for the inspiration.

From Libby: YTRRC Autumn/Winter Series - supporting World Mental Health Day. Thank you Kevin Doherty for the 5K!

From Tina: Virtual winter series 5k done. Not much in the way of speed I’m afraid, still on marathon legs! Kevin Doherty

From Rachael: 5k complete, thank you Kevin Doherty

From Yunmi Jang, Frances and Jac: It was hard to run in 'A' vest with these girls! But We did it! Running with good friends is definitely improve my mental health.

From Bonnie: I did the 5km mental health run and then kept going. I forgot to take a pic of me in the top but here it is in my washing basket to prove I did wear it

From Dave Mears: 5k World Mental Health Day

From Sandra: World mental health day 5km with Sian and Mel. Sunny Ninesprings.

From Anita: YTRRC - club virtual winter series 5k for World Mental Health Day. Thanks for the challenge Kevin , it's not my favourite distance as it takes me 3 miles to loosen up normally.

From Trevor: World mental health day 5k YTRRC challenge 

From June: World Mental Health Day virtual 5k completed @ Kevin Docherty. Thanks for the great company Mark, Jo, Julie, Sue& Tim.

From Nat: World Mental Health Day done, thank you Kevin for the challange. Not bad time from last Sunday's challenge . Nice to bump in to

Trevor Strelley while running with Angela Claire

From Leyton: My Virtual 5k. Great work everyone surprised the vest still fits

From Linda: World Mental Health 5k virtual run completed. Well needed run after a heavy week of eating and drinking last week

From Nicki: World mental health day 5k (and a slightly bit more)

From Kirsty: Ran 5km in the dark, after work with my dog. Mental Health Day 5km.

From Sharon: YTRRC Virtual 5k done. Kevin Doherty agreed this t-shirt was acceptable as didn't bring my club vest on holiday with me as wasn't sure I'd manage any running

From Holli: Kevin ’s #1 challenge - World Mental Health Day

Atlantic Coast Challenge

From John: A last minute Atlantic Coast Challenge to rack up some miles for Lejog1 - cracked 700 too, so only 24 days to do 180 miles!! Ironically this event has taken me right up to Land’s End as I virtually head toward Inverness.

Welsh Costal Path

From Nat: Didn't go quite to plan to the 200 mark where the arrow is pointing due to being hidden. Just over 12 miles to go untill then, may be I will get there next weekend. We will see . Didn't do any sight seeing due to recovery

Released On 11th Oct 2020

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