July the Fourth

July the Fourth

Run Round The World

We have about 40 odd Club members taking part in this July Virtual Run, it is a North, South, East and WEST teams with Teams in each as well. YTRRC West is Best is our Team and we are on about 736 miles since 1st July.  


Matt's Update:  Before we start, I hope you've all logged your miles...you should be getting used to this.


End to End Virtual Run standings


Mark Pike finished and probably sitting back relaxing

Bungy Williams on 774 miles with just 99 to go, so he's around the Cromaty Firth area (?)

Luke Hicks is in Dumbarton on 588 milesAt 486 and beyond Carlisle is

Steve Lye who has put on a spurt to re-overtake

Dave Tilsley again, who is nearing Windermere on 422 miles.Meanwhile

Anita Farquhar Rufus has sneaked between them to be our leading lady on 442 miles and is at Ambleside in the Lake District.

Jon Foxon is annoying everyone by holding on 399(pop out and tidy it up to 400 please?), and has gone past Blackpool.

Graham Still has gotten off his bike and gone running with some buddies and has surged onto 352 (Warrington) overtaking a bunch, including me on 346 at Macclesfield.

Magdalena Kusmierczyk has also leapt forward and is on 326 at Stoke-on-Trent with

Stephanie Lara on 323.

Mel Dodge hasn't moved this week (not yet logged Mel?) and is still in Stafford on 311, apparently waiting for

Brian Lane (Happy Birthday) who has smashed the 300 barrier and is currently on 309.

Catherine Thompson is in Redditch on 267

John Hayden has had a quiet week on 184 and is enjoying the sights of Portishead.Daniel McFarlane is in Cinderford, while

James Hutt 160

Catherine Parker-Johns 126 haven't moved, or haven't logged yet.

Tina Beard is leading the charge for the June starters already at Kidderminster on 274 miles.

Casper Harvey has returned from the trip into Wales and in now in Woolaston on 210, with

Richard Clayton on his heels but still in Chepstow on 205.And ultimately,

Yunmi Jang is nearing Weston-Super-Mare on 169 miles.

Matt With my sprained/twisted/mangled ankle, I'm declaring no running from me for a while (heard that before), so I will be reading your progress with an element of jealousy and frustration for a while, so please make it worthwhile and go and have fun! Go get your mojo and run your socks off!

Morning Run

From Graham: 20 mile run with these boys this morning!


10 Miler and 5 Miler

Planning ahead and trying to include fun facts and an interesting momento .. This I believe will be allowed as a " Hat " qualifying opportunity subject to proof of run etc. 10 Miler for your Hat/ Top up your other runs LeJog etc .. Saturday 1st August is Natiional Swiss Day Swiss National Day is the national holiday of Switzerland, set on 1 August. Although the founding of the Swiss Confederacy was first celebrated on this date in 1891 and annually since 1899, it has only been an official holiday since 1994.

5 Miler for your hat ...Don't go to for Baltonsborough 5 ( 31st Aug) Do Trinidad and Tobago 5 miler instead. Again can qualify for hat if you meet guidelines , proof of run etc. Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act 1962 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that granted independence to Trinidad and Tobago with effect from 31 August 1962. The Act also provided for the granting of a new Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago to take effect upon independence.

Independence Day mile challenge

From Libby: Virtual Portland 10 miles completed today and Colmers Hill 10K yesterday - I wasn’t sure if you could do two in one weekend? But I gave it a go for fun anyway!

From Sue: Confused of South Petherton, normally run in kilometres, changed watch to miles and just couldn't cope, luckily I ran local roman mile. Kevin DOHERTY

From Casper: My fast mile effort Kevin Doherty ! 6.24. New PB for me.

Dave Stanfield: My mile effort... for those of you who are observant, yes, it was mostly downhill... not all of it

Claire Church: Kevin’s 4th July fastest mile challenge. 2 mile warm up (plod!) 3rd mile fastest, 1.5 mile jog home! Thanks for keeping us motivated Kevin!

From Lindsay: YTRRC 1 Mile Challenge done. Considering I did a half hour yoga blast with Rachael Gillies before I went out, which was alot of leg work, I'm happy with my fastest mile being 7.49 woo hoo!! Big thank to Kevin Doherty for organising another challenge

From Deb: 4th July Fastest Mile - it’s fast for me at the moment!! Managed to run it all and not trip over - win win for me Thanks

Kevin Doherty  for the challenge it was good to get the legs moving I did do the warm up and cool down as well.

Nick Cox: Squeezed a slightly faster mile in during my run

From Anita: This morning I stupidly decided to incorporate the fast mile 4th July challenge set by Kev with the virtual 10 mile Portland for my hat. Thanks Lesley for reminder. It’s the first time garmin has let me down, just as well I noticed it had stopped and thankfully didn’t delete the info!

From Lesley: Kevin's 4th July challenge completed - 1 mile as fast as you can followed by 3 miles cool down. Well done Helen on her 06:44 fast mile. Thanks to Kevin for organising another great challenge. A great opportunity for me to wear my 401 USA challenge t-shirt


From Gav: Virtual Portland 10 miler for mini slam hat. Fitted in nicely with my VLM training plan. Thanks for the prompt Lesley.


From James: Kevin Doherty ’s 4th July Run - 1 mile PB of 6:16 apparently - it was nice to run at Steve Lye  pace - thanks for organising Kev!

