Its in North Dorset

It's in North Dorset

North Dorset Village Marathon

Today saw the NDVM and Relay, we had 13 runners in the marathon and none in the relay due to the Glasto 10k although Catherine had a works team in the relay. The start line had some top athletes waiting for the Countdown. The bloke in the red looked scared......and the bloke in the Yellow knew I meant business. 


My plan was to get enough of a head start up the hill and try to hold the lead to the finish line. Off we went and I stormed off into the lead and stayed they for well over 20 seconds, sadly the day before took its toll as the alcohol made its way out of my body. Nigel Parker aka Fez the Kit Man was the first Green and white over the line with a 5 min gain on his pb in 3:23 followed by Louise our first lady over the line.


Louise posted:

Good morning at the NDVM. Pretty route and extremely well organised. No PB for me. Struggled in the last 4 miles and finished in 4.46 but Fez knocked an amazing 5 mins off his PB with a 3.23. We were First Man and First Lady for Yeovil, so that was a nice and unusual event for us! He was well looked after and paced by Paul Allen and also had the pleasure of the company of Bungy Williams ðŸ˜Š. Many thanks to the lovely YTRRC supporters. It was great to see Jane, Aimee and Kimberly who popped up everywhere with lovely words of encouragement ðŸ˜„
 A big well done to all the other YTRRC runners, think there were about 13 of us ðŸ˜Š

We had support around the route from Jane aka Phot of the Year for the 4th year on the trot, Kimberly and Mark Swatridge.

Lynne had an ace up her sleeve using a very fast watch that helped. 

Pete was a late entry and ran a good race 

Andy looking good around the course.

Number 23 never stood a chance.

All in all a great local race and the Hog Roast was well needed. Well done the Dorset Doddlers

Francs posted:

I loved NDVM today which was so important to me and am very happy! Thanks to Lynne and Anita for their company. Lovely to see Aimee, and Daniel and Kimberly and Mark pop up round the course. Thanks to all who I have trained with too. Well done to all who ran today in challenging weather conditions at times.xx

Kirkbymoorside 10k

Emma Machen and Daz Swithenbank was up North (Not a Dorset Village) and posted:

Squeezed a race in while we're back home, Kirkbymoorside 10k on the border of the North York Moors. Fantastic atmosphere for a small village and we both got PBs, very happy!

Glasto 10k

Today saw the Club Championship race at Glastonbury with plenty of YTRRC runners:

This in from Matt:

 I reckon this is the picture for the's my report...It all started at 9:30am when I arrived in Glastonbury (it was later described to me as "the biggest outdoor asylum in Britain"! Within minutes, I'd seen my first weirdo in Doc Martins, Kilt and a flower head-band! A short walk into town saw all manner of costumed odd-balls and then I met up with half of Yeovil (the other half apparently being at NDVM). Injuries discussed, excuses made and junior races over, we made our way to a delayed start. With chip timing, it was important to note where your club rivals started, and what the chip difference might be. Various threats were made - "I'm going for sub 38", or "nah, I'm taking it easy" and then we all hared off into town. Witches, wizards, far-out drummers with antlers cheered us on as we swept through town and out into the lanes. A few glimpses of the Tor always on our right before the road began to drop steadily from around 6K to 8K. That kind of drop can only mean a steep hill in the last K, and then 400m back through town to the sound of massed ranks of cheering eccentrics. It turns out May Day and the "feast of Beltane" (whatever that is) is a big draw for loonies - perhaps that was why so many YTRRC were there!

Pub Run

Hi All. I am arranging the Pub Run for Thursday 25th May. It is at the Phelips Arms in Montacute and I need Pre Orders beforehand please. If you can visit their website and choose something from either Evening Menu 1, Evening Menu 2 or the Burger Menu and let me have your choice no later than a week before, that would be great. Peter Jakeman and Phil MacQuaid will no doubt have a quick and slowish route they can take us on and if everyone can be ready to run for 6.30 that would be great. Linsey 

Ash Town Tree Trail

Ash Town Tree Trail - 7 lovely miles including the fascinating Town Tree Nature Garden - Wednesday, May 24th - 7.00pm
Entries through Fullonsport or entry form to Adam.


Social Sec

SOCIAL EVENT for the club
Field-Archery-Have-a-Go (location between Crewkerne and Chard) All equipment supplied, qualified coaches.
Possible date - Sat 15th July or Sat 22nd July 10am - noon (ish) (so you can do the park run before if you like) Max 15 people £15 per person. Please let Anita know, thanks.

I am arranging this as a club trip again. It's a good course for a pb and with approx 10,000 runners, there are lots of supporters around the course to cheer you on. We had 20+ club members interested initially so we can get the discounted places at £31.20p. 
I will collect the payments now (cheque to YTRRC or cash) and manage the booking. You do need to be a paid-up YTRRC club member to qualify for the place. In recent years the club have provided a coach for the journey so it makes for a great day out :)
Please let me know if you are interested and pay the money by the end of May.

Mark's Runs

Gareth and Dorothy were the leaders for tonight's pub run from the Brewers Arms. Right, right, right, and left, from the pub got us heading past Hams field and the hospital. We descended down a path to Joylers Mill. The path took us across fields to the lane. There were horses to the right. Alison took some photos. There were Double Entendres along the way from Lindsay (not Finbar). We crossed the lane and ran across fields to East Lambrook. The cows were large ones. We crossed over and continued along Lambrook Brook. At a footbridge, the group separated into long and short. Long continued across fields to a lane south of West Lambrook. We ran past Compton Durville and turned left. Further down the lane we went off-road again and crossed Carey's Hollow. Tracks and lanes took us to the A303. The lane took us back into the village at 6.5 miles. Wintery tonight but good. Thanks all.

YTRRC were well represented today at the NDVM (starting and finishing at Sturminster Newton). Jane Allen kindly provided this photo. Personally, I've done this marathon 5 times now, and was well pleased with the experience again. I like it. For one thing it is close to home and rural. Conditions were different from previous years. We had a cool wind, and for me some rain in the last 3 miles. I did train for this but still found the second half a hard slog. My mass probably needs reducing a bit. Not withstanding the cool wind, I felt too warm at about 15 miles and had to whip-off the T shirt (under my vest). I was nice and cool in the last few miles. There was a lot of encouragement from spectators along the way. I enjoyed this even when I was knacked. The last leg, which is over a mile of straight track (once a railway line), seems to get longer each year. It was so good to get to the finish. I've not yet seen the results but I expect YTRRC members had some good finish times. I was pleased with around 4:43. At the 20 mile point, I was way to knacked to go for anything better.

Now that the new website is up and running, can you all please go onto it and Join. Also, add your address please. If you have paid already there is an option to do this. If you need any help please ask.

Released On 30th Apr 2017

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