Last Days for a Hat

Last Days for a Hat

Released On 12th Oct 2024

Weymouth 10M 

From Ann: Last championship race for a large group of us doing the 10 mile weymouth run ,and what a run it was the weather was perfect and the course is one I will definitely do again even with us doing a double lap at bowleaze cove with a lovely hill to do and through the holiday park ,there was some very stunning views and 50 marshals supporting you along the way and what a great team they were spuring you the whole way around . There were around 22 of us doing it all for a hat and Eleanor Ellie Damon turned up with two minutes to spare before we were of and carol Gill even managed to shave of two minutes of her personal best for the weymouth 10 miler. Every team member done amazing ,you should all be very proud of your self's what an amazing team Yeovil Town RRC are.

From Beryl:  I have finally recovered (slightly) to give update on the Weymouth 10 run. As you can see from selfie medal pic, I barely made it!!!

Having gathered near the start line for the YTRRC group photo, I started near the front. It wasn’t long before all the white and green vest sped passed. I plodded along the flat promenade whilst dreading the Bowleaze hill. 2 miles later, my worst nightmare materialised! I took advice from Lindsay and Lesley and walked up the hill to preserve energy. Up and over then pelted down the other side (not!). After a while we turned left into a Holiday Park, zig zagged through the holiday homes. At the back of the holiday park there was a left turn onto a gravelly path. The water station was ahead. There was a bit of misunderstanding with the drinks handlers and I ended up throwing the cup of water over my face instead of drinking it!! Arrrgh! Anyway, onward I go, dodging the puddles and loose bricks on the path. Soon we were back on the pavement, heading down towards the Bowleaze junction. I forgot to mention, at this point, half the runners were already heading back to the finish line after completing the two loops around Bowleaze. I was so tempted to join the elite and head back down the promenade but image of the cap flashed before my eyes and I turn left back up Bowleaze hill. Second time round I managed to grab a drink without soaking myself. I was feeling ok when I got to the Bowleaze junction again. 2 miles to the finish line. I can do this. And this is when my legs lost it. I just couldn’t lift them anymore. Remembering Alison’s training, I walked to a lampost and ran to a lampost. Thank goodness there was a lot of lampost along the promenade!!! My heart sank when it hit 2 hour and I still had a mile to go. I was secretly hoping for a sub 2hr! Anyway, I’m just glad I made it back before cut off time.

Burnham on Sea Half

From Margarita: After yesterday's parkrun fun Joanna Samuel picked me up again this morning and we went over to collect Rob for the Burnham-on-Sea Half Marathon 2024. A cold start, we met a few other Yeovilites there, including Lindsay Saunders and Stephen Warren, most were at other races including Weymouth 10 and Bournemouth Half. After we all decided how many layers to wear, Robert Adams just chose his vest top and as we all looked at him cold we started the race. A lap around the field, then out to the open roads, 5km on the main road before we reached the undulating, windy back roads, then back in for another lap of the field and over the finish. As I was the last Yeovil over the line, I can't comment where everyone came but I'm sure they all looked good finishing . A few of us stayed for the presentation and cheesy chips, a good morning had by all. Thanks for driving Jo.

Club 2025 Calendar

I hope to do another Calendar for 2025, It takes time to complete the dates with club runs, pub runs and other events and then try to add some photographs as well, another issue is all the photo are from Facebook so the resolution is not so good but the end results form the last ones I did were okay. As for the cost I wait until I get the 50% off and then order, £20 ish I think. I have started with Jan and Feb and will crack on over the next few days. If it comes off I will post on here and also through email to see who wants one.


Weekend Running

From Natasha:  With a lot of our usual Sunday gang off doing various races today, I asked the question if others were doing the run from goldenstones in the hope that someone would offer to join me and I was not going to be running solo. There were 7 of us (plus honey) in the end on what was a chillier than normal run to Trent and Mudford. Some of the more elite among us choosing to do extra miles either before or after . Nice route, led by Tim, with not a wrong turning made and the same number returned that started, thanks all for great company

***Warning** dodgy selfie ahead.

Park Runs

From Jo:  When you are chasing down the letters of the alphabet for your Parkrun challenge, who cares that we were at Newport parkrun last week, back to Newport we went this week for our “R” at the Riverfront parkrun. This is a great flat out & back course so we all posted speedy times, including Margarita Moore who got a PB . The sunshine came out eventually after we had had the inevitable breakfast but luckily despite the rain as we drove there, it was fairly warm, dry & bright for our run. Oh, & all the signs are in Welsh #gavinandstacey.

From Helen: Frogmary Parkrun this morning, we were lucky the rain had stopped and sun shone.

From Adam: Our first German Park Run - Leinpfad parkrun - Merzig. Lovely flat course around a park, lake and small zoo, then along the river. Wonderful really welcoming people with coffee and cake at the finish! Very social time in a local cafe after.


From Mark:  A great run tonight planned and led by Sue.

It must have been a lapse of concentration on my behalf. I didn’t spot that we had crossed the A303 and were running through Over Stratton. I assumed the street of houses we were running along was still somewhere in South Petherton. Getting confused like this adds to the fun.

The group of seven (Sue, Elie, Kelly, Babs, Louise, Deana, and myself), led by Sue, left the pub, and ran south westwards past Broadmead. We turned left and continued through Moor. Turning right I thought we were heading back into South Petherton, but we had actually crossed the A303 and were heading into Watergore, hence my confusion. Turning left and right we ran into Over Stratton. Turning left we ran along the Roman road through Yeabridge and turned right at the end. We passed the mill at Drayton, which is where I suddenly knew where I was. We stopped at the end junction and admired the sunset views. Ham Hill and Chiselborough were over to our east. We continued the loop to Wigborough and Lower Stratton. Turning left we continued along South Harp and back into Over Stratton. We passed the pub and ran back up to Watergore. The last leg was back over the A303, and down into South Petherton.

Thanks Sue for a great run. The route was all familiar ground, but losing concentration turned part of it into a bit of a mystery run.

Thanks Phil for organising. The pub meal afterwards was good.

Thursday Hill Reps

From Tim: 11 turned up waiting on a street corner waiting for the hill queen but it was a no show from Jo, she had to work, then there was a groan as Tim stepped out of his van saying follow me. They followed on a mile lap through the football ground looking for a good hill. Cries of “please be gentle Tim we did the Muddy BHAM 10k” all fell on Tim deaf ears. He was heading for one of his favourite hills, Thorn Coffin. Down we went to the bottom, passed the barrier. On the first rise we carried out 3 x 15 second then 3 x 30 second reps for a warmup before heading up the steeper bit to do more 3 x 15 second reps disturbing the resident badger who trotted off in a huff. We then carried on up the hill back to do a cool down loop of the industrial estate. Thanks all for an enjoyable run. Jo should be back next week.

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