From Kat: 1 Mile challenge ...... did a mile warm up then went for it, feel now that maybe I could of done better, so something to work on as a bit of future speed training. Next 3 miles very steady doing the usual poo stop, stick throwing and today falling out with irresponsible dog walker whose dog decided to take a dislike to mine!! Sorry no photo, tho it would be pretty much the same as the last, in club shirt with pooch.

From Steve: Club challenge- 1 mile warm up, 1 mile fast, 3 miles recovering. Great little challenge and something different to keep the motivation going. Happy with my 2nd mile at sub 6 mins as 50+ mile weeks for the LEJOG challenge are taking there toll now! Good luck everyone.

From Richard: YTRRC 4th July 1+3 challenge. 1 mile WU, PB of 6.47 for 1 mile hard, 3 miles recovery. Great challenge again for the club, thanks

Kevin Doherty

From Nat: Kevin Doherty, this is my fastest mile in with my 8 miles , wow that was hard today

Bungy: Legs are just slow for a fast mile due to LEJOG but fastest today was 7:40, cheer Kev

Jo Henley: YTRRC 1 Mile Challenge done. Considering I did 22 miles yesterday & PE with Joe before I went out, got to be happier that I can even do a slightly faster mile!! Big thank I you to

Linda Membury who was a great support & encouragement all the way around.


From Anita: A great social distancing run with Lynne, Tara and Joanna this morning. Longest distance for many months for both Jo and me. And it just got me over the halfway point in my LEJOG challenge (442/874 in 60 days) so all downhill now I gather.


From Tim and Sharon:  Completed the Portland 10 miler and added more miles to RATW and Hope 24. Decided to run to Monty and back via Ninesprings. A lovely breeze and sunshine. Lots of swearing from Sharon but she completed it.

From Richard: Virtual Portland 10 mile done, socially with Robert Adams,  Yunmi Jang , James Hutt  and Ru in the buggy!

From Marie: Decided to incorporate the fast mile 4th July challenge into my virtual Portland 10 mile for club hat. Fastest mile could only happen on mile 4 as took a while for painful leg to settle. ( hope this still counts!) anyway fastest mile 8.48 which nearly killed me.

From Taryn: virtual Portland 10 miler and a hat I think.

From Nick: Portland virtual 10+ Cheeky little half with a mile popped in the middle 8.37

From Lesley: Virtual Portland 10 miles done. Grand slam hat races now all completed.

British Masters Virtual relay 5k results 

From Lesley: 

Final results for British Masters Virtual relay 5k results for my Age Category W65-74 - 10th out of 41. Overall I was 2,702 out of 4,131. Another good lockdown challenge complete! I know I've missed the blog this week, so maybe one for next week Bungy.

Place Points Name Category Team Performance
2155 - Anna Garnier W65 HW 22:30
2171 - Shirley Oglesby W65 EHHAC 22:34
2256 - Chris Naylor W65 ARE80 22:50
2304 22:59 Dorothy Kesterton W65 STEEL 22:59
2342 - Ann White W65 GARS 23:08
2434 23:36 Joy Radford W65 WADAC 23:36
2598 24:20 Patricia Anne Goodall W65 TOTLY 24:20
2616 - Hilda Ann Coulsey W65 ILKH 24:27
2648 24:35 Yvonne Twelvetree W65 TOTLY 24:35
2702 - Lesley Nesbitt W65 YEOVL 24:53
2799 25:32 Jan Forrester W65 MATLK 25:32
2803 25:33 Shirley Dyson-Laurie W65 WADAC 25:33
2854 25:59 Kate Waddicor W65 STEEL 25:59
2878 26:08 Margaret Cook W65 ROUND 26:08
2884 26:09 Toni McQueen W65 READR 26:09
2915 26:24 Carol Beattie W65 STEEL 26:24
2935 26:36 Anne Wilson W65 KINRR 26:36
2961 26:52 Barbara Brown W65 WOLDV 26:52
2962 26:53 Goodwin Gillian W65 WADAC 26:53
2976 - Helen Eberlin W70 STEEL 27:04
3004 - Fi Han Bromilow W65 MMK 27:20
3030 27:38 Alison Houston W65 KINRR 27:38
3064 - Flora Brooke W65 DORSD 28:07
3069 28:11 Jane Morley W65 WOLDV 28:11
3081 - Heather Allen W70 HARTR 28:20
3087 28:28 Rita Dykes W70 READR 28:28
3137 29:12 Linda Evans W65 HPP 29:12
3140 29:15 Tessa Jackson W65 MATLK 29:15
3164 29:37 Shelagh Hopkinson W65 BAILR 29:37
3180 29:58 Susan Coates W70 BAILR 29:58
3192 30:21 Ann Armistead W70 MATLK 30:21
3207 30:59 Allison Smith W65 KINRR 30:59
3213 31:30 Elinor Newhouse W65 BAILR 31:30
3227 32:03 Susan Green W65 WOLDV 32:03
3228 - Jackie Walters W70 BAILR 32:06
3239 32:36 Maureen Coffey W70 ROUND 32:36
3241 32:38 Christine Oldfield W75 HPP 32:38
3250 33:35 Sally Rhodes W65 TOTLY 33:35
3259 34:22 Cecilia Csemiczky W70 READR 34:22
3261 34:28 Anne Lewis W75 ROUND 34:28
3271 38:08 Sandra Poole W75 HPP

Released On 5th Jul 2020

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