It's Getting Dark

It's Getting Dark

Saturn Running - Pokerun

From Anita: My first official marathon since everything stopped for the covid-19 lockdown. Felt great to be back out there with my running buddies Lynne and Tara - for them both their 3rd marathon this week!

Tuesday Club Runs

Sadly it is getting Dark in the evenings now so Run Leaders need to make sure they are back to the football ground in good time. 

End to End Up Date

From Matt: 

As of Saturday 5th September 8:30am Anita Farquhar Rufus 874 miles - All done and dusted. First YTRRC lady finisher and a position of 101 overall - great stuff and my apologies for taking so long to report on it !!! Anita joins our posse of finishers currently Mark Pike , Bungy Williams , Luke Hicks
and Steve Lye. Dave Tilsley will be watching his back as he hits 760 with 114 to go, he's at Ardullie on the Cromarty Firth (Is that in the shipping forecast?), but Tina Beard (LeJog 2) is close behind on 755 at Duncanston on the Moray Firth! Jon Foxon is at the Tomphubli Lime Kiln (as you do) near Loch Kinardochy on 665 miles and Matt Driver is chasing hard while spending the night at Kiltyrie Bed and Breakfast, possibly wearing a kilt! It's a nice view!

Magdalena Kusmierczyk has returned to running after a brief sojourn and is currently paddling along in Loch Lomond on 605 miles. Meanwhile, Brian Lane is about to reach the Loch as he's on 596 miles and ahead of the following bunch all round Glasgow. Steph Lara/Breary has gone through Glasgow to be in Clydebank on 585, while Mel Dodge is in a select area called Anniesland on 581, and Graham Still is in Easterhouse, Glasgow as he returns from injury. Casper Harvey
(LeJog 2) is at the Clyde Wind Farm Stores near Fobberbeck Burn, possibly buying a second wind as he surges through his 528th mile. He can't rest though as Catherine Thompson is at the Yez Restaurant (I hope they do vegan!), near Auchen Castle on 521 miles. Richard Clayton (LeJog 2) has been racking up the miles and is over the border on 515 at Dumcrieff, while Dan MacFarlane is right at the border on 489 just outside Gretna Green. Yunmi Jang is in Carlisle and has a choice tonight as she's between Carlisle Pizza Hut and Carlisle KFC! Joy! Catherine Parker-Johns remains on 407 at Bailrigg and continues to progress while studying the stars at Jodrell Bank!
You are all stars in my book, and I hope the challenge is keeping you well. Scores reported relate to Saturday evening 5th Sept.


Booking Club Runs

Please can you make sure you cancel your place on either a Club Night or Track Night is yo cannot make it, if you cant cancel on line then message me (Bungy) or Jo Henley and also the Group Run leader. This is in case we have to Track and Trace. Thanks    

Track Marathon

From Lynne: Track marathon today with Rick at Walton on Thames , Phoenix Running , brilliantly organised , very safe , 106 laps if the track. Big medal, 126.

Half Hat

Please remember that the last date to get your list to Lesley is the 16th Sept at the latest. If you plan to do a distance for your hat after this date this is Okay but you MUST let Lesley know buy the 16th Sept. No excuses.

From Gav: Half marathon for hat this morning. Happy with best lockdown time for this distance.

From Trev: The Virtual Bridgwater half marathon last hat Race complete.

Elevation Challenge

From James: Big thanks to Kevin Doherty  for my prize for winning the elevation challenge! Thanks Kev!



Released On 6th Sep 2020

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