John Enright

John Enright

John Enright

Message from the Chairman

It is with great sadness that I inform you that John Enright, one of our Club members, has died suddenly and unexpectedly.  John joined the Club approximately two years ago and took a very active role in all the Club's activities.  Since Christmas he joined me as Run Leader on Tuesday nights and took great care of all the members of the group.  He was always cheerful and a very popular member of the Club.  He will be greatly missed by all the members who knew him.


I did not know John that well when he first joined the Club but it did not take long to get to know him with his banter and sense of humour. The Pub runs are a great way to meet other Club members and he was at nearly all those since he joined the Club, and I just echo what the Chairman has said and loads of others, he will be greatly missed. RIP 



Slay the Dragon 10k

Not sure how many runners we had at this but Carl ran it so I guess was the first for the Club.

Babcary 7.5 miles

Today saw the running of the Babcary 7.5, we think Rob was first for the Club but no results yet.

Two Bays Friendly Five

Els Fontana ran the Two Bays Friendly 5 today in lovely sunshine and posted: 2 Bays friendly 5 beautiful cold weather nice route along the beach, under pier then uphill toward the next bay, through woods then back downhill for sprint finish across the sand. Pleased with my time. Also running in this was Caroline Watts and Georgina Brice.


Well that’s Two Bays Tough Ten Done in around 1:48 not overly worried about the time as I got a 32 mile Ultra on Saturday, so using today as a training run😁 unfortunately got no medal yet as they didn’t arrive in time, but hopefully come in the post over the next few days!!!!

Bournemouth 10

Three brave YTRRC runners at the Bournemouth 10 miler this morning. Well done to Jo, Helen and Lesly. Lesley was first in with Jo and Helen coming in together, well done ladies.

The Ghost of Roadrunner Marathon

Lynne was back down Kent for a Double marathon and Saturday was "Ghost of Roadrunner Marathon. 

From Lynne: Today was Ghost of Roadrunner Marathon, Traviss and Rachel and gang doing a fantastic job. Bitter easterly wind, or was it a bitterly northerly wind, think it was both. Anyway 13 laps round the track. You could choose your medal at the end , as the medals were left over from the Kent Roadrunner marathons. I chose this one as YTRRC colours! More of the same tomorrow,

From Adam Hawkins

Even though Adam is away he is still monitoring the New Members and posted this:

YTRRC membership - for people renewing their membership ( due by April 1st) I will renew your EA affiliations when I return to England early April - they are not due till then. I will, however, try to process all new applications ASAP.

Bristol 10k

Kev is organising a Group Booking for the Bristol 10k. There is also hopefully going to be a Coach to take us there as well from the Football Club (tbc).  Kev has posted:

Great Bristol 10k 13th May 2018 NOT TO LATE ... join our day out 😊
Blocks of 5 people can be added at later date..
See new info at bottom.

We have 26 names
Elizabeth Diamond
Dave Gillard
Jeff Watson
Samantha Lloyd
Kat Hurford
Claire Shucksmith
Claire Hatherell
Louise Dale
Graham Still
Kevin Doherty
Bungy Williams
Angela Claire
Adele Elizabeth
Clementina Clive Ponsonby Fane
Dave Stanfield
Deborah Stanfield
Denise Byrd
Trevor Strelley
Harriet Quast
Michael Shead
Mel Dodge
Kevin Stenner
Magdalena Kuśmierczyk
Steve Lye
Daz Swithenbank ( Emma supporter)
Claire Church

The Club have to pay our entry ( Simon Rowbottom ) then we get pre paid entry form/code to submit individually. .. I will have to collect ALL money and return to Club .. I believe Club will assist with coach and we may have to pay £5 per person ... this has to be confirmed.


Park Runs

With Montacute now cancelled until April and the last running of Ham Hill for a while, Saturday saw the last Park run till then. So we had a few runners there.


Shepton Mallet had their kit, markers and flags etc thrown away by the Council by mistake so this was cancelled. 

Marks Runs

PUB RUN – COMPTON DUNDON (22nd February 2018)
Cool, dry, and clear tonight, for a return to Compton Dundon. All previous visits that I could remember were cross-country summer runs. Simon led the biggest group. We left the pub and ran up the main road towards Street, then took the first right. This road passed along houses then ascended a steep hill going past the Windmill Hill Monument. From here there were great views even in the dark. We crossed over the top road and ran down a lane which became Westfield Lane. We continued past a dog walker, and reached Butleigh Wootton. The road at the end was too traffic busy for running, so we turned around and came back the same way. The running was at this point quick paced. Behind us on the left side, was the sound of a Chinnock Helicopter. It got louder as it approached. Being a different sound from familiar AW159 / AW101 types, I found the sound quite spooky. It passed, flying quite low, hugging the hillside. All that could be seen were green and red lights. At the top of the lane, we crossed over and ran back down the hill to the village. We tried a track but returned due to it being too muddy. Crossing the main road, we ran out along Ham Lane reaching the cricket club at Dundon. The half moon above us was bright. We turned again and came back to the pub. It was 6.3 miles. Thanks Simon and all for the run.

Released On 25th Feb 2018

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